Saturday, September 7, 2024

Prophet Bushiri hires top criminal lawyer – Barry Roux


04 February 2019: Followers of Shepherd Bushiri came out in their numbers to support him as he appeared in the Pretoria Specialised Commercial Crimes Court with his wife on February 4 2019. Bushiri has hired Oscar Pistorius advocate Barry Roux to represent him and his wife Mary. Picture: Thapelo Morebudi/The Sunday Times.

Prophet Shepherd Bushiri who has been selling anointing oil to his followers including appointments for prayers is in hot soup for hiring one of the most expensive criminal lawyers, Barry Roux, as a lead defense attorney.

Bushiri was arrested on Friday together with his wife for alleged fraud and money laundering and has acquired the services of top defence advocate Barry Roux whose daily fees is reportedly close to R50 000.

Hiring of Roux who gained fame when he defended murder convict Paralympian Oscar Pistorius in 2014 has landed the Malawian born televangelist in trouble with some people accusing him of being a fake prophet.

Life is: Prophet hires a prominent lawyer to defend him while his brainwashed people uses his water when in trouble”

Writing on Facebook, Gitta Phiri said: “Same lawyer that represented a murder will representing a prophet.

“When you cant do yourself a miracle to get bailedl”! Lets all agree that dude don’t perform any miracles full stop!”

“Life is: Prophet hires a prominent lawyer to defend him while his brainwashed people uses his water when in trouble” posted Raynolds Liabunya on social media.

Jozi News, one of the tabloids in South Africa accused Bushiri of disregarding his anointing oil in a story headlined Self Proclaimed Prophet Shepherd Bushiri Prefer Barry Roux Over His Anointing Oil.

South Africa’s renown advocate and whistleblower, Man’s Not Barry Roux who tweets at AdvBarryRoux alleged that Bushiri’s followers will foot the embattled prophet’s legal bills.

“So, Barry Roux has displaced Annointed Oil?…Now it’s no longer ‘Jesus fights our battles, no stress’ but ‘Barry Roux will try his best to fight out battles’!.. conmen in times of difficulties and tribulations will jump onto fellow men for help. This how you can know them” another commented.

But Bushiri’s Communications Director, Ephraim Nyondo, said that Roux has always been a family attorney.

“There is no change in the usual legal team of Prophet Shepherd Bushiri’s as he goes for bail hearing tomorrow with South Africa’s top advocate Barry Roux, again, leading ECG leader’s defense team. Advocate Roux has always been Bushiri’s family lawyer” said Nyondo.

Bushiri and his wife are expected to appear in court this morning to file for bail.

Source:Malawi 24


  1. Why this man is entertained and discussed is beyond me.

    Meanwhile in Scotland ???????????????????????????? I’m ready to get to work after a passionate day with my other half last night.

    My point is – deport him end of.

    I’m a PhD holder



    • No buddle of your naughtiness namanje ba mushota,is nick a chibola?

      Wild thought…….
      Luapula united is in trouble…

      I thought O.J .Simpsons lawyer is the best in the world.

    • Despite several warnings in the bible about false prophets, people still choose to follow them and willingly get brainwashed and crooked out of their money.
      Bushiri is clearly a servant of evil. A Deceiver. And yet people flock to him.
      It proves what Jesus said that “men love darkness rather than light”

    • We black people have dangerously misunderstood religion. Sadly, many folks are deluded in faith. That boy they call Prophet is nothing but a horrible criminal manipulating them in the name of Christianity He is a con-artist.

    • All you followers, why did jesus not hire an earthly lawyer when he was persecuted, instead he let God Judge and not man. zealot sycophants do your math.

    • Zambia has good lawyers for such cases . count how many politicians got arrested for “corruption” and went to jail? Even a mere civil servant walk to freedom.
      Just yesterday some guy called Ronald Ch, was arrested and released back in jungle.

    • @ Senior Citizen, I’m not sure what “being black” has do with it. There are plenty of horrible criminals manipulating people in the name of Christianity (and other faiths!) all over the world.

    • So now this fake prophet is begging Lawyers to get him out of trouble….i thought he had some Devine powers….i just feel sorry for his blind and gullible followers

    • So now this fake prophet is begging Lawyers to get him out of trouble….i thought he had some Devine powers….i just feel sorry for his blind and gullible followers……thought he would use anointed oil to set himself free

    • Look at all those young people in that photo…
      The full quote from Karl Marx translates as: “Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, and the soul of soulless conditions. It is the opium of the people”.

  2. Someone answer me candidly, what will the so called prophets prophesy? Where will their prophecy be written? Is it not true that from the time the last book in the Bible was written there has been an endless list of those who masqueraded as prophets to date? What are their names? Where are their prophesies written? Do we really need any more prophesies other than those already in the Bible?

    • @Spade. Just read the last chapter of Chinua Achebe’s “Things Fall Apart” . It is a story but it explains what we had before the “holy book” arrived and we threw away what we had. Do not get me wrong, I worship. Only I worship the God of my ancestors and not some bs somebody brought and used it to take over the continent. The sad thing is that it has been taken over by our own kindred and boy, are they doing it well! And yes, I will gladly burn in hell. Will come back and tell y’all about the experience.

    • Hebrews 1:1-2 King James Version (KJV)

      1 God, who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets, 2 Hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things, by whom also he made the worlds;

      Hebrews 1:1-2 New International Version (NIV)
      God’s Final Word: His Son

      1 In the past God spoke to our ancestors through the prophets at many times and in various ways, 2 but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son, whom he appointed heir of all things, and through whom also he made the universe.

  3. One who can provide miracles to others can simply confuse the arresting officers, curse them and send them running into the ocean. …but alas this a simple conman who also duped some people in emeralds mining area of Lufwanyama. These people have been left broke and broken by this miracle worker.

  4. Why have a family criminal lawyer and very expensive one for that matter if your ways are clean? We are talking oF R50, 000 daily fee. I thought the holy spirit was going to speak for him if he was holy. A man of little faith. If you play in the mad, dirt should not surprise you.

  5. Why has he placed faith in man and not God? Does it mean for him his own anointing oil and water cant work but they do for others? Really only God knows ….I end here.

  6. To the Law and the Testimony. If they speak not according to this word, it’s because there is no light in them! (Isaiah 8:20). By this, we know that we know him if we keep His Commandments. He who says I know Him but keepers not His Commandments is a LIAR and the Truth is not in him (1 John 2:4) Follow them at your own risk! Intelligence and subtlety rules the world! Ignorance carries all the burdens and lies! You don’t need Prophets in the era of Christ! The only warning Jesus himself gave for the last days in Matthew 24 was False Prophets who would rise up in many places and would have large followings (False Prophets would deceive many according to the working of Satan)

  7. Secularism has actually taken over christianity by obscuring its true values and tenets. its no longer about Christ and the bible but about crooks and wolves posing as prophets

  8. The same conman, I hear convinced one of our promising Politician to resign, telling him that, that was the only way to ascend to presidency … I pity with my form honorable politician… I liked him very much and even thought that he will takeover from ECL.. Poor Zambian politician. Please come back to PF.. We will forgive you for being misled.

  9. Can’t feel sorry for his stubborn and blind followers. They believe this criminal more than anyone/anything. Even if the real creator of heaven and earth came to tell the the truth, they would not accept. #Babylon burn and fall..

  10. Do people really read the Bible? Indeed are the last days. Bushiri is in trouble indeed. HAWKS do not arrest then investigate. They have a case against him.

  11. That is why I lost respect for the young man Harry Kalaba, how can you seriously be a disciple of Bushiri and be taken seriously by us Zambians???

  12. Comment:if u are willing to become as a pastor, don’t think that u will be loved by everyone no, when troubles come keep on praying.

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