Sunday, January 19, 2025

UCZ’s Bishop Sichilima quits as President of CCZ


FILE: United Church of Zambia Synod Bishop Sydney Sichilima with UPND leader Hakainde Hichilema during the three Church mother bodies led dialogue meeting at Kapingila house in Lusaka, Zambia
FILE: United Church of Zambia Synod Bishop Sydney Sichilima with UPND leader Hakainde Hichilema during the three Church mother bodies led dialogue meeting at Kapingila house in Lusaka, Zambia

United Church of Zambia Synod Bishop Sydney Sichilima has resigned as President of the Council of Churches in Zambia and withdrawn his participation in the three Church mother bodies.

In a letter addressed to the Three Church Mother Bodies, CCZ General Secretary and Bishop Sichilima said the move is meant to preserve the integrity of the United Church of Zambia.

Bishop Sichilima said he has also withdrawn his participation from the grouping.

He said as UCZ leader, there are certain biblical ethics that he cannot compromise in executing his pastoral duties hence his withdrawal from the church mother bodies and resignation from CCZ.

Bishop Sichilima has however thanked the United Church of Zambia for seconding him to serve other ecumenical organisations.

He also thanked the member Churches of the Council of Churches in Zambia for their confidence and mandate entrusted in him to serve as President.

Bishop Sichilima’s resignations comes in the wake of differences regarding the CCZ ‘s position over the suspension of Prime Television Broadcast license for a month by the Independent Broadcasting Authority.

The CCZ issued a letter signed by General Secretary Reverend Emmanuel Chikaya to condemn the suspension without the approval of Bishop Sichilima.


    • There is no dialogue to be had anyway. All matters have been reported to ICC. Let them deal with it.

    • This the same bishop whose church members were raising the pf symbol in church, and him as ucz boss never even took time to censor his members against turning the church into a political stadium, it was just a matter of time , he was looking for a way out and the prime TV issue was just an opportunity and i was shocked to see him and puku among the the bishops because i always seen him invite Chang Wang to his church and never seen him invite opposition leaders to his church, fact he has also been a proponent of the 18th October feasting and playing ceremony.

    • This man has been forced to resign by the international church organisation for trying to stop the condemnation of PF IBA ‘s illegal suspension of Prime TV.

      PF wants Prime TV to censored by DeadNBC on news. How preposterous!

      One reason is Prime TV has become the most watched channel because it reports matters they way they are. Unlike DeadNBC which totally failed to air the PF violence in Sesheke.

      If PF tries to trumple upon our freedom it will be destroyed just like many other regimes that have tried to pursue unrealistic ways of stifling dissent.

      Whether PF likes it or not freedom shall come to Zambia by force or fire.

    • To be honest I don’t remember UCZ being led by a person from anyother tribe apart from those from Northern and Luapula.

      Please give the names if I am mistaken here.

    • I have never heard his voice before, so can’t tell his wisdom.
      But, this is how men of faith should behave. But wish Sichilima had retired like Archbishop Trespho Mpundu.
      What is not clear is if UCZ itself have left the “church mother body”.

    • Wanzelu,

      Wasn’t former UCZ Synod Bishop, Committee Njase, from Southern Province? Or was he a Luapulan or Northerner masquerading as a Southerner?

    • Wanzelu you’re a devil and you will die a lonely painful death because of your tribal group think mentality..The best that should have happened to you was never to have been born because you’re a sadist

    • @Wanzelu ulichikopo iwe zoona, i thought the name has already been given…. COMMITTEE NJASE. eish. This type of people awe katwishi mwandini

    • @Fanya’s comment gives the uppermost assurance that my message has indeed penetrated his small brain. His reaction feels me with joy . But instead of him responding with facts I requested in order to change my view, he resorts to behaving like a cave man. This kind of reaction makes me question his mental.

      Any way I will not be surprised if this clergyman gets some post in the ministry of religious affairs soon.

    • OK an example of one bishop ‘s name who is not from Luapula or Northern has been given. That’s exactly what asked for to be corrected.

      Now will change my view of the UCZ. Thank you guys.

      How ever tribalism being championed by Lungu and his PF is slowly creeping into most important associations or government department. If Lungu and PF are not stopped Zambia is heading for a catastrophic split.

      Where is there peace because the state is stifling dissent and restricting freedoms then war is around the corner and vise versa.

    • @Divide and rule.

      Your comment has completely changed my mind about this Bishop. Thank you.

      He is ideed a good and honest man of God who is non partisan. God bless him.

  1. Comment:God Bless You Bishop….. You There Serve God’s Will And That Of The Church Members Who Supported You To Be Where You Are.

  2. He stands out as a straight Bishop in an institution that has been invaded by jackals and nincompoops. He’s a real man of God, may God Almighty continue to bless and guide you.

  3. This is wisedom .
    We understand that from matters concerning NATIONAL DIALOGUE to SUSPESION of PRIME TV, the church as WHOLE has been trailing by redicule .Surely many church goers who practice Christian creeds were very disappointed with the church leaders who stood on tall mountain and shamelessly preached divisional POLITICS by supporting UPND carelessly Insteady of uniting the political players .
    Thank Mr SICHILIMA for taking a right course ,be blessed.

  4. Certain members of the tribe that forms the bulk of Upnd are a lost lot. Yesterday in Mushili Ndola while visiting a friend I had a chance to meet three of his friends from the said group. As we were discussing issues the transfer of Archbishop Banda came up. These surprised me when they called the archbishop a PF cadre adding that President Lungu fired Archbishop Tresphor Mpundu and appointed Bishop Banda because the former refused to support the PF. I was shocked, I thought I was dreaming. Simply put no president, not even in USA can appoint a Catholic priest let alone a Bishop. This is how deep our politics have gone down.

    • Really sad, my man. What is scary is that the protagonists of this divisive and retrogressive politics are not wary that this kind of behaviour will not just affect PF but future generations and themselves most. We are a country divided and it will take a radical figure like KK or Kagame to mend the country again.

    • What an experience you had! Thè problem is lies are the basis of reasoning for some people. This is why they know the winner of election beforè the vote is cast.

    • See what happens when you mix church and politics! The boundaries become blurred. You can hardly tell where one starts and the other ends. It breeds confusion.

    • @Ndanji you are right, i also wonder if this group will not bring civil war in this country. when they cook a story especially when it’s coming from their small god it becomes gospel truth. cowtherners awe sure kuwayawayafye

    • @cozcow-That is the frightening part. It took the death of Habyarimana to ignite the genocide in Rwanda. Here we are having security personnel being fired for this blind loyalty and a whole tribe that religiously believes in even lies. THIS IS NOT A SMALL THING AND GRZ NEEDS TO TACKLE THIS MATTER SERIOUSLY.

    • You are yourself a lost creature. You meet a few ignorant characters and you want to generalise. Some of us a married from these same tribes and I will tell you that they are very good people. Go down in their habitats and you will change your opinion about them. They are first of all hard working and honest people. These are people that will not tell you what you want to hear but what is on the ground and on their minds.

      Ever wonder why Sata did well politically compared to the current guy? Sata was seasoned and understood their ways of life. He campaigned with an honest message and never inhalated their children out of government but tried to hanness the best to help him run govt. So was KK’s and Mwanawase’s strategy.

    • Maybe his MOLEcular mass is so light ,why would the church mother bodies and the alliance bypass him when relaying certain info,reminds me of how Pakistan was bypassed by USA when it was time to take down bed liden.

  5. I salute you man of God. Some church leaders just wear titles but their hearts are demon Laden
    Light and darkness can not have time together.

  6. Wenzulu has just confirmed what I said. UCZ has been lead by various tribes. As far as I know the predecessor of this Bishop was from Southern Province. Very sad that HH has destroyed what we have built over the years. A president can come from any tribe without using his tribe as a springboard.

    • That Bishop is Bishop Njase who some years ago as chairman of the Tonga tradition called Lwiindi advised against the appointment of Hikainde Hichilema as patron of the association. So what’s Wenzulu talking about? No other tribe in Zambia has perpetuated tribalism as Hichilema’so tribe. …mainly because of his influence.

  7. Decide and rule,the PF is smiling. Dear brother you are aware of PF orchestrated violence and PF Police killings is the church supposed to be quiet and call wrong right?PF has a group called America 2 based at Soweto Market that specialises in violence. It intimidates everyone including police. Police in Sesheke finally got fed up with thugs and beat the hell out of them,they were promptly sacked,yet police officers who killed Vespers at UNZA in her room are free. Does UCZ support such violence we last saw in the 60 and 70s of UNIP against ANC,the violence in Lundazi local government elections was unbelievable. Prime has been suspended for showing the PF orchestrated or approved violence, how can a whole country allow such violence. The statement from the Three Mother bodies was good,the…

  8. It is common sense that UCZ under Sichilima has become arm of the PF as evidenced by the recent pictures of the Bishop and Lungu and various comments he has made in the past . So ..this is not a new development to the poor and suffering people of Zambia .

    • The picture above was taken at the cathedral of the holy Cross during the prayers to launch the dialogue , the prayers which were shunned by the holier than thou pf .

  9. Ndanje Khakis, thank you for that rich memory of UCZ leaders.

    Now isn’t Wanzelu supposed to be translated into the correct name?

    Today everybody will understand why I have coined this mantra of TRIB.ALS.

    I first convinced Jay “” Gay when I noticed that he never passes a comment when Hacks spews, but he has lots of negative comments when other people speak even sensible things. You have heard of “lazy” Jay Gay, haven’t you? Yes that is the same one.

  10. The UCZ Synod is presided over by the Synod Bishop who is the spiritual father of the whole church. Apart from Bishop Committee Njase, other non- Northern/Luapula UCZ clergy who have served in this position are as follows:

    Rev. Phillip Kazhila – Northwestern Province
    Rev. Harris Silishebo Silishebo – Western Province
    The Rev. Alexander Siatwinda – Southern Province

    • Good. I’m sure the Hacks will not even respond to tender apologies for peddling lies that the UCZ leadership is for bembas only. This attitude is the guiding principle of the Upnd….no other tribe must lead the party.

  11. @FACTS
    No matter how you explain the facts, many if not the majority Tongas I beg to be corrected,
    smile tribalism,
    touch tribalism,
    eat tribalism,
    marry tribalism,
    Wear tribalism,
    Preach tribalism,
    Dream tribalism,
    See tribalism,
    Bath tribalism among others.

    • 100 percent correct. I used to accommodate this nonsense by reasoning with people to ignore the tribal tag attached to these people but the more I did this the more they became segregating. So I gave up and started to call a spade a spade. JUST today a person from Namwala wrote to Radio one to complain how people in that area insulting the president and the police are just watching.

  12. I do not understand the lack of emotional control and tolerance in most leadership circles in Zambia.Why do we always choose extreme measures in dealing with ordinary misunderstandings and in resolving common differences ? Is resignation the only option Bishop Sichilima had in resolving the problems with CCZ and the three Church mother bodies ? He has failed to demonstrate christian tolerance and integrity in dealing with this matter. I am sure he and the UCZ have other obligations somewhere which have been threatened by the joint CCZ and three church mother bodies action on the Prime TV. Maybe the colossal UCZ headquarters they are constructing near UTH in Lusaka is too ambitious for them to complete without PF financial contributions?

    • If he attacked PF you’re definitely going to praise and not ask him to exercise what you call CHRISTIAN TOLERANCE. Too many double standards.

  13. On Friday I caught a bus with a 70 + year old woman.we met at Kafue.she was complaining about drought occurred in south part of Zambia.
    Suddenly, she said that in her native village a certain man got his gun and shoot in space after complaining on top of his voice.she said that ,he shot in the several times in full view of on lookers.
    She said that the man was saying that,’God Why You US Lungu as a president,’.? He said that Lungu is responsible for southern province drought.The old lady said that southerners deserve to know God because they too much hatred up south.

  14. Those who don’t know the USA should realize that the USA specializes in sponsoring wars around the world so that they can keep their soldiers and weapons active. The Prime TV is a good source of war and that’s why they are forcing government to lift the suspension. Ask yourself Mr Upnd why they have kept quiet on the murder of Saudi journalist and the incarceration without trial for more than two years by Saud Arabia and Egypt respectively. They have ruined Libya and Iraq. They may be your darlings but you will rue the day Zambia falls into civil strife.

  15. The truth is the man resigned because he is afraid of ECL and his oppressive regime. Davies was just the other day threatening to shut down other media houses like prime tv. Pf will send the policemen they don’t pay on time to throw you in jail on silly charges that don’t stick in court . With the hardships people are subjected to in this regime l know they will rise up one day to throw these divisive people out of power . They have caused us to hate each other

  16. Two can not walk together unless they agree,uwenda no ulwele mumala nankwe kulwala mumala,birds of the same further flop together.Bishop well done better to maintain your integrity. some of us we have been watching this church mother body the way it as been behaving,it is very bad and shameful for this body.The body that we expected to bring unity in the country.Please please please church mother body there is a God in Heaven,examine yourselves before it is too late or you bring a curse on yourselves.Bravo

    • And what pains me is that these churches have not even bothered to consult their congregations on the matter. They have decided for us without taking our feelings into consideration. If PF is a dictatorship then the church is worse than dictatorship. Most people at my local church have agreed that PTV must tone down on its statements.


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