Saturday, February 8, 2025

Lechewe population in the Kafue Flats have declined by 5000 animals


Preliminary reports of the 2018 Kafue Lechwe population count on the Kafue flats indicate a critical situation for the endemic species which has recorded a decline of approximately 5,000 animals in three years.

According to surveys conducted by the Department of National Parks and Wildlife with the support of World-Wide Fund for Nature in Zambia and International Crane Foundation, the Lechwe population that stood at 28,711 in 2015 now stands at 23,306 animals.

The aim of the survey that was carried out in the second week of November 2018 was meant to determine the population of the status of large herbivores especially the Kafue Lechwe, and also some water bird species particularly the Wattled Cranes in the Lochnivar and Blue Lagoon National Park as well as the Kafue game management area.

The survey carried a total area of 5,615 encompassing the two National Parks.

Meanwhile, the report on the 2018 count of the common Hippo on the Luangwa River reveals a decline of about 800 Hippos from the previous count.


    • I am now even more interested in the number of sables in the parks…. Number one target of South African Dealers a single sable can fetch as much as ZMK 800,000 at Auctions and as we know a cartel of South Africans with Zambian connivers have had been illegally flying out these animals and quite a number were on there way out when they were blocked in SA for importation clearance against animal diseases….Ba Mambala! That is how Lusaka game park started cosnsists of animals enroute. Note the blocking wasn’t on the ZM side

    • There is too much damage the white man has impacted on us. Let’s start correcting our names napapata mwa wantu! Let’s try and confirm whether it is lechwe or lechewe (I suspect lechewe could be just about it). Mporokoso is Mumpolokoso; Kwambwa could easily be spelt Kabambwa for all I know… Kalahari is Kghalaghadi, etc. Let’s move away from consolidating silly European constructs. What’s wrong with us deciding London is Landani!?? So you will laugh us off?

  1. The government should agree with Prince Harry’s organisation to manage the park, but on a 50/50 shareholding and institute stringent security measures to curb poaching which I suspect is the reason the lenchwe numbers have declined. Not sure it required his involvement to negotiate bringing in elephants from Botswana. Could our own authorities not have arranged transfer/purchase on a government to government protocol???

  2. Indeed the article is incomplete as noted @1 Lawfully.. However, we can NOT fail to guess that it is POACHING and ILLEGAL EXPORTS especially to S.Africa!! This is a government that is NOT good at managing anything EXCEPT CORRUPTION AND ILLEGAL DEALINGS IN OUR NATURAL RESOURCES LIKE THE ILLEGAL MUKULA EXPORTS!!

  3. I read somewhere that drones have been acquired for surveillance in our parks although they are not adequate. If we can buy some more this would be a worthy expense.

  4. Interesting comments on Facebook page of the Department of National Parks & Wildlife. Please add your contributions there. Very important for the people managing Zambia’s wildlife to see!!

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