Friday, March 7, 2025

Zambia has one of the most stable economies in the region-EAZ


President of the Economic Association of Zambia(EAZ), Dr. Lubinda Habazoka
President of the Economic Association of Zambia(EAZ), Dr. Lubinda Habazoka

The Economics Association of Zambia -EAZ- says Zambia has one of the most stable economies in the region.

EAZ president Lubinda Haabazoka says the analysis is based on key macroeconomic indicators.

Dr Haabazoka says despite some challenges in the economy, the country always comes out strong in its goal to reaching national economic development.

He was speaking during the launch of the EAZ website and campaign to host the National Economic Summit in Livingstone from July 25th to 26th 2019.

Dr Haabazoka said the Summit which is the first of its kind to be hosted by Zambia will be graced by President Edgar Lungu under the theme, “the future economic diplomacy, supporting inclusive growth and sustainable Africa”.

Dr Haabazoka,however, said there is need to change policies and provide incentives to the aviation sector to address some of the challenges that discourage private sector participation.

Meanwhile, Mahogany Chief Executive Officer Jim Belemu said his company joined the aviation sector because of the good policies and investment in infrastructure by government but appealed for a reduction in airport and fuel tax.

And the co-sponsors Texila American University head of business and information technology Dr Agape Kapasa said the university is happy to be associated with a summit that will bring together academicians, policy makers, political party leaders and the corporate world.


  1. The economist who doesn’t endeavor to even use 3 indicators just to back what he is saying …just saying most stable economy doesn’t mean anything I am sure you know that Habazooka even if you are trying to fly the flag high which we appreciate but you need to differentiate yourself from when cadres like Mumbi Phiri or Sunday speaks … That is why I always call u a cader please differentiate yourself because if your target audience is international u need to highlight these otherwise the locals are living the tough conditions & this means nothing to them

    • Dr Habazooka is seriously an educated f00l.

      Surely he knows that the most stable economies in the region are South Africa and it’s custom union members ; eg Botswana and Namibia.

      It’s however true if he is only comparing Zambia and Zimbabwe. Besides the use of the word economic stability in this case can only be interpreted as a trend either down ward or upward. That said, for Zambia’s economy it’s the downward trend which is stable. This means Zambia’s economy has continued to contract year on year since PF took over because of massive corruption massive inflation fiscal indiscipline and huge secret external debt.

      This statement has been carefully coined to deceive those who can not read between the line.

    • When u hear a Zambian say things are ok in zambia, just know he is busy eating.
      Haabazooka is such a let down.

      Its so disappointing to see an “educated” youth resort to bootlicking to put food on his table.

    • Granted the EAZ President did not mention the specific macro-indicators that he was referring to, so have the subsequent comments. No one has isolated an indicator and shown us the uneducated the true position.
      Looks like Lusakatimes has been invaded by wannabe arm chair critics, this won’t help anyone. The more we use facts, measured using agreed reference points, our economic debate, will always be shallow.

    • Bwana ABK Habazooka is the Economics Association of Zambia PRESIDENT he is meant to be one of the foremost experts on this issue so we expected him to give us those macro indicators why should anyone of us do that ???? He is the one trying to drive a point here …. Go figure

  2. Okay, imwe bene Chitotela, let’s assume there was no corruption in whatever you are doing, is it prudent for you to spend 1 million dollars on one fire tender, and 4.3 million dollars on that ka toll gate, tell me. Are these priorities really???? We can’t ask this to bene Lusambo because ni nkhani yama IQ apa manje

  3. ………and spending $800 k by the silly wife if lungu to go and inspect 2nd hand fire trucks that cost $100k and to collect a hand full of honery titles that will benefit not a single Zambian…..

  4. Dr Bamusoka speaks a lot sense and is straight to the Point He understands external capital flows and domestic drivers in Zambia to carefully give a commentary on the stability especially when you relate and review the global, regional markets an financial crisis and its spread or contagion globally especially as the toxic issues from markets we are inclined and aligned to
    It appears he has taken time to read the Financial Healthy and stability You also should take time and see how in other countries and markets crisis impacted
    He has not stopped from there He has given his recommendation which are positive towards efficient transmission mechanisms because certain crisis are simply a result of

  5. “EAZ president Lubinda Haabazoka says the analysis is based on key macroeconomic indicators”.

    What are those indicators?

    “Dr Haabazoka says despite some challenges in the economy, the country always comes out strong in its goal to reaching national economic development”.

    Whau!!, is that from a Doctorate mouth? The EAZ President you mean? What does he mean? Remember my reasoning is far above trib.als, so tell me what this Habansoka means to say, kapena ni chi zungu cha bavuta a dotolo.

  6. Or maybe the good dotolo has degenerated into a party cadre, he needs to if he wants to be “seen” by the President of PF.

  7. Limbi nifwebo fikopo, kaili this one alikwata doctorate so ninshi chinshika. Ine mbona kwati he thinks bull$hit e staple food yesu.

  8. Unfortunately for our country, such are the candidates identified to be appointed to lead government instititions which are supposed to deliver long term develolment for the country. The major criteria seems to be loyalty or bootlicking to attain the short term electoral objectives. And when they are appointed the first thing they do is achieve their long term personal objectives of owning and driving those expensive cars and mansions and flats, you know the picture.
    And of course boast about their “achievements”, being how they got themselves into the “inner circles”.

  9. I understand the position of the moon has a bad effect on his analysis – if you know what I mean. Lets pray for him.

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