Saturday, September 21, 2024

33 kilovolt Muchinji-Chipata power line commissioned


Minister of Energy Mathews Nkhuwa confers with World Bank Practice Manager, Energy and Extractives, Africa Wendy Hughes

Minister of Energy Mathew Nkhuwa has commissioned.

Speaking during the commissioning ceremony of the power line today, Mr Nkhuwa said the development will not only benefit Zambia but also neighbouring countries, especially in areas where financial resources are scarce.

The project is targeted to supply Malawi with 20 Megawatts of power in order to mitigate the power deficit has continued being experienced in that region.

He said the shared grid will further attract investors from both Malawi and Zambia, which is intended to cater for the increasing populations.

Mr Nkhuwa notes that the connection of electricity will be also be beneficial to nearby schools, clinics and villages, in order to help reduce inequalities between rural and urban areas.

“Easy access to electricity also has power to reduce the gender inequalities in society owing to various roles that men and women must play in their daily lives,” he said.

And Malawian Minister of Natural Resources, Energy and Mining Aggrey Masi has commended the Zambian government for assisting his country towards reducing load-shedding.

“As you are aware, Malawi has been facing serious power shortages during the past seven years. This problem resulted from a number of factors both natural and man-made. I greatly excited to see this project coming to fruition,” he said.

Meanwhile, ZESCO Managing Director Victor Mundende said the Malawian government through Electricity Supply Corporation of Malawi (ESCOM) made a capital contribution of $548,100 towards the construction of the line to Mwami border.

Mr Mundende said the scope of works included the construction of the 35 kilometres of 33 kilovolt overhead line from Chipata West into Muchinji and the establishment of a switching station at the border.

Meanwhile ESCOM Chief Executive Officer Alexxon Chiwaya said his company looks forward to engaging ZESCO in future power supply projects.

Dr Chiwaya said ESCOM is effectively working to address the current power challenges being experienced in Malawi.


  1. Instead of connecting Lundazi and Chama districts to the national grid since they import electricity from Malawi you are busy connecting Malawi.What is the logic behind ba ZESCO? What is $548,100 which not even ZESCO Football Club use that amount in year?

    • Zesco is in the process or has already connected Lundazi and Chama to the national greed. I say so cos this project was started a long time ago.

    • “I say so cos this project was started a long time ago”.So why not commissioning it since it started long time ago than that Chipata-Muchinji thing?

  2. Muyombe is about to be connected to Malawi almost all the poles have been erected now with the deficit Malawi is facing are they going to supply Zambia?

  3. We pray that ZESCO will also consider to extend power along a stretch of about 8-9 km from Chipata District Hospital, along the Great East Rd. Power supply along this sector will open up development of farming to supply agricultural produce to the fast growing City of Chipata. In this regard, Government can also engage the Rural Electrification Authority to support ZESCO.

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