Monday, January 27, 2025

Zambia saw an Increase in Corruption last year, latest Global Corruption Index rankings show


There was an increase in Corruption in Zambia last year, according to the latest rankings of the released global corruption index.

According to the 2018 Corruption Perceptions Index released by Transparency International on Tuesday, Zambia remains among the world’s most corrupt countries, with a rank of 105.

Zambia had a score of 35 and was placed 18th in Sub-Saharan Africa which is ranked as the worst performing region in the world. The 35 score is a drop from the previous year of 37, meaning that there was an increase in corruption in 2018.

The most un-corrupt countries are Denmark and New Zealand and the most corrupt Somalia, Syria and South Sudan.

Transparency International ranks 180 countries around the world on a 100-point scale, with 0 being HIGHLY CORRUPT and 100 being VERY CLEAN.

In compiling its annual report, Transparency International draws from 13 surveys of business people and expert assessments, including from 12 institutions such as the Bertelsmann Foundation, the Economist Intelligence Unit and the World Economic Forum.



  1. Harry Kalaba vindicated once again. Lungu dropped Zambia to the gutters yet again and the only saving grace is Zed still being better than Mozambique,Angola ,Zimbabwe,DRC and Malawi.

    • Mr Lungu’s government is the most corrupt our country has ever had. Worse than Chiluba, worse than Rupiah. And what makes it worse is that it is also a very incompetent and lazy bunch.
      It’s really sad that after making some really good strides under Mwanawasa and Sata, these guys have taken us back to the gutter.

    • The fish starts rotting from the head:-
      When Zambians see their president is corrupt, a thief, they copy and become corrupt.
      – When Zambians heard that FTJ had started stealing, Zambians stole & became corrupt like no man’s business. Some employees got cash from Supreme furnishers, banks & fled with their families to RSA or USA.
      – When they saw LPM was an anti-corruption fighter, they stopped stealing
      – When they heard how RB was stealing using his wife & sons & how Lungu made K2.3 Million in 1st year in office, they joined in the looting & became corrupt again. Today Lungu is one of the richest, if not the richest Zambian, worth $-Billions yet his salary is only $4000.
      Lungu & PF are nothing but a den of thieves who loot whilst indebting us with $-billions & selling the country to…

    • And Lazy Lungu was hosting diplomats at State House even saying he is fighting to get rid of corruption ..truly laughable…what a clown of a man!!

    • “The 35 score is a drop from the previous year of 37, meaning that there was an increase in corruption in 2018.”

      Clean and clear !!. Which vuvuzelas were saying there is no “kolaption” in Zambia?

    • Corrupt Lungu and his minions will not get away with looting our country’s meager resources. A time of reckoning will come. We’ll audit all their properties and bank accounts, from the time they got into office (2015) to the time they leave office. Whatever they can’t account for will be forfeited to the State, and then Lungu and his minions will face the law, and prosecuted for their corruption. We’ll send them to prison for a hundred years each. They’ve literally bankrupted our economy, flushed our country down the toilet—and now we live in the sewer. What a bunch of bandits.

    • Yet what happened after that they openly took taxpayers money and credited in the account and said the money was always there as if money physically sits in the banks vault like tomatoes in the Fridge. The same thing happened at Ministry of Health after that NGO report about misappropriation of $1 million worth of drugs Chulifya simply took taxpayers money and covered up meanwhile he is getting richer and richer from this corruption at Medical Stores.

  2. Zambia has dropped from last year and its tied with eight other countries for position #105. Thanks Lungu for the $42m firetrucks and British aid cuts.

  3. This is great. When we say PF is the most corrupt government ever to assume power people say we are bitter. There you are bane. Solveni. This is really bad for the country. Fire engines, Lusaka ndola duo road. 50 people for 20 days in UK with maids and garden boys all from Zambia. Shameful leadership….

  4. Very sad. When is the next trend analysis report coming out? I really would want to see what Financial Intelligence Report will tell us in terms of numbers.

  5. No one will take any thing to his/her grave yard: leave them alone: Solomon in Ecclesiastes says it is all vanity. If who ever is involved does not repent and receive Jesus Christ as his/her personal savior then it is all vanity.

  6. The chanda boys from statehouse call this social mobility…….

    We have been saying this from day one, when you have a president who does not deny that he is a corrupt theif everyday , every civil servant sees nothing wrong with being called a corrupt theif…..

  7. Ni ba pompwe, all of them…… The president is a convicted debarred thief who was caught red handed… the cabinet ministers are Kaponya`s who have never had a formal job… what do you expect from rubbish like that

  8. Very Interesting indeed, we seem to fair competitively among countries that once had or have a failed state because of war or presided by dictators that weakened the governance systems. Since we have not been involved in war then the government is a problem.

  9. It’s clear , there’s been no genuine and resolved determination to fight corruption from the current leadership. This is what is going to cost you 2021 elections Mr president. You have not categorically and convincingly demonstrated burning fury against acts of corruption in the country

  10. I am sure some political spin doctors are busy digesting this before they do damage control which in this case will firstly be blatant denial of facts by even stating that it’s not corruption but collaboration!

  11. The ranking is based on perceptions not actual corruption. It means that people are asked their opinion of corruption not the actual corruption. I’m not denying that perceptions are based on experience of people. Generally we Zambians are a corrupt people. I dont think we even know the definition of corruption. Tribalism is corruption, ma dilu is corruption, brides is corruption. We need personal change.

    • Concur @one zambia, it’s in the Zambian blood. It’s brought on by poverty. People have become self centered and look after number one. Maybe we can use the educational system to reach good citizenship and togherness for all.
      But note all spouses brides or grooms are bribes of sorts!!!!!!! You have to negotiate your relationship for peace!

  12. Especially the perception that the Supreme leader HH of the UPND who has hidden the privatisation loot in the paradise papers is really damaging until such time that he brings back the loot from Panama and paradise papers will the perception improve on Zambia

  13. The ruling classes have become corrupt and protect themselves by weakening the laws around corruption. There is no way to punish them and the masses do not see this being done. We are privileged to have a President from a legal background but correctional law does not appear to have been strengthened. I don’t believe the good PF ministers are massively corrupt.

    The irony is that China/Japan has capital punishment for public theft by corruption and we trade with them yet we do not copy their standards. Corruption is EVIL, it kills millions through deprevation and our children grow up with no hope. This thought alone should spur all PF Christian ministers the conviction to fight it with all might.

  14. Hahaha ,the PF came on the national stage in 2011 saying they were “allergic to corruption ” .Now with Lungu its ubomba mwibala ,alya mwibala .

  15. Thanks to all those pathetic unpatriotic Zambians who cry foul on corruption without evidence. You are killing the country you are seeking to rule one day bangwele.

  16. Transparency International also takes into account the privatization saga by HH back in the 90 permuted with the current sagas so its not a one off sh!t…

  17. Corruption misallocates resources and dislocates society. The solution to this is for L-u-n-g-u and his gang of t-h-I-e-v-e-s to stop stealing directly from the treasury. In Nigeria , Buhari has stopped this way of plundering money directly from the treasury. As result they have reserves of $45bn from $28bn when he took over four years ago.
    L-u-n-g-u has a misguided view that the solution is to introduce more taxes to deal with the debt trap. This is a fallacy because taxes are going to kill the economy and would not even raise the taxes they wish for.

  18. Some PF super leader said: “There is no evidence that Zambia is corrupt. Let them show evidence.” Thats PF for you. They are already refusing that they are corrupt. There is just too much hunger in Zambia and government salaries are just too pathetic to prevent corruption as an alternative to survival. PF have made everyone hungry while they are eating with both hands from the government coffers. Even maids at state house benefit more than professionals in the civil service. What do you expect.

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