Thursday, March 13, 2025

Zambia National Service prepares 720 hectares of land for irrigation farming


Zambia National Service (ZNS) has installed and operationalised 12 Centre Pivots for crop irrigation covering 720 hectares of land under irrigation.

ZNS Chief of Administration, Brigadier General Benson Miti who was speaking at the 2018 Luamfumu Officers Annual Ball in Mansa, said ZNS has continued with the robust expansion programme of installing irrigation centre pivots in ZNS farming areas around the country.

He said this is to ensure that the increasing unpredictable weather pattern experienced in Zambia due to climate change is avoided.

Brigadier General Miti noted that the installation of centre pivots is still on-going and eight centre pivots are at different levels of installation.

He added that once the eight centre pivots are installed and operational ZNS will be able to put to crop 1,230 hectares of irrigated high value crops in the country at any given time.

Meanwhile, ZNS Luamfumu Commanding Officer, Lieutenant Colonel Luke Mumba said the ranch for ZNS Luamfumu Unit has become financially independent and able to acquire equipment and build the required infrastructure using locally generated resources.

He noted that the unit is steadily recording growth in the number of animals that stands at 259 animals and has since started supplying beef to the local market in Luapula province.

Lieutenant Colonel Mumba said the Unit is focusing to grow the herd above 400 by the end of the 2019 year.

He explained that in order to grow a herd of 400, the Unit has embarked on a pasture development project that will see ZNS being able to grow animal feed such as Panicum Mombaca Rhodes grass for the first time in the province.


  1. Yes prioritising agriculture is the way to go which is why KK created ZNS but regarding this irrigation scheme there is need to do a good environmental impact assessment when it comes to large scale irrigation projects and how this will affect the already scarce water resources we are having these days. We must understand that as populations grow our demand on the scarce natural resources become unsustainable and this we must be cautious in our approach.

      Lets develop this thing imwe. Government should move in an push in heavy Machinery and Technology. I wanna see agriculture surpass mining in contributions to the economy. Agriconomics agenda and behold its advantage PF. Where there is a wish, there is a way.

    • If you’re insinuating what I am thinking, Stup!d question, sit down. KK would call you !d!ot especially in the 80s. Why? I don’t know maybe he was thinking ati maseti’ngi.
      If not, you’re safe but where do I start from?

    • I we @spaka, when you say MOST, why don’t you name the development/projects taking place in the north first then let’s talk. These nonsensical accusations are just that; NONSENSICAL!

      Even the part in the article that says: “ZNS has continued with the robust expansion programme of installing irrigation centre pivots in ZNS farming areas around the country….” escaped you because you are so blinded by the “REGIONALISM” nonsense that you keep promoting on this platform and others. Grow up dude! We only have one Zambia to develop. And no one stops you from moving to other regions of the country if you feel where you are life has become unsustainable.


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      This is really disappointing coming from you. I have come to respect your point of view on LT even though you and I don’t agree on most of the issues. But this REGIONALISM NONSENSE coming from you is very disturbing and disappointing at the same time. This is petty and closed minded of you. You can do better than this!

    • By the way @Spaka, maybe the so called “MOST” is taking place in the Northern part of the country because that region was among the MOST neglected development wise all through out the decades despite it’s natural resources…..good flowing rivers, good rains, plentiful land, lakes, minerals, Fish, good weather, etc. Have you thought about that?

      For a long time, most development in Zambia took place along the so called LINE OF RAIL. Do you know what regions those are? Yes, Southern, Lusaka, Central, and Copperbelt. Yet you NEVER heard Notherners, Easterners, or Luapulans complain in the same manner most of you do.

      In fact, if you want to talk about regions where major development projects are taking place at the moment in Zambia, no region beats Southern and North Western (hydro…

    • Continue….

      powerv and tourism in the South and new mines in NW, all worth billions.) So what is this sick obsession you people have with the North all about?

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