Monday, February 10, 2025

Oxfam distances itself from General Kanene


President Edgar Lungu, Chilanga Constituency PF Candidate Maria Langa and General kanene during a rally at Chinjanja Primary School to campaign for PF candidate Maria Langa in Chilanga Constituency yesterday 02-06-2018. Picture by ROYD SIBAJENE/ZANIS
FILE: President Edgar Lungu, Chilanga Constituency PF Candidate Maria Langa and General kanene during a rally at Chinjanja Primary School to campaign for PF candidate Maria Langa in Chilanga Constituency 02-06-2018. Picture by ROYD SIBAJENE/ZANIS

International charity Oxfam says it does not condone the violence against women committed by controversial musician Clifford Dimba commonly known as General Kanene.

Some UN human rights experts have called on the Zambian Government to prove its commitment to tackle gender-based violence by stripping Musician Clifford Dimba, known as General Kanene of the title of Ambassador in the fight against gender violence.

“Such an outrageous release and appointment as an ambassador for the fight against gender-based violence not only traumatises the victim all over again but discourages other victims from reporting similar offences,” said Dubravka Šimonovi, UN Special Rapporteur on violence against women.

“The pardon and appointment undermine the strong message against sexual abuse of women and girls that was sent with the original sentence and trivialise the serious nature of these offences. Rather, Clifford Dimba has been placed in a prominent position and even portrayed as a role model to fight violence against women.”

“It constitutes an utter disrespect for women and girls in Zambia who might rightly feel that their Government is not protecting them.”

Maud de Boer-Buquicchio, the UN Special Rapporteur on the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography added, “It constitutes an utter disrespect for women and girls in Zambia who might rightly feel that their Government is not protecting them. The pardon has meant impunity for an abhorrent crime and his subsequent appointment as ambassador for the fight against such violence is more than cynical and adds insult to injury for the victim.”

The experts highlighted that the granting of General Kanene’s pardon is incompatible with Zambia’s international human rights obligations, and President Lungu’s role as a champion in the UN Women’s campaign He for She.

But Oxfam in Zambia Country Director Dailes Judge said in a statement that the organization did not invite General Kanene to attend the anti GBV training where several other musicians attended.

Ms. Judge revealed that the participation at training was at the discretion of musicians.

She said Oxfam Zambia’s Ambassador Brian Bwembya aka BFlow received funding and material support from Oxfam and he was the one responsible for running the training.

Below is the full statement from Oxfam


  1. Why is violence only seen when it’s against Women?

    How about Political Party that violence. Police brutality that killed a University student.
    Women who abuse children.
    And women who kill their Husbands?

    • To compare women political violence to politics is naivety Of the highest order and above all ignorance.

      Another zambia as dull as they come with no sense of reality embedded in their own self.

      If you have nothing to say at times best to keep quiet.

      Moron- a probable wife beater you must.

      I hold a PhD



    • In my opinion, General Kanene is doing good since he is get INVOLVED.
      He can take advantage of forming his own NGO.

  2. It’s not utter disrespect but miscalculation. Also a cross cultural mis-perception(to coin a phrase) on the part of Westerners on what President Lungu meant to do.

    It’s best to be sensitive to cultural differences in understanding things YES, His Excellency was flying against good judgement and this is repeated in the relaxed commuting of sentences those on death row for violent murders (now on increase affecting mostly women). The idea that prisioning serious criminals is unjust is an error. Criminals SHOULD be punished suitably and fashionable ideas against punishing criminals is wrong.

    • Having said this, we have to criticise the opportunistic attempt by the He for She campaigners in the same way as the #MeToo, campaigners for jumping on the bandwagon by resuscitating an old case to support new fashionable ideas. They are a little bit too over the top with their attacks to support the cause that it lacks balance.
      #MeToo and He for She should also understand that Women also abuse other Women in Business, Corporate environments. Blocking promotions and failing to support other women. Bullying in the work place is rife with powerful women abusing underlings, yet we are heading nothing on this to balance the movements.

    • I remember when I worked in Investment Banking supporting International Business Heads that all support staff dreaded the powerful Women staff fighting their battle to the boardroom. My or my!!!!! I remember one particular ogre (Dracula had nothing on her)…..HR Personnel had to take the drastic measures to create a job share for her support staff do that there were 3 of us to share the work in any week meaning we had a day and a half each of so in a week to work with her AND we still got 7 days of pay regardless as compensation!!!! We still wanted to leave so personnel advised us to fight back and snap back at her if she was rude and they ignored her imperious requests to fire us!!!!

    • Personnel also demanded she was visited by the banks in-house psychiatrist once a month to aid her behavioural patterns. The support staff was always on the line to book more sessions than the monthly one in the end the psychiatrist wondered how many women staff in that office he was being paid to treat!!!!!

      WOMEN ALSO ARE ABYDIVE ZND CRIMINAL MINDED. It’s not just about equality in top jobs but fair treatment of your fellow human beings across the board!

    • Oh the bank sacked her during the Credit Crunch recession of 2007/8! Turns out she wasn’t much use in the banks’ Risk Assessment and Compliance after all. They lost tons….might as well had a male chimp in the job.

      Everytime I Google her she seems to be looking for a new job! There is justice in the end……

  3. There we are, a very balance view to societal challenges. A person who was once caught stealing should never be barred from entering a church.

  4. Kambilo Musopelo – There is no coloration between what is being discussed here with your example. In Church people go there to repent. A sinful person who does not repent his sins cannot be allowed to lead others because of his questionable character but can be allowed to congregate on condition that he repents. If he does not repent he must be isolated. Your Dimba was pardoned by his friend Edgar because of the political songs he sang for him. Immediately after release from prison he went and committed similar offences he was pardoned for and for which he was given the ambassadorial appointment. How can a reason person especially a leader of the nation continue to associate himself with the unrepentant character. Would victims of this criminal feel safe?

    • But PF any criticism is hatred for the great leader?That in itself disqualifies this party from participation in civilised politics

  5. Dimba and Edgar are good friends from way back in Chawama so they are inseparable, its a pity but the reality is that those are both criminals and have a tendency of treating women unfairly. Winangu nikawalala whille the is an abuser to be specific!

  6. This boy is a disgrace to our party and whoever who recommended him to the party must go with him. There are a lot of musicians who can take up his place and do better.


  8. I have read stories of convicted fraudster who are now telling people that it does not pay .They have produced videos for universities and attend various forums.Strip first GBW’s of vice presidency first and set a precedent.

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