Residents of Sinda district in Eastern province have complained of poor hygiene at the council abattoir in the area.
One of the concerned residents, Julius Sakala, said the meat is prepared from the floor as there were no hangers in the abattoir.
Mr. Sakala, who owns a butchery in the district, claimed that this results in the meat having soil and other foreign particles which are not good for human consumption.
He further complained that the abattoir officials demand that butchery owners pay abattoir fees before animals are slaughtered.
Another resident, Steven Mwanza has appealed to government to closely monitor the activities at the abattoir in order to address the situation before it gets out of hands.
Meanwhile, Sinda District Council Secretary Jamie Mukwato has promised that the local authority will ensure that the situation improves at the abattoir.
Mr. Mukwato said the council will endeavor to improve the handling of meat.He has since called on the community to continue making use of the abattoir saying meat products from the slaughterhouse are inspected by qualified health personnel.
What’s that in picture, a dog slaughter center?
Goats and cows used to have decent cleaning abbartoirs.
This is why am vegetarian, only eat fish.
Ths why u easily get FISHED by conmen THEY WAY I CONNED U LAST YEAR U thot i would maintin the relationship IFWE NI TOUCH AND GO