Sunday, January 5, 2025

Health Minister appoints National Health Insurance Management Authority Board


Health Minister Dr. Chitalu Chilufya
Health Minister Dr. Chitalu Chilufya

Health Minister Dr. Chitalu Chilufya has announced the National Health Insurance Management Authority Board that will oversee the governance of the National Health Insurance Management Authority.

The NHIMA Board, appointed by the Minister of Health is as stipulated in the National Health Insurance Act No. 2 of 2018, ascented to by His Excellence Mr. Edgar Chagwa Lungu President of the Republic of Zambia in April 2018.

The 14-member board will be chaired by Fredson Yamba, Secretary to the Treasury from the Ministry of Finance and deputised by Kingsley Chanda, the Zambia Revenue Authority Director General.

Other Board members include the Accountant General Dr. Dick Sichembe Chella, Ms. Comfort Mulenga from Attorney General Office, Ms. Kakulubelwa Mulalelo Permanent Secretary – Administration in the Ministry of Health, Ms. Pamela Kabamba Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Community Development and Social Services, Ulaya Musonda from the Ministry of Labour and Social Security.

Other members are Churches Health Association of Zambia Executive Director Karen Sichinga, Chipango Muteto from PTA Reinsurance, Exhildah Lumbwe from Prima Re, Mr. Newman Bubala from the Zambia Congress of Trade Unions, Mr. Ernest Mande Zambia Federation of Employers and officers from the Public Service Management Division and Private Sector Trade Unions.

Announcing the Board, Dr. Chilufya implored the board to work diligently to ensure that the ambitious goal of Universal Health Coverage is achieved by guaranteeing that health insurance coverage is increased from the current 4% to 100%.

He stated that investment in health is key to economic development, and that Health Care Financing is an essential pillar on which a nation’s health system stands.

Dr. Chilufya stressed the high commitment and political will from President Edgar Lungu in line with the Government’s 7th National Development Plan and the Vision 2030.

He stated that with the introduction of compulsory National Health Insurance, no Zambians will have to suffer financial hardships in accessing health care as all will be covered.

Dr. Chilufya announced that a 1% contributory rate has been agreed to be paid by all employers and employees into the National Health Insurance Scheme.

He stated that this rate will enable the contributors and their registered beneficiaries to access health services without having to pay out of pocket at the point of accessing care.

The newly appointed Chairman of the NHIMA Board, Mr. Yamba, assured the Board’s commitment and dedication in ensuring that the goals of enhancing access to health services for all without suffering financial hardship is achieved.

He stated that the board will immediately begin to work closely with the NHI Implementation Team and realise the vision of government in the health sector.

This is contained in a statement issued by Ministry of Health Head of Media Relations Stanslous Ngosa.


    • We had a similar scheme before during the Sata era and the scheme unfortunately flopped, I have not seen / heard anything new from this pronouncement apart from an over bloated board.

    • This is just a clever way of increasing PAYE. If you were paying 35% PAYE, now you will be paying 36%. To be formally employed has now become a punishable offence

  1. Fredson Yamba, I remember this name as the chief proponent of the Sata era euro bonds.
    The floor is open, I now invite to post comments.

    • Yamba is a thief through and through. He was dismissed in the Banda era but returned by his relative Sata. This board seems too out of touch to carry out such a noble and urgent task for Zambia. Believe me I have experienced the benefits of a National Health service here in the UK.

  2. It’s only another tax. That’s all. It’s only a foolish person who would expect anything progressive to come out of this Nhi. None of the other exisitng govt projects is well run ,only a mad person would expect this one to be useful to the citizens.

  3. All these guys seem already too occupied with other heavy responsiblities,for example the Chairman must be spending sleepless nights over this economy!

    • The Bantu botatwe have separated themselves from the rest of Zambia as they openly confess their unflinching loyalty to mwana muchende and disassociate with the rest labelling them thieves….

  4. In this presentation by the Minister, I clearly see that only employers and employees will by law be contributors to this scheme which is national in scope and character. My question is how are unemployed citizens contributing to the Scheme because if a small percentage of Zambians who are employed and their employers are the contributors, then we will be spreading the available resources so think we would quickly be back where we are today. Or is there something I have missed from the Minister’s explanation?

    • This is an intelligent and well thought question – well done! But knowing PF cadres, you will be abused and insulted by them because they hate accountability.

    • Good observation@5 Kanyanta,indeed if this scheme has to work,all those elegible to vote minus senior citizens must be paying up something into it.We now have ICT to manage these issues easily.What is important is the sum total of contributions. Even the unemployed buy internet bundles,get drunk and dress in reasonable clothes,so why not contribute to their health!?

  5. This is long overdue. I commend the government to bring this up. Tanzania has one of the best systems where each one contributes to their health other releasing it free while we don’t have medicines in hospitals.
    this will also encourage private sector to reduce their policies that are exobitantly expensive.

    That said, we still need to change our culture of corruption and looting let’s emulate Rwanda that is sincerely trying to promote accountability and good workmanship.

    A board just guides and advisory in nature so the people appointed are okay as long as the core workers are doing their homework well. Looking at names and where people come from is primitive and takes Zambia backwards. we are looking at good performance and these guys should be held accountable at all times.

  6. PAYE tax is also borne by employees but it goes towards development of areas affecting even the unemployed. That’s the way it is in the real world

  7. A pill of paracetamol will now cost 50cents this is why this crook has assembled like minded chaps….pro poor govt my foot.

  8. Uko PF thinks Zambians are super rich and they have to pay for everything. Everyday new taxes, fee and price increases. There you go less money in your pockets by 2021 y’all will be broke at this rate

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