Police in Lusaka have arrested and charged National Democratic Congress Consultant Chishimba Kambwili with Expression or showing Hatred ridicule or contempt for persons because of race, tribe or place of Origin or colour.
This is contrary to section 70 of the Penal Code, Cap 87 of the Laws of Zambia.
Zambia Police spokesperson Esther Katongo confirmed Mr. Kambwili’s arrest who is currently detained in police custody.
Police had summoned Mr. Kambwili for questioning at Lusaka Central Police at 10:00 hours in connection with the alleged racial remarks he issued against a man of Indian Origin he found operating a compactor under the Lusaka decongestion project.
Mr. Kambwili arrived around 09:50 hours at Lusaka Central Police station and was accompanied by his wife, daughter, leaders of opposition alliance member political parties and lawyers among others.
Chief Government Spokesperson Dora Siliya recently said the Roan law maker faces up to two years jail sentence for uttering derogatory and racial remarks aimed at an Indian national seen in a video that has gone viral on social media.
Ms. Siliya said Mr. Kambwili went against the Law and that the Law should take its course on his actions.
She told Journalists at a media briefing that the development should not only be condemned by all well-meaning Zambia but by the international community.
Mr Kambwili is currently detained in police custody.
Mr Kambwili was flanked by his wife and Opposition Alliance partners led by Hakainde Hichilema and several supporters.

HH is next
Mr. Kambwili lacks wisdom and common sense. He also displays a high level of arrogance.
But I would just like to remind everyone that when ever justice is perverted, all of us lose out, because it sets precedence for the future and next time it will be you. There is no justification for denying Mr. Kambwili bond. No justification at all. For those of you in PF who support such actions, I remind you again, next time it will be you when your party loses power or you fall out of favour. Just a short while ago Kambwili was in PF and perpetrating such actions. Look at him now. Let’s learn from this say no to injustice and lay a firm foundation for the future by setting good precedence.
1 Cabbage beans kapenta, Cabbage beans kapenta, Cabbage beans kapenta, Cabbage beans kapenta
When will they arrest Hon Sichalwe?
What if he dies in those congested prisons? Kambwili is not in good health as HH.
Best take him to Mukobeko he may breath and get some sleep there.
Kambwili was wrong to attack that man the way he did.
He seems happy to be digging his own grave.
If he has issues, let him direct them at Lungu as it is him that has opened the door to foreigners coming to Zambia to do petty jobs.
Is that case not bailabe or bondable? Human rights, ati shani apo?
He must appear in court. Then lawyers will make arguements, then either a nolle or jail term or not guilty will be handed down. The latter will be disastrous coz all the deads would start abusing all foreigners.
I have always said this, that Kambwili’s mouth is his greatest enemy.
Imilandu ubwingi.
Let him be strong this time. Ni jaile fye aka.
Set him as an example.
Its the same guy who attacked the tongas when he was in PF and nothing was done, Why now and what is so special about the Indian guy and who raised a complaint.
Racism is when some one demonises another person because of their race and it is a form of segregation which must not be allowed. Racism is saying things these people are less human, “black of chinese bastard” and should be killed and things like they don’t deserve this job because they are of a different race despite having a right to live that country. In the end its all the context in which some one disapproves of person believed to be not like them. Expressing disapproval about recruiting foreigners to take jobs that can be doe by locals is not racism but simply a right to fight against exportation of jobs for the benefit of people like Kapyongo who sell work permits against the Zambian immigration laws. But saying things like tongas are dogs or cows that should never be allowed…
But saying things like tongas are dogs or cows that should never be allowed to rule Zambia is the purest form of Tribal segregation/Tribalism. The hounding of Tongas , Lozis and Northwesterners from the civil service amounts to segregation which is the worst form inhuman treatment of other groups in society.
In Kambwili ‘s case he showed concern of why foreigners are allowed to take up driving jobs at the expense of Zambian unemployed youths. Because this exposed PF ‘s lack care regarding exportation of jobs which can be executed by local people to foreigners. More over Kambwili exposed Kapyangos ‘s corruption in granting these foreigners work permits for jobs which can readily be filled by local.
This whole reaction has hallmarks of trying to hide Kapyango’s immigration…
This whole reaction has hallmarks of trying to hide Kapyango’s immigration corruption; a fact which was highlighted by Chitotela.
Public opinion will judge the PF ‘s persecution of Kambwili harshly. Yes he spoke against Tongas there was a case to answer but because it favoured PF it was buried under the carpet and forgotten. Mumbi Phiri insults Tongas on daily basis because they pose a threat to her power despite that they deserve self determination and the right to choose a leader they like.
Akanwa pofu kaletelele pwele. You don’t have to be black to be Zambian. Chishimba Kambwili’s wife is in the UK working as a nurse.
That does not mean there no indigenous people who can be nurses the whole of UK. Ifyabupuba fyeka fyeka.
Ba PF “Where Is The Report On Voting Pattern And Electoral Violence” asks chipenzi.
Iwe chimbwi, Kambwili’s wife is in the Uk because she got a job under a work permits for jobs on the shortage list. Nurses in UK are on the shortage list thats why many African nurses are given work permits in the UK.
The UK would never give a work permit for a Chinese or any foreign digger driver, because such jobs can be done by locals.
That Chinese kambwili is referring to is not a Zambian citizen for a start. He is not married to a Zambia woman and is not Zambian by birth. So most likely he got his work permit by paying Kapyongo some $600. dollars I hear. A Chinese man who lives in Zambia told me how easy it is to get work permits by paying $600.
Please speak from the point of knowledge and not ignorance. This will help greatly and stop you being dependant…
Kwasila now its fainting time,….Kambwili iwe nomba lala
Was the chap being Xenophobic or Racist? Verbal assault on a foreigner can be classified as Racist or Xenophobic. Tribalism is clear. It is corruption.
Penal code complete extract:
“70. ( No. 6 of 1965) (1) Any person who utters any words or publishes any writing expressing or showing hatred, ridicule or contempt for any person or group of persons wholly or mainly because of his or their race, tribe, place of origin or colour is guilty of an offence and is liable on conviction to imprisonment for a period not exceeding two years. (2) A person shall not be prosecuted for an offence under this section without the written consent of the Director of Public Prosecutions.”
CK left substantial evidence in form of a video. It’s a record like…
Thats why ICC has to come in … these 1d1ots with instruments of power are abusing the peoples mandate, tell me why wasnt EL charged for calling bembas theives ….? Sata for calling Chinese infestors? of sorry I forgot the other one is the abuser and the other was led by matured government (MMD).
… the one we have on his assault on Tongas. Indisputable record. Living in an era of self incrimination is extremely unfortunate. Next he will deny his ugly face in the vid. Unfortunate.
Anyways, that is why we have lawyers. They will figure it out. Don’t tell me the law is ambiguous on this too. It is clear.
Why????????????????Iwe 1diot
Carol Alikosa! to be married to this THING with a mouth
The Indian man who was caught defiling an underage girl street-kid in a car back seat was NOT arrested but a Zambian who tells off an Indian for stealing our jobs is arrested.
Here in RSA we are constantly being segregated even at hospitals, at workplaces & by policemen & joburg mayor & are constantly being told to go bk home to “Africa”.
Most job adverts even openly say only rsa citizens need apply.
But in Zambia we are still licking the foreigners bum-crack. The case of the rac.ist Horse shoe restaurant manager who insults Zambian workers & the abusive chinese managers went cold.
We are 3rd class citizens in our own country due to this PF00Lish regime.
This is what Zambia has come to. The current leadership is servicing the interests of foreigners over those of native Zambians. You can’t speak against foreigners taking up the simple jobs of locals, or else you risk getting arrested. Meanwhile in India, black people are treated worse than dogs under their caste system. African students are sometimes even killed for just being black in India. I challenge anyone to go to YouTube and search “African students beaten in India,” and see what you get. And yet when these people come to our country, we treat them like royalty. We roll out a red carpet for them, and begin to kiss their feet. And then they start businesses, employ poor Zambians and literally treat them like slaves. They make them do slave labor, beat them up if they’re not…
… behaving like slaves, pay them slave wages, and sometimes not even pay them at all for months, with no government official coming to their aid. Mr. Kambwili may have not used the right words, but his point is valid. Foreigners should be allowed in the country, only if they’re coming to do high tech jobs which most Zambians cannot do. But instead, foreigners are pouring into the country to sell maize, chickens, etc, on the side of the road. And also taking up simple jobs which poor Zambians can easily do. Meanwhile, unemployment in Zambia is so high it touches the moon. So our conclusion is, Lungu and his current team are only interested in serving the interests of foreigners. If you’re a native Zambian, you’re on your own now. This is what it means to be a second class citizen…
… in your own country. Thanks to corrupt Lungu and his minions. What a shame.
Ba Zambia Police naimwe you like exaggerating things when you know your masters are watching you. Yes Silly Kambwili committed an offence but this is not an unbailable case. You don’t need to lock someone up for such an offense. Just because Lungu and Dora ordered you you introduce detentions that are unlawful!
HH attention seeking…..this is not your bone to chew……Kambwili has lost credibility and HH you will damage your own reputation
Let this guy have a taste of long term prison time, he was in govt and did nothing during his service as a minister to improve prison conditions, let this be an example to all, those sitting in positions and even those vying for top positions. You are servants and not masters.
Vision 2020: I totally agree with you. Xenophobia, racialism, tribalism etc, should never be entertained regardless the proponent is a politician. In fact politicians should lead by example. Lock them up when they commit such foolish offences so that they become a “shining example” to the general public.
Mr. Kambwili lacks wisdom and common sense. He also displays a high level of arrogance.
But I would just like to remind everyone that when ever justice is perverted, all of us lose out, because it sets precedence for the future and next time it will be you. There is no justification for denying Mr. Kambwili bond. No justification at all. For those of you in PF who support such actions, I remind you again, next time it will be you when your party loses power or you fall out of favour. Just a short while ago Kambwili was in PF and perpetrating such actions. Look at him now. Let’s learn from this say no to injustice and lay a firm foundation for the future by setting good precedence.
no wounder foreigners dont respect us and labour laws
Chifentelo balange mwaiche!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Ah he has resurfaced anyway inside you go so that you can reflect on your unbecoming hate speech towards that Asian looking man you accosted. This will be a good time to search your soul deeply and think again if you harbor hope to one day return as a Minister again. It is also good to see Adolf appeared to accompany you as NDC consultant cum president to the cells we wish you well and a faint less stay in the police hotel.
MMM Dora Siliya who insulted Sata and PF can now instruct brutal police to arrest and they unprofesdionally obey. Dora Siliya’s stupid comments she said about Sata should make her shut her mouth unless she is a woman without shame. Kambwili formed PF that is feeding Dora today.
Aza fenta again.
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Malumbo yakuilombela aya. It seems as though these guys have nothing to do indeed. Why waste so much precious time doing things that are unnecessary? Kambwili thinks that he is untouchable but soon rather than later he will find himself in jail. What we need right now are credible leaders offering alternative economic models different from what the PF has subjected us to. Not this childish foundering nonsense grow up.
Foolish comments from this thing called Bamwine.
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This is the opportunity for Opposition parties to mount a campaign to uproot any foreigner doing the jobs that Zambians can do. Dr Kambwili’s call to root out foreigners that have taken up Zambian peoples jobs must not be silenced by PF, it is a crack on descent to appease foreigners. How on earth can an indian come to operate a compactor, when we have many operators(zambians) sitting at home with their certificates.
Cabbage beans kapenta, Cabbage beans kapenta, Cabbage beans kapenta, Cabbage beans kapenta to finish.
I knew that one day this guy will be in trouble. It looks like him insulting the Indian but Jona also says this is a great chance to fix the guy. What an opportunity for Jona.
What a disaster fo CK.????
After you lose power, Lungu wont have anyone to escort him simply because all the other chaps will be picked up first ….. Sunday, Kaiser, watch out your time will come too, na imwe bakamitana bail
Meaning Lungu should do nothing about criminalities so that when his time comes he will not be touched…..? What manner of thinking is this?
Tell what wrong that Kambwili did? I saw the video and this is stuff that happens everywhere, go to India and see how these people behave towards blacks….ignorance is bliss mune
The Observer Cabbage beans kapenta, Cabbage beans kapenta, Cabbage beans kapenta, Cabbage beans kapenta
Pa Chifentelo wala pena nomba kikiki,palya ponse taula naka…
@ Journeyman , I fully agree. This man is creating too much drama around himself. This time there will be no trumped up charges. He is in contravention of the law.
But HH thinks otherwise. Kambwili was set up by the PF propaganda machinery to go and insult that Indian and then arrest him.
In as much as i do not support Kambwili, this one single action is going to turn local staff into slaves in these companies being run by foreign investors. Thats the other side of the coin
I do somehow agree with you. It will embolden foreign investors to do what they want against our own people. Ba Kambwili should just be admonished for what he did. There are so many of us who studied and lived abroad and were victims of hate crime and nothing was done against perpetrators. There is no need to mete out harsh punishment on Kambwili for this. A warn and Caution statement should have been enough to sent a signal to Kambwili that should he again do something similar, he was going to be arrested.
The way they are escorting Kambwili is the same they will be doing with Chitotela once he’s on his own. A young man has been imprisoned in Kitwe for insulting his elderly neighbor and didn’t see any opposition leader escorting him. Most important to note that HH will not stop at anything for political mileage. Kambwili has committed a genuine offense and he should be condemned by all well meaning leaders. But then this is HH.
There is no offence here Bwana, Kambwili was simply rebuking an Indian, that took up a job that must be given to a Zambian. Should a rebuke when someone is wrong choose one’s race( that they are indian, white or whatever) or should they be immune to rebuke just because they are of another race? Not at all Bwana. The Issue of racism must be proved as to which words did Kambwili use in that Video that implies Racism.? that’s the issue
Read the laws of Zambia before defend the indefensible. These have been quoted for you so all you need to do is go out there and read it by yourself. Zambia is part of the international community and a signatory to statues against things like racial hatred. You will say Zambians have been racially attacked in India but that doesn’t mean the Indian government supports that. …just like we can not support Kambwilis actions.
@Ndanje Khakis, the law read for him is merely a charge unproven so far, so don’t be too quick. So the issue here is to prove from the Video, which words did kambwili utter that might be termed racial attacks legally not by cadre categorization, as far as I’m concerned from that video i see no word legally that demonizes that Indian based on race, color or place of origin except a justifiable rebuke based on the Zambianisation policy signed by the same government that “jobs capable of being done by Zambians shall be done by Zambians”. Such a mere rebuke can not be termed racial because at stake are Zambian Jobs being given to foreigners, and this sole cause is the only Kambwili advanced before any other word. The issue would be different if that Indian is Zambian of Indian descent,…
Shimwana please don’t put words in my mouth. I didn’t say Kambwili is guilty. …that’s up to the arresting officers to prove. Anyone who is arrested is innocent until proven guilty but he is arrested and that’s what has happened to Kambwili. You don’t wait for a suspected criminal to be proven guilty before you arrest them do you? I’m sure if Kambwili was still minister and acted the way he did you’re going to sing a different song BACK PF NI BA KAPONYA ETC. Like the example I have given there a lot of people being imprisoned or fined for the offense Kambwili has committed.
Racism is when some one demonises another person because of their race. In Kambwili ‘s case he showed concern of why foreigners are allowed to take up driving jobs at the expense of Zambian unemployed youths. Because this exposed PF ‘s lack care regarding exportation of jobs which can be executed by local people to foreigners. More over Kambwili exposed Kapyangos ‘s corruption in granting these foreigners work permits for jobs which can readily be filled by local.
This whole reaction has hallmarks of trying to hide Kapyango’s immigration corruption a fact which was highlighted by Chitotela.
You nailed it!
“The Chinese are like cockroaches…” By someone
Kambwili nimunshebwa uwaile namashinshi kubuko. Even his wife does not inspire at all. The husband is practicing xenophobia while she is still working in a foreign country.
The Chinese are like cockroaches….ECL
Comment: CK has had a point but he put it crudely which could be his mistake and in my opinion,its not a mistake that warrants an arrest. The question here is, is CK lying that most of the common jobs being done by foreign nationals are being robbed of from poor jobless Zambians? Let PF soul search on this fact and come up with a straight answer. Therefore,instead of punishing CK, they should take a leaf from this wake up call and improve on this front, not arresting him.
The point is correct but it’s the method used. If a person beats up a person sleeping with his wife, that person will be arrested and dealt with according to the applicable laws. On foreigners doing jobs which can be done by Zambians, I don’t blame government blame people on the ground who facilitate entry for unqualified foreigners into Zambia. I watch Border Security and I see how the police and immigration officers in Australia or New Zealand work to flush out foreigners working on farms or in factories. Our officers do the opposite. Just watch how HR personnel work around the clock to have these foreigners cleared to work here.
State should not be seen overreacting
Where is complainant??
Am a non partisan political consultant
No complainant and as if insults are non bailable? Sikazwe Mwanakatwe etc should have been locked for insulting President Scott for being “this white man”…
This is crazy is the government being real here, what Kambwili said was true but he delivered the message to a wrong person he should have told the government that. Why should these companies not give these jobs to the locals? Problem PA Zed bantu bali ndwiii
This is a straight forward matter. Kambwili erred bad kind, its dangerous to associate with HH, please be warned. What I know is this most developed countries have embraced all races to tap into their brilliance and workaholic manners. A good example is US, UK and Dubai, in these countries you rarely see the natives doing the odd jobs but foreigners. Lets even bring it back home, its lets face call a spade a spade, give building contract to a Zimbabwean, you are are assure of excellent product. Give a complex and seemingly hard job to crack like construction of dams, roads, bridges to Chinese or Japanese, they will deliver. Try and give it to a local contractor, all you will see at site are 3 loads of building sand meanwhile the chaps are busy squandering upfront payments. There is…
Kikikikikikikikikikiki. This government has nothing to do apart from going to political opponents. Yaba Sesheke hangover.
Political prosecution ……period.
For telling us how corrupt lungu and statehouse are…..
Lungu should also be arrested for calling bembas theives ….
They say give a fool enough rope to hang himself….CK is a careless and cantankerous twit and his f.0.0.l ishness has just landed him in hot soup. He told us he would expose PF corruption but up to today nothing concrete has come out except his own fraud and corruption case now in court. Any Zambian supporting this i.d.1.o.it and calling it political persecution is plain f.0.0.l. ish and is a demonstration of how low we have set our political standards-NO WONDER ANY SUBSTANDARD POLITICIAN CAN SOLICIT FOR VOTES IN ZAMBIA!!!
I have said it here that this police is usel—-sss nowonder they are being retired.Its like we have ifikopo fi police.Why are they used?Are these police officers have normal iq or the IQ is just too low?I support PF but give kambwili police bond imwe fimambala.Even our president Edgar Lungu sometimes get surprised of your thinking imwe fi police.atase imwe ubufotini.We need to give equal justice to the pipo.Don’t look so backwards.We’ll start firing you bcoz of such incompetence .U’re making PF unpopular coz of such nonsense.who told u that kambwili should be denied bail?don’t be used.Think!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I never looked at it like that,but it is true,while dull PGFare celebrating maybe the police are deliberately doing this so as to make this useless party unpopular and am sure even the likes of Kampyongo wouldnt smell the coffee if this were true…
People complaining about bail, have the police said why bail was denied? May be it is because Kambwili decided to show up on Monday Instead of Friday that he was summoned. And want was HH doing escorting Kambwili. This is the same Kambwili that insulted Tongas and letter blamed it evil spirits. Just because of cheap political mileage, HH has forgotten how an entire Tribe was insulted by the diarrhea mouthed Kambwili.
As they say, we are our own worst enemies. We would rather hang our own and leave that Indian guy to continue driving that compactor when our own people have no jobs. Do people remember when US civil rights leader Reverend Jesse Jackson once visited Zambia and he expressed shock at how most big jobs in Zambia were being done by foreign contractors. You remember how he openly stated there was something wrong with our educational system. Surely, can that compactor not be driven by a Zambian with the training and a driving license to drive it? Are you ba Muzungu or MuIndian anikonde ba PF? We know what ba Kambwili said was embarrassing but it should not attract incaceration without bail. That is way too harsh!!!
A Warn and Caution Statement by the police and a strong statement from government that it was not going to tolerate such behaviour from Mr. Kambwili in future should have been enough to send a strong warning to Mr. Kambwili. Otherwise, the PF government looks like one that is ready to protect foreigners at the expense of its own people. PF needs to think twice about this.
Did you say “think”?Never use the word think in the same sentence where PF appears,the 2 are mutually exclusive…
If I was in HH’s position, I would do for CK as he has done. We don’t learn it in town. But in the village. You don’t abandon a colleague who is in trouble. “Chase the fox first, then warn the chickens against wondering in the bush”.
And we do this discontentedly!!
Flanked by the “assassinated one”
He’s braver than 3/4 of the Zambian’s.
@shimwana(19.1).I agree with you.the section so cited as the basis for the arrest qualifies that the words uttered or published in hatred,contempt or ridicule must be WHOLLY or MAINLY because of race,color etc.of the victim.CK’s abuse of the employees was in the context of public demand that “Zambian jobs must be left for Zambian”. There is reasonable doubt that CK verbally abuse him for the sole reason of his race or origins.That abuse amounts to harrassment
There are you are trib.al Hacks, another cisushi in your camp. I wonder how much stench you can absorb dadaala? No wonder you also smell ifisushi naiwe trib.al Hacks.
It is a pity ck has been refused bail over an issue which is bailable. The only mistake he did was to talk about grabbing jobs from Zambians to a wrong person. Being a member of Parliament he was supposed to lodge his complaint in the house. However ck needed to only be warned and advised accordingly. To be honest our children and grandchildren are suffering when it comes to jobs, buto zoona iliko pa zed. Cooking nsima, selling chickens and roasting green maize pa mbaula please leave these small jobs to our children ta papata.
Bembas say “MALIBU YAKUILOMBELA”.Kambwili asked for this by insulting an innocent Indian,then tell his driver to take a video and post it on facebook-WHAT A FO0L!!!!School is very important guys!!!
As for the ATTENTION SEEKER HH,let us remind him that it is Kambwili who told the world that EVEN IF A SON OF GOD JESUS CHRIST STOOD AGAINST A UPND CANDIDATE IN SOUTHERN,TONGAS WILL STILL REJECT JESUS CHRIST AND VOTE FOR A FELLOW TONGA!!!CK SAID IN 2016 THAT THIS IS HOW TRIBAL TONGAS ARE!!!Sadly due to his desperation for state house,HH has forgotten CK’s evil words against UPND by hoping that CK may add bemba votes to him in 2021-ULABEJA!!!Bembas do not vote blindly.If Miles Sampa,GBM,Nevers Mumba,now forgotten Mutale Nalumango,Mulenga Sata,etc failed to make UPND win in bemba speaking…
The indian national did not even report the case to the police. I doubt he even understood what kambwili was saying
Yha yayayayaya.lock it it’s were it is suppose to be…..that buffoon is a danger to society.
Mumbi Kanyo Phiri and that Congolese Defence minister fimo fimo have been uttering derogatory and racial remarks aimed at Kaondes, Lozis and Tongas but nothing has ever happened to them. This Kambwili himself has said such vile things about other Zambians especially those from Southern Province but he was never arrested for such. Now, does it mean Indian aliens have more rights in this country than Tongas’ Loziz and Kaondes?