Wednesday, February 12, 2025

The Keep Zambia Clean, green and health campaign must me and PF government-President Lungu


President Edgar Lungu cleaning during the Cavendish University Keep Zambia Clean, Health and Green at Kafue Roundabout
President Edgar Lungu cleaning during the Cavendish University Keep Zambia Clean, Health and Green at Kafue Roundabout

President Edgar Lungu is concerned that some politicians are still politicking since the last general elections in 2016 instead of embracing concerted efforts to take the country forward. President Lungu said that Zambia’s interests are bigger than anybody and must prevail above self-ambitions.

The President also also called on Zambians to stop tearing one another apart and uphold national unity.

President Lungu was speaking in Lusaka today during the Cavendish University Zambia Keeping Zambia -clean, green and health Campaign Cleaning Exercise at Lusaka’s Down Town Area.

President Lungu emphasized that the Keep Zambia Clean, green and health campaign must outlive him and the Patriotic Front government.

At the same function Local Government Minister Vincent Mwale praised President Lungu for actively spearheading the campaign. Mr. Mwale observed that the President is always available at several Keep Zambia Clean, green and health campaign -cleaning exercises.

Meanwhile Lusaka Province Minister Bowman Lusambo was delighted that Zambians including the private sector are embracing the campaign.

And Cavendish University Zambia -Vice Chancellor Kalombo Mwansa reaffirmed his institution’s commitment to participate regularly in the Keep Zambian Clean campaign-cleaning exercises.

President Edgar Lungu cleaning during the Cavendish University Keep Zambia Clean, Health and Green at Kafue Roundabout
President Edgar Lungu cleaning during the Cavendish University Keep Zambia Clean, Health and Green at Kafue Roundabout
Lusaka Province Minister Bowman Lusambo and Minister of Health Chitalu Chilufya cleaning during the Cavendish University Keep Zambia Clean, Health and Green at Kafue Roundabout
Lusaka Province Minister Bowman Lusambo and Minister of Health Chitalu Chilufya cleaning during the Cavendish University Keep Zambia Clean, Health and Green at Kafue Roundabout
President Edgar Lungu and Minister of Health Chitalu Chilufya cleaning during the Cavendish University Keep Zambia Clean, Health and Green at Kafue Roundabout
President Edgar Lungu and Minister of Health Chitalu Chilufya cleaning during the Cavendish University Keep Zambia Clean, Health and Green at Kafue Roundabout
Cavendish University Vice Chancellor Dr. Kalombo Mwansa flanked by Cavendish University Council Chairperson Dr. Overs Banda confers with President Edgar Lungu during the Cavendish University Keep Zambia Clean, Health and Green at Kafue Roundabout
Cavendish University Vice Chancellor Dr. Kalombo Mwansa flanked by Cavendish University Council Chairperson Dr. Overs Banda confers with President Edgar Lungu during the Cavendish University Keep Zambia Clean, Health and Green at Kafue Roundabout


  1. No matter how much you clean a place that is used for living or business. The dirt will resurface. The cleansing should start with a corrupt free goverance system. This will get more people off the streets as opportunities are equitably given and jobs increase domestically.

    • Where are the councils, Why should it take a president to clean up a country, Employer more people in councils and pay them well and all the dirt will dissappear but knowing EL , He is on doing it to win elections because that all he thinks about. Just look at his supporters on here they only talk about EL 2026 and HH loosing again intead of imploving the lives of oedinary Zambians.

    • It’s either he has a lot of time in his hands or it’s escapism at is best, the tendency to seek distraction and relief from unpleasant realities, especially by seeking entertainment or engaging in fantasy eg tripes, cleaning exercises, campaigns …

    • Imwe ba LT niyekuti bwanji headline yanu iyi kasi?
      The Keep Zambia Clean, green and health campaign must me and PF government-President Lungu
      These exam leaks! Yayi Mwe.

    • Good effort, but you need to create a working sanitation system in the country. Invest in that. If you don’t know what to do, ask Kagame. He’ll be more than willing to help you. Whatever investment funds you pour into a workable sanitation system will be recovered through increased tourism. People like to visit clean countries. Zambia is currently not among the cleanest countries in Africa. So invest in that, and when you do, you’ll not need these photo opportunities to try and fool the gullible. So clean up the country the right way.

    • “Mr Speaker, the Michael Chilufya Sata Toll Plaza has been constructed at a total cost of US$4.3 million inclusive of 16 percent value addition which is VAT and 5% contingency. The contract for the project was signed in July 2017 at which point the exchange rate between the United States Dollar and Kwacha was about US$1 to K8.9 contrary to assertions that the toll plaza cost K52 million. The true cost of the toll plaza in local currency is K38.27 million,” said Chitotela.

      “The cost breakdown is as follows; civil works US$1.8 million, building US$707 thousand, tolling systems, booths and equipment US$161,700, power supply and related installations US$270,573, signal lights systems and traffic control US$58,000, surveillance systems US$143 000, designs fees US$95,739, preliminaries and…

    • preliminaries and generals US$319, 130, VAT US$602,517, contingency US$159,659, bringing the total cost to US $4.3 million.”

      this crook justifying spending $4.5million by cooking up bogus number!!

    • Lungu and PF, stop playing games and put a proper sanitation system in place. If you don’t know how to do it, talk to Kagame. Invest in sanitation in the country, if you want more people to visit Zambia. Zambia currently ranks among the dirtiest countries in Africa. Why can’t you aim to make it the cleanest country in Africa? It’s hard work, but it pays off in the end, as you’ll have more tourists flocking to the country, and thus more revenue. And there’ll be no need for you to be doing all this photo ops. Wake up and clean the country properly. And you need to change from KEEP Zambia clean… to MAKE Zambia clean….because Zambia is not clean yet. You have to MAKE something clean first, before you can KEEP it clean.

  2. Lungu if only you had systems ,processes and institutional framework all working in tandem you wouldn’t need to do this micro management of using shovels to clean Zambia yourself. Good example from you though ,its still a positive step.

  3. Another photo oportunity for this tandem of theives …….instead of working towards making sure systems are in place for garbage collections , lungu and his gang award them selves hefty salary increases and to justify this , that is what they do…any opportunity for a photo to show they are working….useless pompwes….

    • An allowance for doing a clean up is better than pocketing $7 million after selling a state owned mine for $25 million. To make matters worse the same mine makes $500 million within one year of operating in Zambia and the Indian investor announces that he hit the jackpot in Zambia because our mine was undervalued and sold for peanuts by Akainde.
      To make matters worse the Kaponya took the money to Panama.

    • Mr. Kudos, how can one man, who is not even a president of the country, be allowed to do such damage? I mean why did the government of the day allow that? And why is he not in prison, if the government is convinced that he committed a crime during privatization? I’m not a UPND member, nor do I support HH for presidency. I’m not convinced that he would be any better than Lungu. But, at the same time, I try to be objective in the way I look at issues. If the government has a case against him, then they need to bring him to book. They need to open the case so the country can recover the funds. Otherwise, you’re just casting aspersions.

  4. He is humble and ready to take the country forward. Some people just don’t understand him. Spend some time with him and you will see he means well for the country.
    Some Panama thieves can’t even squat to lead by example. They expel their councillors who take part in the clean up. These Panama thieves only believe in witchcraft and sleeping at the graveyard with Chief Mukuni.

    • Take the country back to IMF you mean ??

      He might mean well but he is below pa, below standard.

      A leader who means well for the country makes sure systems are put in place so things work even without him, but lungu and his thugs only want photo opportunities to justify there high salaries

      Is he going to be cleaning every month ? What of when he is on holiday , who is going to clean ??

    • Leads by example in medicracy , we want to see him put systems in place for garbage collections, not this cheap political points of photo opportunities he is scoring…

    • Excuse Mr Bonehead, he knows nothing about leadership….he thinks cleaning an area that is by now dirty is leading by example what folly!!

    • Atase! leads by example was in the dark ages. Nowadays you lead by delegating to skilled management that you must ensure surrounds you. Do an MBA


  5. As I have said before and I REPEAT, WHY do PF leaders let dirt accumulate so much for the President to come and clean at the end of the month? What is the point of having a Local Government Ministry, a Local Council and still have filth accumulate that high for the entire HEAD OF STATE to come and clean.

    Do you PF cadres know how much in Salaries and Bonuses, not mentioning the allowances, we Zambians PAY the President? Please, we are not trying break a world record by having the highest paid CLEANER in the world!!! Stop it Please!!!

    Can Council and local Government start working. Put in a place a system that will ensure no such dirt accumulate. Let the President focus on what we pay him for: GROWING THE ECONOMY AND CREATING JOBS. NOT CLEANING THE DIRT Month in Month out…

    • Surely there is something wrong with the system that this so called the Humble One has put in place.

      The Humble One my Foot!!!!!

    • It is the lazy corrupt theif lungu as leader who is hopless, he needs to fire people.

      But this is now looking like a gimmick by lungu to deliberately not put systems in place so that he keeps getting photo opportunity to dupe the kaponyas that he is hard working….

  6. Lungu people are waking up to your gimmicks and are asking, Why are you not directing for systems to be put in place for garbage collection ???

    Is this on purpose to afford you cheap politicking and photos of a hard working president ??

  7. That`s the job the moron is supposed to be doing, the work suit suits the prick very well, instead of letting the imbac!le destroy our economy and fcuken put the country in debt

  8. Spaka and MMD Bootlicker have silenced Sunday Chanda ( Alias KUDOS). I enjoyed the lecture given to KUDOS.

    • @Only wise Zambian remnant, i don’t think the following have heard about you:
      Hon. Mr. Justice Martin Musaluke
      Hon. Lady Justice Hildah Chibomba
      Hon. Lady Justice Anne Sitali
      Hon. Lady Justice Mugeni Siwale-Mulenga
      Hon. Mr. Justice Palan Mulonda
      Hon. Lady Justice Margaret Munalula Hon. Mr. Justice Enock Mulembe. Just a friendly warning Wisey. Stop disrespecting the people with a monopoly of wisdom in Zambia my friend or they will lock you up

  9. MMD Chief bootlicker you are right I like your mindset we need people that can see the bigger picture if the president was working he would not need to go clean up dirt every time this practice of cleaning accumulating dirt every month shows his incompetence as a leader.

  10. What the president has just displayed is what is wrong with our country it’s the major reason we have not developed more than 50 years after independence with no wars or major problems but only poor management of the countries affairs. There so many things I would like to highlight starting with the so called PF development and how good looking it is but yet so flawed .I believe Zambia is the way it is now because of us the people we don’t participate in politics the way we should we need sanity in Zambian politics we have been brainwashed for too long…..[( to be continued )]……

  11. Lungu may have the country at heart as kudos puts it, but the man is hopless as a president , for how long has he been cleaning without making sure systems for garbage collection are in place ?

    Accepting lungu because he is humble and nice is like accepting and continuing to pay for a private tutor who you know is hopless for your child just because he is nice and humble….

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