Friday, January 3, 2025

Government committed to the completion of the Kazungula Bridge Project


The Zambian Government has assured Daewoo Engineering and Construction of its commitment in the completion of the Kazungula Bridge Project between Zambia and Botswana.

Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Infrastructure and Housing Eng. Charles Mushota says the financial commitment due from government will be offset in the coming week to avoid adverse impact on the progression rate of the construction.

The Permanent Secretary explained the project was of strategic importance to the two SADC countries and the region.

Speaking when he met the project contractor, Eng. Mushota said the completion of the Kazungula was in the best interest of Zambia as most of the country’s imports and exports will continue being routed through the transit point at Kazungula into and out of neighbouring Botswana to the wider region.

The Contractor has since assured both governments of the projects completion and delivery of at the expected time in 2020.

The project will be a state of the art 923 metre – long by 18.5 metre – wide bridge with One Stop Border Facilities.

The project is a bilateral initiative by Zambia and Botswana – implemented and co-financed by the two governments and co-operating international partners.


    • The Kazungula Bridge and Border Project (KBBP) entails the implementation of new infrastructure to replace the existing ferry and border facilities between Zambia and Botswana at Kazungula. The project comprises the construction of road/rail bridge with a span of 932 meters over the river Zambezi; border facilities in each country and approximately 10 km of bridge approach and access roads. To ensure a complete and efficient cross-border infrastructure system, the additional project components include:

      implementation of Trade Facilitation instruments and border-related procedures and policies;
      Technical Assistance support;
      complementary cross-cutting components.
      The EU-AITF is supporting this project idea in its first phase of project preparation. The grant approved in July 2011…

    • The grant approved in July 2011 will be used by the AfDB for the establishment of the new Kazungula Bridge Authority (KBA) and for the financing of Technical Assistance services during the pre-construction and the construction phase as well as for the scoping and implementation of harmonised Trade Facilitation instruments.

      This second tranche of the EU-AITF TA grant, approved in December 2012, will be used to review the existing operational procedures, identify bottlenecks and make proposals for improvement of border procedures. This will include proposals for the management of the bridge after completion including inter alia the establishment of the Kazungula Bridge Authority (KBA).

    • These morons have already been spoonfed with loans for this project …what commitment is he talking about..meanwhile they are procuring jets for $60 million for that lazy man in State House.

    • State to finance Kazungula bridge project unless .. – Daily Mail September 10, 2014.
      GOVERNMENT will be compelled to spend about K275 million on the construction of the Kazungula Bridge across the Zambezi River unless a donor is found.
      Minister of Works, Yamfwa Mukanga said in Lusaka recently that Government would have to budget for about K55 million (US$9.2 million) annually over a four-year period to build the Kazungula Bridge if a financier is not found.
      The decision by Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) to pull out from co-financing the project due to a tender dispute has left Zambia and Botswana with a funding gap for the project whose ground-breaking ceremony is scheduled for Friday.

    • Examination leak reporters what title is Eng.? Where has it been used before? In England perhaps?

  1. Just pay up your part, don’t give us hot air again. Opposition has never met Botswana government to reveal Zambia has failed to make payment towards Kazungula bridge construction.

  2. This govt of thieves and kaponya’s embarrassing everybody by not meeting it’s obligations, their friends already paid for their part of the commitment, Jono Meno Meno and these Kaponya’s need to be locked up once out of power

    • @Spaka , Zambia was supposed to a $18 million payment which they haven’t done, Bostwana made their payments, due to the default by the Zambian govt construction has come to a hult and it is big news every where else except Zambia, suprised it wasn’t in the papers

    • Of course you would be glad if government failed to complete the bridge. Anything to give Oval Head a chance for State House will do regardless of who it hurts in the process. It’s not Zambia first but HH first. Have a nice day.

  3. Lungu needed the money to pay for his private plane, and to pay into his private pension (any orher government worker did not get paid in February) so Daewoo has to suffer. This PFools government is the worst the country has ever seen – even worse than Rupiah Banda, imagine!

    • This is what we call ” responsible Reporting ‘. We don’t want unnecessary alarming reporting please. Zambia will pay. Period.

  4. The only assurance that’s credible is the payment of funds due on time, if there’s no money tell the contractor that you’ve failed. There’s nothing that will come out of mere talk. It’s now a trend for the Govt under PF to fail to pay for goods and services. Most grant supported institutions have stopped receiving funds, naikosa

  5. We acquired loans for this purpose.
    Please pay contractor now to finish job on time and start earning money to pay back loans.


  6. Your counter part in this project, Botswana are abreast at making payments as
    per the contractual agreement.

    Its evident that they are more organised and committed just by checking
    the advanced related infrastructural development of the project taking shape there.

    Please pay up that outstanding USD$18million to avoid further embarassment.

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