Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Eastern Province signs MOU with Chinese Shandong Province


Chinese Shandong Province
Chinese Shandong Province

Eastern Province has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) of cooperation in agriculture, tourism and commerce with the Shandong Province of China.

The MOU which twins the two provinces, is expected to enhance Chinese investments in value addition in Eastern Province and the exchange of notes on best practices to grow the two economies for mutual benefits.

Acting Eastern Province Permanent Secretary Royd Tembo signed on behalf of the province while Director General of Shandong Provincial Foreign Affairs, Xue Qinggu signed on behalf of the Shandong Province at a ceremony witnessed by Eastern Province Minister Makebi Zulu and Shandong Vice Governor Ren Airong in Mambwe district yesterday.

Eastern Province Minister Makebi Zulu said the document is expected to see the two regions partnering in social and economic spheres to enhance growth.

Mr Zulu noted that the region has vast economic potential in agriculture and tourism which can be of benefit if it taps into the wealth of the Chinese province, to open up industries in value addition.

And Mr Zulu said the region is Zambia’s largest producer of cotton, tobacco, maize, groundnuts and soya beans, adding that the establishment of processing plants will therefore improve employment levels and grow the economy of the region.

He observed that both Eastern and Shandong Provinces are highly dependent on agriculture, saying Eastern Province can take some lessons on how Shandong which has a GDP of over USD 1 trillion managed to grow its economy.

Mr Zulu stated that the MOU also includes the exchange of notes in education and health.

He also noted that the province is a house to one of the world’s best wildlife sanctuaries in the SADC region and that there is need to take advantage of the Chinese population as it provides a huge market for the tourism sector.

The Provincial Minister however said there is need for more investments in lodges and hotels as the province does not have adequate accommodation to for the many international tourists who may wish to visit at the region.

And Shandong Province vice governor Ren Airong said matchmaking of Shandong and Eastern Province was ideal to meet the demands of investors in Shandong and the potential that lies in Eastern province of Zambia.

Ms Ren said her province has a number of industries that are involved in value addition and that could invest in the country’s agricultural sector.

She noted that Shandong is a powerhouse of education with 145 higher learning facilities and more than 200 vocational schools saying it has professionals who have the capacity to help improve the sectors of education and tourism in Eastern Zambia.

She added that Shandong Province already has a solid foundation with Eastern Province as a Chinese firm was established, and specialised in the processing of cotton in Chipata district.

Ms Ren said China Africa cotton is evidence of the Chinese investment in the region.


  1. Very good ,our eastern province will now hyper -develop like the picture above and y’all can keep your vastly messed up Lusaka. Our city Chipata will be a world class boomtown.

    • Chipata is about to be the most advanced and beautiful town. So its the cleanest town.

      The Chipata Chamber of Commerce has been the most hard-working chamber among all the provincial headquarters.

      Daughters and sons from Chipata who have made it in the big cities have always invested back home. The same can be said about Kasama.

      ** Unlike Western Province where the “Rich Lozi People” are not so proud to develop Mongu.

      You cannot wait on government to develop your back yard all the time.

    • @HaLombe, you Ha right! The power project from Maamba, Rehab of Kariba, new Airport in Livingstone, bus stations in Livingstone and Itezhi Tezhi, hotels, conference centers, joint power project with Zimbabwe, new Choma projects are all situated in the dung brain compartment of HH’s medula oblangata! So are the most expensive road Mongu Kalabo road! UPND is a TRIBAL PARTY that is why it is UNELECTABLE!

  2. Wow ,for a split second i thought Lusaka had magically grown fabulous riches and skyline.With Lungu it’ll be near impossible to grow decent Zambian cities or drive our poor GDP to some healthy $400bn

  3. You can now forget complaining, even this corrupt theif is advising you to be ready to be over run by Chinese, he is selling everything … the next 5 to 10 years you will have atleast 17 million Zambian citizens of Chinese origin……….

    Just start preparing your daughters and grandaugters in ways of how to pleas Chinese men…..

  4. Make sure you store enough doom for the cockroaches in case they inflate our kitchens looking for food especially smoked rats….

  5. #5 wa Zamani, because they are innovative and resilient while trib.als all they know is taking us backwards. You know upnd and their manifesto don’t you?

  6. I am beginning to appreciate these roaches, I nearly fell to the fake news by trib.als.
    Just realised that roaches are far much better than trib.als and will now target my Doom insecticide to trib.als and leave roaches alone….serious!!

  7. #7 Big man, can you compare Chipata to Dundumwezi? Give it five years and the picture you have seen above will be Chipata while capital will remain a village. Too much development.

  8. Now let me read what Hacks has said about his MPs, I know it can only be and nothing else but all the same let me read.

  9. Compared to other African countries Zambia has a very sparse population per land mass and is rich in resources and climate, the chinese know this.

    After lungu sells everything, the only thing left is let unchecked Chinese immigration into Zambia. That is the last bargaining chip.

    The Chinese also know 20 million unemployed Chinese they can send to Zambia is 20 million more individuals sending money back to China.

    You can be guaranteed in 5 to 10 years time the population of Zambian Chinese will be approaching the same level as indginous Zambians.

    The Chinese know there is an empty land mass called chambia that is being sold by a corrupt leadership and 20 million of their unemployed are of better use in chambia… ready to be the first African country to have Chinese…

    • ….be ready to be the first African country to have Chinese extracts as the ruling class….

      Just make sure your soon to be over run cultural traditions are well documented to be shown as history in museums……

  10. You see lungu is not a nationalist and knows if he does not get Chinese financing for PF elections he will end up in jail.

    He would avoid jail at all costs for Chinese financing and selling of Zambia.

    Unchecked Chinese immigration is the last chip lungu is selling.
    He has even warned you to forget fighting Chinese takeovers.

    The Chinese have learned from the British how to take over countries deemed low population , flood the place with immigrants. As happened in Australia, the USA and Canada.

    Lungu has even warned you.

  11. Yaaayaya!!! ZamChina. Ni so cabe nanga ticite bwanji. The only thing I can do personally is to quickly dash there (Eastern Prov) and get up close to these Chinese because I know there is gold, emeralds, abundant wildlife (Ivory).
    I’m those Chinese coming to Eastern prov hav already looked at those areas and they are coming for sure. Go Zambia Go!!

  12. An all-weather tarred road from Mambwe linking through Mfuwe, Nyamalalu in Chief Malama’s area via the new District of Lusangazi up to Petauke, will enhance the full development of TOURISM to tap on the vast animal diversity of the South Luangwa National Park. Add to this a planned railway line and a service road to run from Chipata via Petauke up to Serenje will translate into a boost for agricultural development in Zambia and the SADC Region.

  13. An all-weather tarred road from Mambwe linking through Mfuwe, Nyamaluma in Chief Malama’s area via the new District of Lusangazi up to Petauke, will enhance the full development of TOURISM to tap on the vast animal diversity of the South Luangwa National Park. Add to this a planned railway line and a service road to run from Chipata via Petauke up to Serenje will translate into a boost for agricultural development in Zambia and the SADC Region.

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