Friday, March 7, 2025

Five people die in a Road Traffic Accident involving six motor vehicles


Five people have died in a Road Traffic Accident which occurred today on 19th December, 2018 at 0640 hours at Dallas area North of Mazabuka town along great north road involving six motor vehicles leaving three others with serious injuries.

Involved in the accident was a Hino truck registration number FR 96 CD GP driven from south to North by Chari Charles aged 54 of South Africa , a Volvo truck registration number ABX 8247 towing a trailer registration number ALR 7391T being driven from north to south by Emmanuel Chimbipa aged 34 of Chikumbi area in Kabwe and a Toyota Noah registration number BAH 9525 being driven from south to north by Emmanuel Daka.

Others were a Nissan registration number BX 88 XM gp driven from south to north by Odycious Hamweemba aged 48 year of Kakumbi site and service, a Benz light truck registration number BY 97 GR gp towing a trailer registration number CM 64 XG GP and a Toyota Alphard registration number BAH 1786 driven by Emelia Mbewe Thokozani aged 26 years of Chelston from north to south.

Police Spokesperson Esther Katongo said the accident happened when the driver of the Hino Truck, due to high speed lost control of the motor vehicle and in the process hit into a Volvo truck which was coming from the opposite direction, proceeded to hit in the other three motor vehicles from the rear which made the driver of the Toyota Noah to lose control and over turned.

Mrs. Katongo explained that after the accident, four persons sustained head injuries and died on the spot while the driver of Noah identified as Emmanuel Daka aged 40 years of Hill side Mazabuka sustained a fractured neck and died on the way to the hospital.

She said all the bodies of the deceased, whose names have been withheld until their next of kin are informed, have been deposited in Mazabuka District Hospital mortuary awaiting postmortem.


    • Dear Lusaka Times, please refrain from publishing such shocking and gruesome pictures. Or atleast put a warning saying images are disturbing. It’s highly unprofessional and insensitive to just publish blood and gore.

    • Additionally, what kind of human being takes picture of such gore? How do you even find the time? Instead of trying to help or calling an ambulance or police you are taking pictures? Have you no heart? have you no decency? have you no compassion? No respect for the affected families? Have you no fear of God?

    • Some of these accidents are intentional, staged for by photo “journalist”. You LT & Tuumfweko are always present before ambulance.
      What a Zambia.

    • @1.4 Journey man, I understand your comments @1.3 but here @1.4 it is difficult to agree with you since there are no accident victims in the picture. The person who photographed this might have gone on the scene much later!!

    • Esteemed friends in the LT editorial leadership,

      Kindly find wisdom in your soul to censor out some of these Horrible Graphics from Car crashes. They cross some ethical lines. While the report is necessary, Graphics of this kind are not.

      Thank you for always keeping us informed.

  1. This website has lost it too. Pictures like that really?
    No respect of the suffering, no morals, no ethics, no decency.

    • My friend, just because you are anonymous, on this website doesn’t mean you should speak so wickedly. Both you and i dont support HH, but how can you start politicizing such a horrific tragedy? Beware lest God repays your wickedness. Repent while you can. God’s eye is on you. Make no mistake.
      Is this what politics in Zambia has come to? Where we lose all sense of morality or decency simply because we want to gain some political mileage and demonize our opponents? It is this kind of politics that leads to genocide. No respect for human life. No sensitivity to the suffering of others.

  2. There was no need to show pictures of the dead.

    This will just bring further discomfort to their relatives.

    May their souls rest in peace.

  3. Sad. I will not comment on this. I only comment on Sunday Chandas madness. I was looking out for him somewhere in the article but since he is not there I rest my case. Sorry for the accident

  4. Readers are very justified. In Journalism school you are riminded not to show ghastly pictures. Dead bodies and blood should not be shown graphically unless it is really really neccessary

  5. we should all know that it’s not the reporters fault,they have a heart just like you all have,dont judge them because of their work….and please it’s not like the bodies were there, and how do you expect people to know if atleast they do not inform you…don’t be griddy or too judgemental….

  6. We need Dual Carriage freeways immediately. Highway Patrol too. There are *****s on the Road, like the driver of the Hino Truck. Prayers for the families that have lost loved ones and the injured victims.

  7. Lusaka Times, could you please remove this graphical picture, get a police perspective camera shot, after all has been covered and investigated.

  8. Sad, tragic accident. But what is with publishing the names of the departed persons so quickly? Have the relatives been notified and accepted the same? What’s also with the habit of giving us the registration numbers of the vehicles – is that necessary? Too much information, too quickly and a breach of privacy, me thinks.
    We also seem to have perfected the heartless habit of taking photos of accidents with the gruesome deaths exhibited. No one seems versed in, nor interested in ways to help – nor do we have any proper visible emergency and rescue operations in place. Where are all the ambulances and fire & rescue agencies when these accidents happen?


  10. Comment:Rest in peace is all I can say. To all those bring politics in this I think you are desperate, keep quiet if you have no heart.

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