Friday, March 14, 2025

Bees attack PF Election camp in Sesheke


A swarm of bees has attacked a PF camp gathering in Sesheke and several people have been admitted to hospital.

This comes barely a few days after lightning struck a PF camp killing one person and leaving several with severe burns.

And PF Campaign Manager for the Sesheke Parliamentary by Election Kebby Mbewe says what is happening in the district should save as a wakeup call to the church to pray for the country.

Mr. Mbewe says the death of a PF cadre as a result of Lightening is beyond political rivalry.

He says it is surprising that another camp for the PF was attacked by bees.

Mr. Mbewe says political campaigns should not degenerate to a point where suspicious activities become central to a by election.

He says several PF members are currently admitted in hospital after being attacked by the bees and lightning.

Mr. Mbewe says it is for this reason that the PF is calling on the Church to Pray for Sesheke and the country because the forces of darkness seem to be attacking innocent people.

This is contained in a statement made available to ZNBC news By Mr. Mbewe .


  1. The church! these guys in the PF only want the church to get involved when it suits them, simple dialogue to bring civility in our politics is scorned upon.
    Why should competition to serve the people bring such animosity.Why do we have to impose ourselves on the people even when are rejected.
    At the end of the day we are calling brothers enermies instead of competing for ideas.

  2. Kikikiki PF non believers insulted Church Mother Boards in Lusaka, now they are calling for their prayers.
    PF you pagans come over to National Dialogue before red-ants swam into your underwears.

    • Where was Sunday Chanda, Davies Mwila and Mumbi Phiri when bees paid them a courtesy call. Careful do not beat innocent people and expect to get away with it. More swams of bees are yours if you continue with violence , stealing votes and corruption.

  3. They are ferring in drugged drunk kaponyas from chawama and kanyama who just want to make head lines

    We all remember the bwengwa kidnapping fiasco by

    ” highly trained UPND comandos “

  4. We all remember the burning of the VPs compound by the UPND only to find it was done by bungling drunk PF caders to try to make headlines against upnd ….

  5. I makes sad reading, who can allow all that rubbish in this generation, witch craft has never brought developments in any nation.
    People must work hard to achieve goals and not intimidating others through evil ways.

  6. Silly Mbeba statement!
    Bees and lightning are just warning shots!
    Next time your planes will stall in midair! Ask KK!
    Wish the ground could open up and swallow your filthy camp of PF militia!

  7. Now their resorted into witchcraft and magic.sad development.
    I hope you people from other provinces have read this article.

  8. Comment:
    We need a Punisher to stop all this mess. From my understanding, we have cadres in police ranks ?
    And as if it’s not enough, surmon unruly goons from Kanyama to cause mayhem in Sesheke? I wish you luck as you reap what you sow. Zambezi fanatics would love a go at this free for all mischief!!!!!!

  9. Comment:
    I do believe that witchcraft exists and ignoring it would be at ones peril. Steer clear and have no brush with it, u will believe it doesn’t exist. Stir the bee’s give, dance to the music the stings give.
    Just wait for more exhibition, that’s if any of the dead have scientists relatives in the dark world that will avenge. U can’t mess around and get away with it

  10. Comment:
    That’s the trouble. hire people to superintend and represent you over contentious matters in one hand, then change the goal posts when your representatives aren’t keeping up on the game. Demonize the referee –
    Iza Vita nkani !!!

  11. Unga seke mwe. Now everything is witchcraft. They went to the wrong camp. Nayeve grade 7 Mbewe has nothing to talk about.

  12. Zambia is a Christian nation and as such witchcraft in any form should not be entertained. What’s happening in Sesheke must not supported. Let us commit this country in God’s hands for salvation of our people. Politics is politics but witchcraft NO.

  13. Interesting indeed!!! But all this long, witch craft has not been used to develop the area. Leave them for they think this is a general election and things will change. With mapatizya formula anything goes. Hahahahaha. Ask the people of Katuba who voted for Shaka and begun regretting after two days because he could not give them roads, schools as he promised to do when voted as MP.

  14. Kikikikikikiki….That Mr Mbewe had better be careful in Sesheke. Hacks never hid the fact that he hates “these rat eating Nsengas”, you remember his statement on ECZ Chairperson Esau Chulu? And coincidentally Hacks was in eastern province this week, what was he doing? And now the lightning and the bees and Mr Mbewe in Sesheke!!!…… seems to me nothing to do with PF but Nsengas…… good one from me upnd cadre ….. kikikkkikkkikikikikikikikikikikikikikikikikikikikikikikik

  15. It is you Mr Mbewe who needs prayers, not PF or the election campaign…….., and for these matters of Nsengaism etc don’t pray to God and the church, but pray to the god …kikikikikiki

  16. This is a warning to all. Red for danger. When we tell you some groupings represent Satanism you say no. Where is the lightening and bees coming from.

    Be careful bane.

  17. When nature confounds by a series of coincident acts human minds run agog. You are camping in prone areas as well as marked territories of fauna! Deal with it! Leave myths and superstitions out of it.

    • I agree.I don’t know about lightning,but bees are agitated by the smell of ripping, breaking of fresh or burning dry vegetation.They are also agitated by smells like perfumes and lots of bad breath.There are too many gatherings in those woods,there must be no shortage of such fumes

  18. Comment:This kind of politics is witchcraft .which never happened in mwanawasa and Kaunda.let a Christian spirit help us as a country.

  19. those souls you made to lose their lives will be defended by bees, red antes lightening and snakes on the day of voting. please make arrangement to meet the church and apologies.

  20. UPND has finally resorted to witchcraft in order for them to win a sit. Desperation is becoming too much with HH. He can even tell that the police are firing live ammunition without seeing one casualty. Agents of the devil, just see the color of their regalia, RED. The symbol of blood shed.

  21. hh is a freemason (a rich satanist) who sold mining companies in copperbelt together with ka short president fredric jacob titus chiluba

  22. adviser u are very right upnd is truery using witchcraft to win election in sesheke,freemason hh is introducing another mapatizya formular using black magic now.

  23. in a christian nation zambia political parties like upnd must be band (diregesterd) because at first they started beating people during campaigns using the formular called mapatizya formular, the vice president of upnd chi gbm introduced panga for panga and now the upnd is using the witcraft formula in sesheke by election norwarnder the colour of upnd regalia is red and dont forget that red is for danger

  24. it is witcraft and satanism that makes hh to be like former president of uganda satanic idia mini,this practice is too much in sesheke

  25. Mwalachimona, ba church bawame lelo? No way. Call ZIDIC to pray for corruption, which has gone rampant . Chitotela, after been arrested, still working. It’s because Lungu , is connected too.he has to go too.

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