Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Cheating among university students worry ZANASU


Exams at UNZA
Exams at UNZA

The Zambia National Students Union has commended management at various institutions of higher learning who have worked round the clock to maintain the sanctity of examinations by not allowing cheating by some students.

ZANASU Information and Publicity Assa Williey says the Union is aware that the Zambia Institute of Advanced Legal Education (ZIALE) and the University of Zambia (UNZA) disqualified 3 and 12 students, respectively, for cheating.

Ms. Williey said in some cases, students went into examination rooms with materials disguised on their smart phones.

“Our position is that students do not deserve to cheat during examination. The practice of cheating has a potential to contribute towards lowering the quality of our higher education. And this is why we commend those administrators in these public institutions for being vigilant”, She said.

Ms. Williey said the Union is also alive to the fact that Zambias education system is tailored to merely make students pass examinations but not to produce hands-on, skilled and competent graduates.

She said under such a system, students get the temptation to look for leakages in order to pass examinations and these are some of the issues ZANASU has submitted to the National Assembly of Zambia and will closely be following up on.

And Ms. Williey expressed sadness that 665 students from the University of Zambia missed examinations due to failure to pay fees.

She said the pattern is the same with many of Zambia’s public and private institutions including the Zambia Institute of Mass Communication Education Trust.

“It is sad that administrators of public-owned institutions of higher learning such as UNZA and ZAMCOM can make life difficult for poor students. The provision of higher education through public higher learning institutions was meant to ensure equity in society where students coming from poor families and marginalised students should be able to find refuge in the attainment of higher education”, Ms. Williey has said.

She has since asked Government and members of Parliament to step in and remedy the situation where students are turned away from taking examinations but instead device a suitable mechanism to deal with such situation where students fail to meet the deadlines for payment of fees.


  1. Cheating not only in examinations has become part of fabric life in Zambia. Cheating and corruption is now a way of life and it has been embraced and accepted by society. look at the fraud in general elections, judicial decisions, government contracts and expenditure of public fund. The country is now reeling with a public debt of $20 billion of which 75% has been stolen.

  2. As long as the cheating in high offices continues, there is nothing that will be done in these institutions. How can a Minister of Education solve such a problem when her election was marred with corruption only to be assisted by a corrupt court. How can the Republican President fight corruption when his election was questionable and made sure the courts concealed all the information so that nothing could be heard? In simpler terms, as long as the politicians are stealing votes, we need to leave the small boys and girls also to steal results through leakages. If we want leakages to end, let the politicians be straight. It is, in fact, the children of the corrupt politicians who pay huge fees to the poor teacher to give them leakages. Shame on our leaders for failing to lead the country.

  3. Our universities are truly producing half baked graduates. No wonder many fail at ZIALE. Just look at how exams are conducted even with universities as ZAOU where i wrote my final exam. My friends were going in rooms with phones, not searched at all. Friends get into exam room with materials written on them. What do u expect of these

    • U lost my brother. Sure u been passing exams with cheating. Zaou has its own problems and deficiencies but they try. Best students, best 2018 union and best managers.

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