Thursday, March 13, 2025

Laura Miti, Pilato and other protestors acquitted


The six acquited protestors with lawyer Keith Mweemba celebrating outside the Magistrate Court.

Activists Laura Miti along with musician Pilato and four other protestors have been acquitted by the Lusaka Magistrate Court.

In September 2017,police in Lusaka arrested Alliance for Community Action Director Laura Miti, opposition PeP president Sean Tembo, singer Pilato and other protesters who had gathered to protest against the procurement of 42 fire tenders.

They were apprehended and arrested for demanding answers over the 42 fire tenders that cost US$42 million at Parliament.

Upon arrest the protestors lamented that in a functioning democracy, no one should and would be arrested for demanding answers from those entrusted with governing our resources.

They were charged with the offence of “disobeying lawful orders” contrary to clause 127 Cap 87 of the laws of Zambia.

However, Magistrate Mwaka Mikalile ruled that citizens have the right to assemble.Magistrate Mikalile stated that the Police must not prevent the citizens unlawfully.

Laura Miti speaking to Journalists outside the Magistrate Court after acquittal
The protest over the US$42 million spent on fire trucks that lead to an unlawful arrest by police


  1. They were apprehended and arrested for demanding answers over the 42 fire tenders that cost US$42 million at Parliament.
    Did they get the answers?

    • They were harassed, threatened with jail time, acquitted, effectively diverting attention from the daylight thievery. You know, basically just a Tuesday in Zambia Autocracy.

    • Great news … This is functioning country where the rule of law is both exercised and demonstrated day in day out.

      Let’s roll. I am expecting another song from Pilato.

    • The same depth the courts are going in sentencing people for contempt of court, 6 years for chifire, 1and half for the other guy , let them also advise police to thoroughly investigate cases before taking them to court, and also dissuade pf cadres from reporting political opponents to the police unnecessarily.

    • Look at this JUNIOR posting without shame …what functioning country are you talking about? They shouldn’t have been arrested and Pilato being chased like an armed robber. Yes let him release another song as that the best way he expresses himself but then again the cadres will threat his life.

  2. Magistrate Courts and High Courts are the only ones functioning and dispensing justice.
    The ConCourt ,Appeals Court and Supreme Courts in Zambia are perfect examples of kangaroo courts.

  3. This is good for the sake of mother Zambia.
    Unfortunately, no one has got the answers to the;
    1.) $42Million dollars Fire tenders
    2.) $280Million Ambulances kapena Dr. Chitalu Azibu
    3.)$10 Million Spent on Cholera
    4.) K370,000 spent on cutting a tree in Kabwe
    5.) K41Million meant for Social Cash Transfer unaccounted for at Zampost – Kapena Mcpherson Chanda knows
    5.) many more other scandals because the list is endless

    Surely, Surely how have we let these crooks steal in this modern times. Criminals worse than any other ruling party in Zambia.

    God save us

    • Meanwhile the owners of the company that bought 42 fire trucks for a whooping $1million a unit…are busy building hotels and bragging that they are hardworking businessmen and local investors!!

    • I see people don’t get gist. …what I was trying to say is each time the opposition loses it accuses the courts of being corrupt. So what is their take on this one.

    • kkkkkkkkkk Somebody told you that the civil organisation is opposition? And by the way if the state appeals to concourt or supreme I can assure you that they will be sentenced to jail. Corruption is not at lower levels but yes the higher courts.

  4. Comment:another scandal the president was the chief negotiator for the sell of Zambia cold storage during privatisation

  5. Kanganja MUST tell his officers not ro stand on our way.Those officers who arrest out of ignorance of human rights must be given chance to go do grade 7 civics. They abuse public order act and act at the instructions of PF cadres.

  6. The voice of the people has made it happen. Will continue to defend our democracy. Abash political bullying, intimidation, and unnecessary arrests. Protest is a human right. Help keep government on checks and balances.

  7. Why did the boy run away like tendai mbiti just to scandalize this great nation

    I know Someone who went to sabc and bbc for same reason ended up embarrassing him self.

    I cant mention his name because i fear being insulted by his followers

  8. Now they should due the state for wrongful arrest including individual officers who were involved in preventing them from exercising their right of assemble starting with police commissioner for Lusaka.

  9. Answers to the Fire Tenders will be given in Heaven, when all will face THE ALL MIGHTY. No Body Guards will be there, no lawyers or state councils, even bribery will not be there. It will be face to face with HIM only:

  10. I’m confused … Now no one is saying the courts are bias…
    Our courts have been professional in their dealings the police no

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