Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Lusaka Mass Transit Train coming-Mushimba


An internet generated photo of how the Lusaka Mass Transit Train would look like shared by Transport and Communications Minister Brian Mushimba
An internet generated photo of how the Lusaka Mass Transit Train would look like shared by Transport and Communications Minister Brian Mushimba

Transport and Communications Minister Brian Mushimba has revealed that feasibility studies and engineering designs for the construction of the Lusaka Mass Transit Train have been completed.

Mr Mushimba said Government is now moving to the next stage of picking the best financing options for the project.

The Minister of Transport and Communications shared a photo on his Twitter of how the Lusaka Mass Transit Train would like once completed.

“We signed an MOU on this project in China recently. The engineering and detailed designs have concluded. Processing the paperwork to source funding for it. We are looking at different funding mechanisms with ministry of finance,” he stated.

He said phase one of the project will involve bringing traffic from peripheral areas into the Lusaka CBD all the way to the airport.

Mr Mushimba said phase two of the project will see the train covered all areas of Lusaka and up to Kafue.

He emphasized that the idea of the project is to have people ride the train into CBD than use their vehicles.

Mr Mushimba said this way, the roads will be decongested and result in ease flow of traffic and services.

Mr Mushimba disclosed that the train will operate above ground.

The Transport and Communications Minister stated that the project is designed to take off between 2020 and 2023, all things being equal.

Mr Mushimba has since appealed to Zambians to support the project.

“We shall share additional info at the right time. All I wanted to share today is that there is such a project and engineering has been completed. It’s good to have a healthy dose of skepticism. But people doubted that we were launching Zambia Airways. We kept asking them to believe because the domino effect of having an airline is massive. We are flying in 2019,” he stated.


  1. This project is long overdue. We should’ve had at least a Train to the Airport the same time Mchinji-Chipata railway was built.

    • But umu guyz uyu Mushimba alimidelela sana imwe Zambians.
      You already forgotten how he you used to smear you with grease over an airline in 2018?
      Zambia BICYCLE lanes, not fantasy of trains. Where will they be going na train naimwe.

    • Yes, its long overdue and I support the idea. My only concern though is the sharks….

      Look, this is the project that every minister or country should be proud of……, but this guy is already keeping this as top secret. Ati “All I wanted to share today is that there is such a project …..”, is he being cautious after the Zambia Airways flip flops? Why is he keeping off the info?

    • The cheaper and fast solution to traffic congestion in Lusaka is to introduce Mass Transit Bus system. It is the cheapest and fast solution. Take out all those dirty small vans you call buses and bring real city passenger buses.

      Train transit systems are very expensive to build, please spare us from more debt.

    • Dreamer Mushimba. He has failed to improve zambia railways how can he run electric train with unending loadshedding?

    • Oh wow, I’ve actually seen similar projects delivered in Ogdenville, Brockway and North Haverbrook! I’m sure Lyle Lanley will visit Lusaka soon to give us more details about the project. I can’t help but wonder there a chance the track could bend?

    • Exam Question:
      $42-Million = 42×42 wheel-burrow Fire Engines
      $400-Million = 2 Missile-proof Presidential planes
      $5-Million = 1 sub-standard Toll-gate
      X = Electric Bullet Train

      Find X……
      a) $40-million b) $400-million C) $40-Billion d) $4-Trillion

      Remember Prof. Clive Chirwa’s white-elephant bullet train project is what put us into the EURO-Bond debt crisis.

    • “Mr Mushimba said Government is now moving to the next stage of picking the best financing options for the project.”

      Really laughable …this dull fooooool are still looking for ways to add a further $3billion on Chinese debt without shame Chriwa proposed this project at half the price the Chinks will charge you but you laughed at him. Of course the Chinks will support you on pointless projects you can never pay them back. You have lamentably failed to launch an airline you were singing about because the maths doesn’t add up and now you want to procure another loan.
      Reckless fooool

    • A country without a Rail line is a dead one. I have a little more faith and liking for Rail than the damn Airport. Why? Rail may stand to help more Zambians than an Airport in my opinion. If that is the kind of rail machine in the picture Mushimba is thinking about, he has my support. But that looks like an electric train. In any case, it’s fine to dream.
      Number 2, at this early state, kindly engage our inept EIZ for their input. You have to engage to avoid pointing fingers at them that they are not helpful.

    • This is PF creating another huge conduit for embezzlement.

      In 2013 we were told $750million euro bond would bring about new trains. There were even model trains put up in papers to cheat poor Zambians.

      What happened to the money? We all know that most of the money was stolen by the PF top cats. The trains are even in a very bad state at moment.

      This declaration is but another political platitude meant to deceive the poor Zambians.

    • Mr. Minister. You always excite us with big pronouncements like National Airline and you set a date for it. And you seem not bothered about it and today it’s the train. We need improvement. Keep us posted on projects that are well excuted, planned for and honour the time frame.

  2. Stop dreaming.

    This system is very expensive to manage. You need to control and manage Power outages, drainag, cctv esecurity and physical patrol.

    Just introduce commuter surface electric train. Its it cheaper. Rail slippers are already there. Ck spared them. He only vandalized on the Cb

    • They have started faking projects to be abandoned after 2021 elections. Ask Kabwe people where president Lungu went with huge entourage Sikazwe on his immediate right where he faked reopening of Zambia China Mulingushi Textiles. People thought jobs had come on their door step ask them today. Next reopening of the same Textile will be in 2021. But because Kabwe people forget ao easily the big man will get alot of votes from Kabwe because many people are living better since the Textiles became operational.

    • When it comes to loans these fooooools have limitless ideas …they can even think about creating a Space Station as they know it wont be them paying back

  3. the idea is welcome but the government will use this as a campaign issue by saying vote us in so that we finish our projects as if the next government wont finish. Mind you the toll roads are a MMD initiative and PF has just messed it up. When you put tool gates, you should have alternative non toll roads which are normally a longer route.

  4. Another way to die. This needs reliable electricity and ZESCO will not be able to provide this.
    This is a major disaster waiting to happen. Ever heard the expression a ‘train wreck’?

  5. How much did it cost for feasible and design. Am very sure its $20million

    Construct will gobble$200m and monthly maintenance $1m

    Thats PF.

    You go to China and visit subway system and you think you can copy and paste.

    A simple bypass at Makeni mall has taken one yr .what about subway system.

    • A train like that costing 200m really laughable…maybe a cheap outdated Chink one..these projects cost billions of dollars given that its via China Exim Bank it will be overpriced as usual so you have no chance of repaying!!

  6. Commenters did not say it was impossible to revive Zambia Airways or to own our National Airline. People questioned whether it would be profitable or not to have airline. Bwana Minister, people did not doubt that the government were launching Zambia Airways. Point of correction. I hope the proposed project would be achieved by using our money, not borrowed money.

  7. A welcome idea but at unrealistic at this time of high debt and other constraints. Cheaper option of surface tram would be better and more feasible.

  8. My foot! Dream on! Pa Zed? We have a situation in this country where when a new leader(except KK of course) is elected into office the first priority is to enrich himself and his relatives. An electric train in Zambia! It will be the greatest miracle in the lifetime of Zambia. A small but very developed country like Japan has only less than 10 cabinet ministers with a very big population but here 40 cabinet ministers drawing hefty salaries and allowances at the expense of providing quality services to the nation. What a shame!

  9. What happens to the land where the njani commuter train used to pass. People uprooted the rail and are busy building houses especially behind Lubala secondary school. Please let the minister of transport and LCC make a ministerial statement on this. People there what to know why the rail line is being uprooted and replaced with houses

  10. Good idea though there’s hardly any commuter train anywhere that makes a profit.Also Lsk has unique challenges bcuz this is meant for people who have cars unlike other cities where trains are for common folks.

  11. That is the solution bcoz population is growing very fast.let us come up with Metro(subways).
    From Matero to town,chilenge to town,makeni to town,Chasanga to town.Its only u can discoject the city.its expensive but worth undertaking.let see what happens.I would reduce cost of maintaining roads in the long run.Growing population govt won’t manange to maintain the roads.Let us PF

    • “It would reduce cost of maintaining roads in the long run”….What about the cost of maintaining the subway?
      Typical one sided thinking of a PF cadre.

  12. I thought this is what got Clive chirwa fired.. and don’t forget 120 million of Euro bond was swallowed by Zambia railways and up to now we have not seen the success levels they prophesied

    • I concur. The railways continue to remain in clapped out state, EURO 120 Million later! He recently made a pronouncement that 80% of traffic on the road would be diverted to railway to ease the congestion. What became of that idea? And just how feasible is that when the same in non – functional??

  13. I don’t think our government has the capacity to run such a venture.i have worked on the rail industry in the UK ,the government has always bailed out all the projects in the running of it because of its heavy costs in maintaining these infrastructure.This will also require foreign expatriates to manage it as we don’t have local engineers in this field.

  14. The railway systems of Zambia has been dysfunctional for as long as I can remember. We had a commuter train running between Lilanda and Chilenje which people vandalised the rails and built houses on them. This govt had had the chance to improve the already existing infrastruture but they have completely failed to do so. Why can’t these people improve these before embarking on totally new projects that will simply put the country further in debts. As much as these mouthwatering ideas are good, let us put our resources to the RSZ and imporve it. The country can actually spend less than a totally new project.

  15. #18 Angoni, I don’t know how far you have travelled within or outside Zambia but for your information there is a sizable number of Zambian, Zambian trained for emphasis, working in critical positions for the London Metro which is owned by EDF the French electricity company, and for other engineering firms around the world including Zambia.
    You are advised not to listen to people especially politicians who want to be experts on matters that at best they are totally ignorant about. Just know that there are very good engineers and some not so good in Zambia, just as there are very good engineers and some not so good in Britain, China, France, the US etc. The same applies to some good for nothing loud mouthed economists, and lawyers, for example those who gave us a confused constitution…

  16. contd…..the lawyers who gave us a confused constitution which even bad economists would have done better if you look at the very obvious errors.

  17. As for Hon Mr Mushimba, metro rail fully supported, we need it and it can be managed.

    But I still say the honourable is a disaster when it comes to Zambian Airways. Where is the money to start the senseless venture anyway, on top of the country’s crippling debt? How government allows reckless projects by its ministers beats me!

  18. As for Hon Mr Mushimba, metro rail fully supported, we need it and it can be managed.

    But I still say the honourable is a dis.aste.r when it comes to Zambian Airways. Where is the money to start the sen.sel.ess venture anyway, on top of the country’s cr.ip.pling debt? How government allows projects by its ministers beats me!

  19. Just invest in another capital city with CBD…..Lusaka is choked by compounds.
    Inadequate sewage and drainage …

    The PF fear compulsory purchase orders of properties to improve because of riots but are tough on opposition meetings and rallies…..

  20. Very sceptical. Where is Zambia Airways?! Don’t get me wrong…I am glad ZA has been delayed and God willing may never take off. A wasteful project. Re the mass transit, train system…we are better off investing in a mass transit bus system as it will utilise existing currently being upgraded road infrastructure that is already integrated into the main city and residential nodes. To develop a train system will require further development of linkages to buses, taxis etc as trains do not provide last-mile!

    • An organised mass transit bus system is not possible …..PF grass roots support and organisers in urban areas are call boys and minibus drivers and operators.

      A mass transit bus system would put them out of work….not possible.

    • Spaka, I hear you and agree with you. A lot of political interests being served in the current chaos. So it is not impossible to have a proper mass transit transport system….would just require selfless political leadership to make the right though not popular choices. Something very lacking in our political landscape.

  21. Oh wow, I’ve actually seen similar projects delivered in Ogdenville, Brockway and North Haverbrook! I’m sure Lyle Lanley will visit Lusaka soon to give us more details about the project. I can’t help but wonder there a chance the track could bend?


  23. I was reminded about Late President Michael Chilufya Sata, Euro bonds and Prof Clive Chirwa and the betrayers or traitors who were part of the Board, with a “Sombi nga nibo” attitude.

  24. well the man can dream well but stop making announcements when ur house is not in order, u have been minister for 3 yrs now nothing to show the pipo of zambia what u have done. i suggest hon. lusambo be minister of transport u be copperbelt minister mwakalombe comes back to lusaka ur ps to be fired

  25. If you want to save roads, improve existing rail line from Copperbelt to Zim & the other existing one to Dar so that you get rid of the heavily laden trucks on roads.

  26. This Brian Mushimba, what is his priority? Is it Zambia Airways or this so called Lusaka Mass Transit Train ? It is impossible do these projects with a $20bn debt , an expected increase in interests payments on the debt and a fall in revenue due to the introduction of sales tax . This is day light dreaming , politicking and wishful thinking.

  27. Mushimba, mushimba, mushimba. Stop this craziness. Where is the train between Serenje and Chipata. What about fixing Zambia Railways for goods and passenger trains first. TAZARA employees dont get paid. Come on boy, get real.

  28. Just a repeat of the njanji commuter train which started of well but become a white elephant since the cost of running the train far out weighed the income that it was generating.

  29. Please…… the sooner the better! Second to improving the cleanliness of our capital and other main cities in Zambia, good speed trains will improve the city experience. Apart from lessen traffic off the streets, and provide a better transport experience than that of mini buses; trains will raise standards of living.

    However, the cleanliness of the said trains will be paramount as tourists will probably want to use this mode of transport. Please no passengers with chickens, cows mounting!!!

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