Friday, September 6, 2024

Kambwili risks being arrested for uttering derogatory and racial remarks-Dora SIliya


Chief Government Spokesperson, Hon. Dora Siliya, MP
Chief Government Spokesperson, Hon. Dora Siliya, MP

Chief Government Spokesperson Dora Siliya says Roan Member of Parliament Chishimba Kambwili risks being arrested for uttering derogatory and racial remarks aimed at an Indian national seen in a video that has gone viral on social media.

Ms. Siliya says the Roan Law Maker went against the Law and that the Law should take its course on his actions.

She has told Journalists at a media briefing that the development should not only be condemned by all well-meaning Zambia but by the international community.

Ms. Siliya added that Mr. Kambwili’s actions have the potential to endanger the lives of Zambians leaving in the Diaspora.

She said it is disappointing to see such actions coming from someone who once served as minister and is a law maker.

Earlier, Mr. Kambwili has refused to apologise for reprimanding an Indian National who he found operating a compactor under the Lusaka decongestion project.

Mr. Kambwili has come under fire for his actions with some stakeholders challenging him to apologise to the Indian Community and the Zambian people who have no history of Xenophobia.

In a video that has gone viral on social media, Mr. Kambwili is seen uttering remarks against an Indian national who was found operating a compactor and challenging the same person to go back to India.


  1. I didn’t hear Kambwili say “go back to your country you curry eating, open defecator, stingy Ramish or Patelo.”

    • Come on Dora. Are you serious? You can not arrest people carrying offensive weapons ment to injure fellow Zambians but you go on an ant hill to condem and threaten a Zambian who is merely directing the country’s authorities to set policies that would benefit Zambians by putting them first on the employment list?

      Kambwili was not talking to the Indian, he was talking to you for preferring expensive expartriate labour for small tasks than can be done by Zambians.

    • Up to now you have failed to arrest him for stealing whilst he was a minister how are you going to arrest him for insulting an Indian?
      You should also arrest yourself ba Dora we haven’t forgotten maize gate between you and your Malawian counterparts. Too many crooks everywhere…even if we voted in UPND the same nonsense would happen I don’t know where we are going surely…the best hope for us is to educate the young ones in grade 8 and below because even young kids today have become corrupt and hungry for money, this evil of materialism and driving flushy luxury SUVs is ingrained in the youth, leaders have set a bad example and so what do we do? We just have to accept that there is a serious problem of materialism which has destroyed this country and made people resort to…

    • Dora Dora Dora you are now very irrelevant to Zambian politics each time you feature on TV nothing sensible comes out your mouth. You were not this dull in MMD, you have really changed, are you growing old or you have been brainwashed by PF politics of intimidation. You travel around the world senior government officials have pushed policies to ensure simple jobs are taken by locals and only skills that are considered to be on demand are listed for skilled migration. Check what is happening in Australia and other parts of the developed world. No Minister was arrested to say go leave jobs to our people but that crime is only in Dora’s head.

    • A POTENTIAL SHOWDOWN between Dora and CK is in sight. I expect CK to turn from the Indian labourer to Dora for coming into PF. I see CK telling Dora to go back to MMD in the same way that CK tells the Indian labourer to go back to India. Why would Dora want to put herself in this firing line?

    • Two people needs counseling in the political arena in Zambia today.
      Double h and CK.

      Does Zambia have social counselors?
      Not those HIV inclined counselors, I mean social based counselors.
      These may relate to medical problems. We love the two individuals but right now, they need social counsel. We may be dealing with the waste kind’a trauma. Post electoral loss trauma (PELT) and post expulsion trauma (PET). These may be new medical terms in the dictionary. There is no way two people could be making jail and court their most frequent second nature places, like they work there.

    • Dora Siliya is extremely ignorant, not so? Wow. Black people are treated worse than dogs in India. Especially Africans. What is this ignorant woman talking about? India is the most racist country in the world. They have a caste system in India and the darker you are, the more discrimination you’ll experience. Mr. Kambwili didn’t utter any racial language. Not at all. Telling someone to go back to their country is not racist at all. It may be wrong but it’s not racist. What if he was saying that to a Zimbabwean, would it have been racist? Please get some education. Africans are mistreated and discriminated against in many countries around the world, and especially in India. In China there are even hotels that don’t allow black people. But when the Chinese, the Indians, the Lebanese,…

    • … come into Africa, you roll out the red carpet and want to treat them like royalty. What’s wrong with you people? And then they come into our country, mistreating Zambian workers, beating them up and working them like slaves, paying them slave wages, and sometimes not paying them for months. And you do nothing about it. You ought to be ashamed of yourselves.

    • Kambwili perpetrated a hate crime based on Race. Arrest the bigot and puncture his stomach. All those poisonous gasses trapped there impair his judgement.

  2. All I heard Kambwili say was go back to your country you for getting a level job that many a Zambian machine operator can do. Truth be told, he’s right. Why send maids to Dubai if Indians are coming to work as maids in Zambia? I can’t say he’s offside, since he’s the same Kambwili who was hurriedly removed from Labour Ministry for speaking for Zambia.

    • Foreign Affairs minister Kambwili was just having a bad day as usual.
      Indians should be proud that they are highly regarded compared to Chinese.
      If it was a Chinese and Italians driving that thing no one could have be bothered.
      But an Indian working on the road??? That’s strange.
      Indians do same manual labor in grocery stores.

  3. I think we need to drop the hypocrisy. The so-called donors we are inviting to help us run our country are using THEIR cash and therefore are at liberty to push their own AGENDA. Also, in a country riddled with weekends, prayer days and holidays, a worker who can apply him/herself flat out until work is done is more desirable by a contractor than someone who wants to chill at the slightest opportunity. Leave that “Indian” alone! Yea – and go ahead and mark me down – who cares!

    • Dora and PF leadership are hypocrites. I don’t condone what Kambwili did but these PF guys are always telling the international community not to meddle in Zambia s internal affairs but now Dora is making a clarion call that the development should not only be condemned by all well-meaning Zambia but by the international community.
      Ukufwayilisha imbwa shakusakisha


  5. Dora the explora, what the hell do you know about the Diaspora, you and your ido1t looter friend should just shut up, you pricks have destroyed a functioning democracy.

  6. Ba Dora,we know kambwili was wrong to approach an indian in that manner but he was right when he talked about employing an indian driver.Go to china or the same india if students are allowed even to work in restaurants.Jobe are for indians.In Russia it’s the same thing.There is nothing wrong to tell the govt to improve on the policies.The immigration officers are too corrupt where by they allow even accountants from other countries to come and work in Zambia.We only need specialised skilled which can’t be done by Zambians.Therefore ba Dora ubupa—ba mayo muleke.Kambwili now will be a hero if you continue with your case.Why should u protect a foreigner instead of a Zambian?I’m PF but don’t support the idea of arresting kambwili….


  8. It`s only in Zambia where we allow Indians to abuse us,go to Barotseland or even Nigeria ,you will not find any indian shop there,i only feel sorry for my dull tribal cousins the easterners who allow indians to be molesting their women and seering coloured indian children,What a shame!

    • Well done Nigeria and western….Indians are the most racist people towards blacks….even in Europe if you find an Indian at immigration , as a black you are in trouble….

    • He will be arrested for uttering racial remarks.Was he going to say the same words to a white man from United Kingdom or USA?

  9. Come on Dora, your party dictatorship is showing through the cracks. Anything an opposition says you people want to arrest them, how about arresting all those who spew tribalismn in the country? you are failing to arrest killers of innocent people so please Dora reflect on what you are going to say next time.

  10. This is not UNIP era where people could be arrested for expressing their views. How many people are you going to arrest. Let people talk freely. This is not a one party state where people are scared of even seeing their own shadow.
    It is only in Zambia where foreigners are given ” WEATHER ALLOWANCE” for breathing Zambia air. Zambians are not respected in their own nation. This nonsense of threatening citizens owing to divergent views should not be condoned.
    Kambwili has not insulted anyone apart from expressing his views. Why should hell break loose over someone’s sentiments?

  11. Ba Dora ikaleni nga tamukwete fyakulanda. You are shameless. What wrong has ba Kambwili done for you to threaten him like that. He was right to bring that error to your attention, just act on it.
    Be like Mwanawasa who was appreciating the advice from opposition leaders like Mr SATA and acting on them

  12. The only language you know is arresting people. Everyday, it’s arrest him! Arrest him! You will even start arresting us for going to toilet at the rate you are moving. Police log book is full of genuine criminals, like Chitotela,who are supposed to be arrested. Don’t overburden them with petty arrests. Bring to book culprits who killed a university student.
    This is the problem of making police service like your boyfriends. No matter you don’t get married because you want to arrest even your husbands in their own homes. They cannot question you because of being scared of an arrest warrant.

  13. Ck is right, just show us one Zambian menial worker in India ??

    You can Google

    ” violence against blacks in India ”

    And you will be treated to a series of clips.
    Not saying all Indians are bad , but generally they are the most racist towards blacks…… a black traveller , if you are unfortunate enough to find an Indian at immigration , you are in trouble….they will gladly let Indians in but make you sit and wait bambo……

  14. Corrupt theives , will rather deny jobs to people from a certain tribe but gladly protest at someone not happy at foringners taking jobs meant for zambians….

  15. Dora, your Boyfriend Rupiah Banda nce refred to HH’s wife Mutinta as MWENYE. You’re a hypocrite. Why you didn’t arrest him?

  16. The shallowness and naivete of Dora as the Chief Government spokesperson is astounding. Like lambs they play themselves into the hands of foreigners for a few pieces of silver passed under the day. It is reprehensible and unacceptable that an Indian should be driving a compactor in Zambia, fifty five years after independence!! What is so complicated about driving a compactor that a Zambian can not do?? Dora’s sentiments are a demonstration of how out of touch the leadership is with general populace. This administration would rather support at the expense of its own citizens as they shamefully promote neo – colonialism. There is no comparison with Kambwili’s wife whose skills the British government requires, not so with the Indians or Chinese!

  17. I will share a particularly bad experience I witnessed that has left a lasting impression on me……

    When I was in Zambia I went to the British embassy to sort out some travell arrangements , I happened to notice a group of girls, must have been all zambian school girls, 3 Asians and 2 blacks all in the same group sorting out their travel arragments.
    It so happens that when I arrived back in the UK , when clearing at immigration , the same group of school girls were in front of me…..and an Indian woman was the immigration officer dealing with them one by one, to my amazement, the black Zambian girls were made to sit while the other 3 Indians in the same group were passed through…..luckily I was next after the group , and I asked the officer why she let the others from the same…

    • ……same group through while detaining the black girls ? I started shouting abuse and other Zambian brothers behind me joined in the protest. It took the chief immigration officer on duty to calm us down and let the black girls through…

      Not all all Asians are bad , but I know , they are the most racist towards blacks…

    • Corruption scandals: Social Security Cash Luxury Presidential Jet Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans Corruption scandals: Social Security Cash Luxury Presidential Jet Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans

      Spaka, please shut up and sit down… and your point is? The man, the victim of Kambwili’s bigotry is actually the young brother or husband to the immigration official who detained the Zambian girls?

      You really sound uncivilized mate.

      Some of us who have traveled the world can tell you that hatred and discrimination knows no bounds and cuts across all races. It just so happens that when I went to uni, I made some really good friends with people from all ethnicities: caucasians; Koreans; Vietnamese; Arabs; Indians; Africans; you name them… to this day, our friendship is still going strong even though we are all married with kids and went in all different directions. These guys treated me like their bloody brother and I can assure you they will mourn me when I die.

      I get really…

    • Corruption scandals: Social Security Cash Luxury Presidential Jet Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans Corruption scandals: Social Security Cash Luxury Presidential Jet Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans

      …I get really personal and upset when I hear ignorant comments from you and Kambwili and your like.

      By the way your story doesn’t sound authentic or plausible… it is a made up story to justify your bigotry (I’m not buying it).

    • This is a made up story. Kanshi i have travelled across the globe. Been to dubai multiple times, the people working there are asians and they are good people. Even in airport or even in local shops. They are good people

  18. I condemn Kambwili for what he did and said to that man of Indian descent… that guy and his family will be traumatized for very long time by that experience.

    But for this corrupt woman to climb on a high horse and score cheap political points is not only hypocritical but ridiculous at the same time.

    These are the people Chishimba should be directing his misplaced anger towards. Our country is in a deplorable state it finds itself because of these corrupt numskulls whose loot our resources like there’s no tomorrow. Speaking of arrest there are a lot of people within PF who have committed far worse crimes than Chishimba Kambwili. Not to say he didn’t commit a crime, he definitely did but the cops should do their job independently without political pressure.

  19. The thinking is good but its the manner he presented his case. I don’t think he can make a good leader. Analakwa Kambwili!!!!!! FULL STOP!!

  20. I believe Spaka. Indians are very racist. Av also bad experiences with them.
    Iwe Corruption, Social Security etc etc you just want to paint Kambwili black because of your hatred for the man. Kambwili is right and you are wrong. No matter how much vomit you spew against Ck you won’t change facts

  21. What goes around comes around. If a zambian gets humiliated like this in a foreign country then don’t get suprised. Racism and ultra far right should have no place in our society. Otherwise we will turn like europe and america. Where people of african descent are blamed for everything. No jobs is the african migrants. Crime its the migrants. No no. This is unacceptable, we as africans should display good conduct to people of races and religions, such behaviour only brings problems. Kambwili should apologise and close this chapter once and for all…

  22. Dora Siliti is supposed to be of above average intelligence, but how she allows herself to “punch below” her station is amazing. I want to believe that she is smart enough not to believe the drivel that comes out of her mouth when she spews the rot for PF. What she doesn’t realise is that she takes away from her stature and integrity in the process. She must think the Zambian people are nincompoops to come out the way she does. This government gives so much latitude to foreigners at the expense of indigenous people. Shame!

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