Saturday, March 1, 2025

Regulatory Bodies Orders Revin Zambia to immediately Halt the Distribution of the Controversial Energy Drink


Energy drink Natural Power SX , a product of Revin Zambia
Energy drink Natural Power SX , a product of Revin Zambia

The Zambia Medicines Regulatory Authority, The Ndola City Council and The Zambia Bureau of Standards have instituted investigations on the Natural Power High Energy Drink which is alleged to contain sildenafil citrate.

This follows social media reports emanating from Uganda that the energy drink Natural Power SX may contain this substance, which is used for the treatment of erectile dysfunction in men.

According to a statement issued to the media, the three institutions are working together to ascertain the claims made about the product.

Officers from the three institutions are on the ground to collect samples of the raw materials and of the finished product for analytical tests that will determine if there is any truth to the claims being made.

They said the outcome of this investigation will be communicated to the public as soon as results are released.

In view of the foregoing, the three institutions have urged the public to immediately desist from consuming the drink until conclusive results are released that either confirm or dismiss the allegations.

Meanwhile, the manufacturers of the product, Revin Zambia Limited based in Ndola, have been ordered to halt the production and distribution of the energy drink until all investigations have been concluded and appropriate action taken.

Energy drink Natural Power SX , a product of Revin Zambia
Energy drink Natural Power SX , a product of Revin Zambia


    • How do you halt production and distribution of a product based on social media reports from a foreign country some 2,000km away?

    • If this drink helps in treating erectile dysfunction in men, then it is better to withdraw it from retail shops so that it is sold in drug stores and pharmacies with a prescription over the counter. Why withdraw it completely when viagra has never been withdrawn from chemists? How did it find itself in retail shops to start with?

    • If this product contains sildenafil citrate (another name for Viagra), it should be banned from the retail market and sold as a prescription item in pharmacies only. Period!!

    • Tongkat Ali, an ingredient in that drink is usually one of the many ingredients found in high energy drinks around the world. It is mostly marketed as a performance enhancing natural extract and aphrodisiac and is sold over the counter. If the ingredients listed are the only ingredients in the drink then it should be safe to drink.
      I feel the man who had a 6 hr €rection is a liar. He took viagra, which he probably didn’t need in the first place.

    • We will never develop, with these foolishness.
      If indeed that Revine contains qualities of Viagra, then government through IDC should build a manufacturing plant for Revina tomorrow!!!!
      Sinkamba need hit the streets to defend local green products.

    • IDYOTS at it again! We never develop. They did the same with honey.
      That drink has not killed non, but Viagra does.
      Sinkamba please help local products.

    • So these regulators will only swing into action when someone complains after hundreds of thousands of people have consumed the product and have put their lives at risk? What happened to checking products before they are put on the market? These people are not doing their jobs.

  1. Was production of this drink licenced ? If si by who? Is there a regulatory system for approval of drinks before they find themselves on the market? Tugiligili found themselves on the market and only got banned two years later. How many died consequent to tugiligili? I sense the same story repeating itself here

  2. that’s the staff I want any guy who wants my c*****nt to take kikikikiki infact 100 bottles so that I groove you til you die

  3. This stuff makes my muzopiki perform wonders.One time I managed three ladies in my queen size bed.OOh boy this is better than congo dust, mwana apeluke, 7hrs, vumbwe, bazooka,kola,and mutoto.
    Power is more like Viagra baiche muleishiba utuntu.
    Am buying myself a box while stocks lasts

    Pa newyear nilibalepaula saana abaiche ku ibex

  4. This stuff makes my muzopiki perform wonders.One time I managed three ladies in my queen size bed.OOh boy this is better than congo dust, mwana apeluke, 7hrs, vumbwe, bazooka,kola,and mutoto.
    Power is more like Viagra baiche muleishiba utuntu.
    Am buying myself a box while stocks lasts

    Pa newyear nilibalepaula saana abaiche ku ibex

    • kwati ninkwshiba iwe. Nomba chikamba, how will you survive ukwabula ama boosters like POWERS SX. Umuzopiki obe walaba uwa cranker manje te?

    • kwati ninkwshiba iwe. Nomba chikamba, how will you survive ukwabula ama boosters like POWERS SX. Umuzopiki obe walaba uwaku cranker manje te?

    • This is what Zambians are good at …bring topics about development, community building, cleaning streets, policies …they disappear like a fart in the wind!!

  5. Why should concerns come from Uganda when we have institutions tasked with the job of regulating such products?

    And we pay these institutions for doing nothing. Only reactive.

    Utujilijili is another example of your failure to work as expected.

  6. What are these regulatory bodies doing about the junta which have turned youngmen and women looking like old wrinkled people. This stuff has killed a lot of our people. I hear there is a junta ward at UTH. No-one has stopped the makers of this killer drink, no comment from the powers that be or parliament. Wonder if some of these people have shares in the companies which produce this deadly drink.

  7. How can three regulatory bodies – the Zambia Medicines Regulatory Authority, the Ndola City Council and the Zambia Bureau of Standards – ban a drink infused with dietary supplements based on anecdotal evidence of one Ugandan gleaned from a social media report? Is this a representative and scientific sample on which to base a decision? I have personally questioned the professionalism of some people working for these bodies. They tend to confuse dietary supplements with drugs. One time, I ordered vitamin and herbal supplements from a website and they wanted to harass me on the grounds that I had no pharmaceutical license until I challenged them to take me to court. They chickened out after they discovered that I had very comprehensive knowledge of herbal and dietary supplements.

  8. Viagra is a very expensive drug
    How does the manufacturer use such an ingredient to produce a relatively cheap energy drink ???

    • This is not an Energy Drink please retract that…kids, people drink energy drinks as it has in the morning and dont get hard ons!!

  9. Aba Bantu why muliso this ka power mundala is the best mo than utujilijili but Jilijili power is still there in comp and people are still dead in comp but why you don’t bun it for Eve so please reve ka power Alon

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