The Japanese government has given Zambia a grant worth 500 million Yen that will be used to buy modern equipment for the School of Veterinary at the University of Zambia.
Minister of Finance Margaret Mwanakatwe signed the agreement on behalf, while Japanese Ambassador to Zambia Hidenobe Sobashima signed on behalf of Japan.
President Edgar Lungu and his Japanese counterpart Shinzo Abe also witnessed the signing ceremony.
And speaking during a joint media conference, President Lungu said his visit to Japan has already yielded results as can be seen from the agreement signed that will benefit the University of Zambia.
He also announced that he has invited Mr Abe to visit Zambia at an opportune time.
President Lungu said the Japanese Prime minister has since accepted the invitation.
Meanwhile, Mr Abe said there is need to promote trade between Zambia and his country.
The Japanese Prime Minister said the Japanese government will continue giving support to Zambia in areas such as health and education.
He said Japan will also work with Zambia in various forums such as the United Nations and praised the Zambian government record of looking after refuges.

Meanwhile, President Edgar Lungu has said that his decision to meet Japanese investors in Tokyo is the sign that Zambia does not segregate investors.
The Head of state said that government will continue welcoming Foreign Direct Investment as long as it is aimed at benefiting the masses, adding that the Minister responsible for trade and commerce has been asked to help those that want to invest in different sectors of the economy.
Speaking when he addressed Zambian heads of public and private companies President Lungu challenged them to find business opportunities in Japan.
He said partnerships with big foreign firms will allow local companies to learn best practices and grow their businesses.
President Lungu said job creation requires concerted efforts hence his government’s decision to work with both private and public companies.
And speaking during the same meeting Redpath Country Director Anthony Kabaghe urged government to give more support to Zambia firms if they are to compete favourably.
Thank you, at least they are not tying it to concessions for our natural resources.
Put money in ZANACO, steal it, if Japanese find out, ask ZANACO to make a cheque back.
to produce good tasting dogs….
I wish they (japan) had instead bought and donated the equipment.
I am not faulting them for the grant
it’s really regrettable because these fools will pocket a huge chunk of the grand and only use 20% for the vet school.
this is enough money to improve the school so that it can actually translate actual tangible improvements that can be seen by all those involved in livestock.
but aba ba koswe all of them in the chain are already thinking how they can pocket it and finish their personal projects.
I wish they (japan) had instead bought and donated the equipment.
I am not faulting them for the grant
it’s really regrettable because these fools will pocket a huge chunk of the grand and only use 20% for the vet school.
this is enough money to improve the school so that it can actually translate actual tangible improvements that can be seen by all those involved in livestock.
but aba ba k $((oswe all of them in the chain are already thinking how they can pocket it and finish their personal projects.
lt be freaking serious.
are you pro pf?
why do you like blocking posts with real issues?
but you can post those grotesque pics of accident victims without any regard for the victims and their families.
but we try to post something expressing our opinions with no single curse word you block it. why?
waiting for moderation my a ss!
This is good news. The Vet School definitely needs modernization. Well done Presido
Oh please , what grant is this to celebrate about and waste Tax papers money burning fuel to go and witness this?
I mean who will supply this modern equipment? Answer Japan. Who manufactured this Equipment , again Answer Japan. Who will install this equipment, again Answer Japan. And who will train Zambians to use this equipment , again answer Japan.
And in the end all the 5 00 million yen stays in Japan. Zambia pays for its transportation and waste disposal.
And there is the Grant for you to celebrate about.
So, what is your suggestion besides sulking?
So must we wear frown when we are given support? Ungratefulness is worse than witchcraft.
No dignity in begging all the time and surviving on grants! What Japan is telling you is to start respecting your Kachemas by ensuring good support to them through improved Vet Services! Can we have a truly business-minded person to run this Vet school so that it becomes self-sustaining! It’s shocking and embarrassing to see how malnourished UNZA cows look! Don’t you know the secret of Urea / Salt lick for the Dry Months?
If the Minister of Tourism does not see value in conserving and protecting wildlife, what good will this grant be to Zambia? We have Trophy Hunters from Dallas Safari Club, Safari Club International and Big Game Hunt in Zambia, depleting our natural resources while ministers prosper from “Blood Money.” $85,000 to shoot and kill an elephant for fun as a trophy and the head is shipped abroad to be mounted in a convention centre to further generate revenue and boost their economy by profiting off our wildlife. We have street dogs authorized to be shot by councillors with no knowledge in how to keep their populations down who do it the easy way. This money will end up in ministers pockets!
Same thing all the time perpetuate begging….
Hopefully it will get where it is going maba pompwe aba, Japan should have bought the equipment and not give funds, to many long fingers in govt
“….President Lungu said his visit to Japan has already yielded results as can be seen from the agreement signed that will benefit the University of Zambia….”
Shamless beggars …..24/7 , north pole to South pole, equator round begging and looking for handouts.
Meanwhile a ndola council has sold public land outright to build shopping malls instead of borrowing to build the shopping complex then rent it out….for the future of the community after a time the community owns the shopping malls….not this PF GRZ if beggars and theives , …..
How can Lungu say that his visit has already yielded results. I mean who doesn’t know that Japan has been involved in the running of Veterinary School at UNZA from its inception (1983). Japan through Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) is the actual owner of the Vet School at UNZA. Don’t be surprised when you hear Japanese being spoken at Vet School. People like Dr. K. Choongo, Prof A.S. Mweene, Prof B. M Hang’ombe, Dr. K. S. Nalubamba. Dr. W. Muleya, Dr. M. Syakalima have all benefited from JICA grants. There is no degree holder at Vet School who has not studied or visited Japan.
So really what is Lungu telling the Zambians, is he saying that Japan has started giving grants to Vet School because of him. KK must smiling at these sentiments.
The Japanese are simply laughing at his ignorance and laziness!!
Lungu’s toxic begging culture kwantinues.
@ Macgyver … my exact thoughts and prevailing facts. The vet school has been under the support of the Japanese from the Kaunda days – infrastructure, equipment, staff development, training etc. Nothing new here, except someone trying to ‘gain accolades’ for what has been an arrangement from the yesteryear’s.
JICA also invested heavily in inter-school games for secondary in the 90s and even sent over Science teachers from Japan…The Japanese assist you so you can grow and support yourselves whilst the Chinks encourage you to borrow and steal for pointless things knowing too well that you can not pay so its easier for them grab your assets when you default.
This fooooool Edgar thinks getting charity is an achievement as he is downright lazy and has no pride like his cadres waiting for jobs and govt contracts!!
So the moment these donors stop giving us aid, we are finished. Won’t this country totally collapse? My foot!
That is about US $4.5m just enough to build a toll gate like Micheal Chilufya Sata in Ndola.
That grant better go through JICA and not these thieves in government coz bakashilya
¥500,000,000 is about $1 million. Chances are that this trip between 30% to more than this money.
exchange rate is $1 to 112 yen
Bamukulu dont enter into that money
Its 4 vet.skul