Monday, February 3, 2025

Full Independent Broadcasting Authority Press Statement TV and Radio Suspensions



LUSAKA, 4th March, 2019 – I wish to welcome you all to the Independent Broadcasting Authority. We are here today to share with you some resolutions of the Board.

The Independent Broadcasting Authority (IBA) Board would like to announce that it has issued 22 radio licences.

The new licences have been granted on a conditional basis subject to the new licensees being able to meet a set of conditions. These include development of the complaints procedure and ethical guidelines as well as payment of licence fees.

The move to award broadcast licences is aimed at promoting a diverse and pluralistic broadcasting sector in Zambia.

Ladies and gentlemen, the following are the new radio stations:
Copperbelt Province (5):

1. Peopos Community Radio – Kalulushi
2. Miracles FM – Kalulushi
3. Yours FM – Mufulira
4. Kankoyo Community Radio – Mufulira and
5. Mafken FM – Mufulira
Eastern Province (3)
1. Kwathu Radio – Vubwi
2. Smooth FM – Chipata and
3. Mnkhanya Community Radio – Mambwe

Southern Province (2)

1. South Power Radio – Mazabuka and
2. Wave FM – Mazabuka
Luapula Province (3)
1. Nantende Walushiba Radio – Chiengi
2. Lukwanga Radio – Kawambwa and
3. Kalungwishi Radio – Chiengi
Northern Province (2)
1. Kasama Radio – Kasama
2. Lwansase Community Radio – Luwingu
Muchinga Province (1)
1. Chete FM Radio – Nakonde
North Western Province (1)
1. Heart Community Radio – Manyinga
Lusaka Province (5)
1. Lusaka Music Radio – Lusaka
2. Capital FM –Lusaka
3. Classic Woods Community Radio – Lusaka
4. Groove Radio – Lusaka
5. Voice of America – Lusaka

The Board has also allowed stations to expand their broadcast beyond their initial coverage area. These include the following:

1. Millennium Radio (Lusaka) – Kabwe, Kapiri Mposhi, Ndola
2. Petauke Explorers (Petauke) – Luangwa, Nyimba and Lundazi
3. Breeze FM (Chipata) – Copperbelt and Central Province
4. Byta FM (Choma) – Mazabuka
5. One Love Radio (Lusaka) – Siavonga, Mongu, Kasama
6. Sun FM (Ndola) – Lusaka
7. Flava FM (Kitwe) – Lusaka
8. Kokoliko FM (Chingola) – Solwezi
9. Maranatha Radio (Kabwe) – Luangwa, Sesheke

Ladies and gentlemen, the Board wishes to congratulate the licensees and affirm that IBA will continue to promote a diverse and pluralistic broadcasting industry through issuance of licences whenever frequencies are available, in order to have an informed nation.

The Board further wishes to urge both the new and existing stations to operate in accordance with the existing broadcasting regulations and guidelines and to make sure they develop their own editorial policies based on the minimum guidelines provided in the IBA Act.


Ladies and gentlemen, I further wish to announce that the Board has suspended two stations:

1. Valley FM

Valley Fm Radio of Nyimba has been suspended for 60 days due to unprofessional conduct. The unprofessionalism was manifested by their failure to moderate and balance a discussion programme. During the suspension, the Station is expected to develop an Editorial policy and recruit trained journalists. The Station should also conduct training for the Board, Management and Staff on Corporate Governance and ethical broadcasting. In addition, Valley Fm should air a public apology to Chief Ndake for the embarrassment suffered due to the station’s broadcast, which featured an impersonator that misguided listeners. The station must also develop complaints procedures for receiving and addressing complaints.

2. Prime Television

The other station that has been suspended is Prime Television. The suspension is for 30 days. The Board found that the Station has exhibited unprofessional elements in its broadcasting through unbalanced coverage, opinionated news, material likely to incite violence and use of derogatory language. The station was not only in breach of the IBA Act, but also of their own guidelines that include;

a. Duty to remain balanced, fair and impartial in their coverage
b. Strive to give equal access by not discriminating against any political party before, during and after elections
c. Ensure factual and accurate reporting of all news coverage
d. Endeavour to be responsible and avoid reports that will incite violence
e. Not hesitate to correct erroneous reports and
f. Promptly provide for the right to reply and
g. Avoid inclusion of opinions and emotions in their news stories.

Ladies and gentlemen, during the suspension period, Prime Television is expected to conduct in-house training on basic journalism ethics and news script writing.

Ladies and gentlemen, you may wish to know that both Valley Fm and Prime television were given an opportunity to be heard and their suspensions are pursuant to Section 29 (1) (k) of the IBA Amendment Act (2010) which provides, ‘The Board may suspend a broadcasting licence if it considers it appropriate in the circumstances of the case to do so’.

In the case of Prime TV the suspension is also pursuant to Section 29 (1) (i) of the IBA amendment Act which provides “The Board may suspend the licence if the broadcasting licensee has failed inspite of written notice to comply with the conditions of the broadcasting licence”.

Prime TV was in April, 2018 strongly reprimanded by the Authority over similar type of broadcast.


Ladies and gentlemen, the Board has revoked the licences of Luanshya based Ngoma radio and Kafue radio stations.

1. Ngoma Radio

The licence of Ngoma Radio has been revoked due to non-payment of the initial licence fees and subsequent Annual Operating Fees. The Station has failed, refused or neglected to pay any sum to the Authority for any broadcast service provided.

Ladies and gentlemen, you may wish to know that the due process of the Law was followed by serving several notices on the station, including physical visitations. Ngoma Radio was also given an opportunity to be heard.

2. Kafue Radio

Ladies and gentlemen, the licence for Kafue Radio has been revoked for non-payment of initial Licence fees and subsequent Annual Operating fees. The Station, which had a coverage radius of 5Km was off air very often, and when on-air, did not have any programmes and played only music, contrary to their own programming schedule.

The Board remains committed to applying the IBA Act fairly to all our licensees, in line with our Vision, which is to be an effective and efficient Regulator.

Josephine Mapoma


  1. Doing the dirty work for mwila, the reasons given are very childish like Davies. These people need to learn how to stand up to these politicians now this man can kiss his job good bye once his masters are gone

  2. The opposition parties that pay for airtme on Prime TV get TV coverage that they could only dream of a few years ago. This is unprecedented. It has changed the dynamics of zed politics. We see Harry Kalaba being harassed by cops when going around the country
    We see CK attacking president Lungu all the time , using the very media he was always threatening with closure when he was minister.! ..
    All this cannot please the ruling party which has, previously , always enjoyed the monopoly of coverage by ZNBC.

  3. Radio stations Worldwide have a mandate. Target Audience(15-25 year olds,30-50 year olds etc.)
    But unfortunately, this is not the case in Zambia. Should not this be what the IBA be considering and ensuring that this is the norm.
    Not all radio stations should be about politics or playing same type of music and most of all copying other channels.
    Can someone please look into such matters. Otherwise you will have a situation were you have as many radio stations as you have shops or bars in one given street.

  4. Mwabombeni ba IBA infact it as been long overdue you (IBA) were suppose to do this some time back last year,early last year and make sure you continue monitoring these stations kick out unprofessional stations.
    That genocide we hear in Rwanda was as a result of some unprofessional radio stations. So go ahead and bring sanity in the industry.

  5. The issue to do with paying levy or tax is not the preserve of IBA but rather for those tasked to collect the monies . As such, like the Post, ZRA are duty bound to this. Divergent views that hinge on praise songs and not representative of news on the ground is no news at all. I appreciate the pressure our dead NBC works under( national broadcaster) but hardly is the news content holistic and embracing all manner public debate

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