Friday, March 14, 2025

Liquid Telecom appoints Susan Mulikita as CEO


Susan Mulikita
Susan Mulikita

Liquid Telecom has appointed Susan M’kandawire Mulikita as Chief Executive Officer of Liquid Telecom Zambia to accelerate growth and market penetration across the country.

Based in Zambia, Susan joined the company on 14 January 2019 and becomes the first female to join Liquid Telecom’s Southern Africa regional executive leadership team as CEO. Susan is also the first female CEO responsible for ICT in Zambia.

“This senior appointment marks an exciting new step in Liquid Telecom’s strategy to build Africa’s digital future,” said Wellington Makamure, CEO of Liquid Telecom’s Southern Africa Region.

“Susan’s exceptional talent and experience will bring greater synergy to the Southern Africa region, and enable more customers to capitalise on Liquid Telecom’s connectivity, hosting, co-location and digital solutions portfolio – driving innovation and growth across the region. Susan’s appointment is particularly significant as it demonstrates Liquid Telecom’s continued focus on diversity and inclusiveness, especially at a regional level.”

Susan has more than 20 years’ ICT experience, operating at a senior level for both private sector and public organisations.

This includes Airtel where she was responsible for telecommunications and ICT law, policy, regulation and stakeholder management.

Susan is a graduate of the University of Zambia having attained a Bachelor of Laws Degree there and a Master of Laws (ICT) from the Buckinghamshire New University (UK).

Susan is also a qualified practitioner of Telecoms/ICT Policy, Law, Regulation and Management.

“This is an exciting time to be joining Liquid Telecom Zambia,” she said.

“The company offers a superior service at both carrier and retail level and is poised to compete successfully in the Zambian ICT and telecoms landscape. I look forward to working collaboratively with our partners, government and other stakeholders to deliver innovative and compelling ICT and telecoms services. I am also very pleased to join a brand that promotes equal opportunities and inclusive leadership at the highest levels of the organisation.”


    • Jay Jay # 3

      It does not matter. You can be a lawyer and end up to a CEO of Technology Company.

      Silicon Valley companies were founded by Tech Wizards.

      However, most of the Chief Executives are people without Technology Degrees.

      When you get to that top level it’s about building and delegating an Executive Team. Such as …

      1. Finance Director
      2. Sales Director
      3. IT Director
      4. Operations Director
      5. HR Director
      6. Marketing Director
      7. Compliance Team
      8. Legal Team
      9. Product Directior

      And often a CEO may have a seat on the Board of Director

      So just be happy for. She has experience in the Industry.

  1. @jay I thought of the same initially, but it’s based on her vast experience in the industry… and as a ceo it’s more about regulation,delivery and policy formulation so she doesn’t need to come from a tech school/background directly

  2. Misplaced qualifications. Law this law that. Is she not better placed as a telecom compliant officer/ manager/ clerk etc. no wonder we always have issues with these companies with wrong people in wrongs positions. And just two weeks in a company leaves a lot to be desired.
    Disaster bane!!!!!

  3. JayJay & Rudemonk. Guys you are really very dull.

    @@INDEPENDENT OBSERVER has explained it, best well. Chiluba was not a politician but a Trade Unionist. Yet he was chosen by a group of experienced politicians to lead MMD and topple Kaunda and became president. Its about leadership qualities.

  4. @rudemond, I think you missed a point. she was hired for that position. she has extensive experience in the industry
    give her a benefit of a doubt. to me she seems qualified. she doesn’t need a tech degree as a ceo. when you’re heading a corporation, your task is to come up with clear vision where you want the firm to go and as well as meeting your clients’ needs. (lots involved in the vison based on the nature of the business/industry) with that in mind,you bring a team that shares your vison and you assign tasks. even if you don’t personally understand all the nitty-gritty of the operation, you hire people who do and they communicate that to you how each of various depts. fit into the bigger vision/picture..

  5. She specialized in Information and Communications Technology law. In modern business it is important to be versed with the legal implications of digital communications processes. Just as one can specialize in Insurance law, intellectual property law ( do with copy rights, governance of ideas and inventions) There is trade and investment law, tax law etc. She is not necessarily misplaced in that sense. Law is not only about civil process or criminal law.

  6. They should appoint people in the operating country try, otherwise how do they get local experience and knowledge. They would be testing our hospitality otherwise.

    Excellent and well done. Please push that diversity and inclusiveness, at a regional level programme.

    • For the critics to this appointment, remember it’s true to say those who can’t, Lead. The techies do the donkey work, they would be wasted otherwise in a glorified company leadership role wasting their skills.

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