Thursday, February 20, 2025

President Lungu’s Weekend workout with Zambia Army



  1. What workout with army? Lungu is supposed to be working out cleaning Zambia’s urban centers like he’s done on other weekends.

    • Chibaba when you think your supposed nemesis is brooding over your actions and then you see him jogging with the Zambia Army. In the meantime, the only people you can jog with are CK and GBM and we all know they both ”awonako lini kunyansi.”

    • Quick, quick, quick! Call the ICC. This is the militia Delusional Dictator HH was talking about. Prime TV where are you…Sorry forgot it was closed!

    • Sure Lesa chinjeni abanandi!!
      These are the guys he was supposed to hangout with. Not fi Kaizer even if they are your in-laws teifi Kaizer.

    • If the men I’m seeing in this video constitutes our army, we’re totally are finished. I don’t know which war we gonna win?

    • I followed this video for my evening work-out, the warm up was too slooow. But the when we started jogging, that was AWESOME.
      I give respect to Freedom Sikazwe, he is in good shape. Thumbs up.
      Next week let’s invite HH and Nawakwi to the work out. It’s really cool, I feel so good.

  2. Good example we should all follow. Exercise exercise!
    Zambia has become the land of bellies. Pardon me l am off for a run………..bit cold and windyv out here!

    • This man is living the dream…other presidents are tired with workloads and press briefings but him its just relaxing …I mean even Mwila has hosted more Press conferences than him..everyday he is getting fitter as no stress.

    • @Jay Jay come on mate. What’s bad about leading by good example. We are very unfit in Zambia.and must all try. Western diets have disrupted our natural health based our cultural food. We are struggling with pizza, fried chicken, chips, creams etc etc.

      I think this is good, why slam it down?

    • If he wants to lead by example let him start with fighting CORRUPTION …not joining for 20 metres with his appointees

  3. This lazy man is simply out of his depth as a Head of State, he has nothing to do no priorities, no stress ….even a Grade 9 dropout like SG Mwila shows (more authority for the wrong reasons) than him who is always cowering behind a small boyi like Amos Chanda.

    • This chap has been 5 years in State House and he dont look stressed dont compare him to hard workers like Barrack

  4. Exercising is a personal and private endeavor, why should we be subjected to seeing someone running as if it’s going to better anyone except the people doing so. Obama ran but he didn’t take the whole army with him.

  5. Jono Meno Meno kabolala, what a useless chap, a true waste of sperm, this moron with one brain cell can’t think 0IQ mother fcuker destroying our country…. What a tosser

  6. Among the fittest Presidents. Definitely fittest of them in Zambia. Deserves to be President on this score.

    Nevers used to jog with sons. Seems he has faltered.

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