Information and Broadcasting Permanent Secretary Chanda Kasolo says the Access to Information Bill will not be presented in the next sitting of Parliament which opens on Tuesday next week.
Mr. Kasolo says this is because Government wants to ensure that caution is taken especially on security matters before the bill is enacted into law.
Mr. Kasolo says the bill will adequately be prepared so that there are no lacunas.
He was speaking when he appeared on a special ZNBC Radio two programme in Lusaka.
And Mr. Kasolo has expressed worry on low wages that journalists are subjected to in the private media.
He stated that there is need for an act to be put in place to separate journalists who are trained form those that are not trained to prevent unprofessionalism in the media.
Access to Information Bill issue is now tired talk and makes me Yawn! Sorry
Are Chanda Kasolo and Pius Kasolo related?
The title of the bill is misleading. In my understanding, access to information refers to “Information Governance and Data Protection”, I.e, Confidentiality and Information Security.
Simple advice, pass the Bill but ensure that sensitive information is classified. That will take care of reckless journalists and media houses, the consequences of publishing classified information are still serious, besides we have other pieces of legislation that take care of defamation. Mufisanji amambala?
Concentrate on government institutions and leave private institutions to determine their own working conditions. We know that both times of Zambia, Daily Mail, and ZNBC are in big financial problems and we know the reasons why.
True reason is they are scared to pass this bill otherwise all the dirty secrets will be out for everyone to see.