Friday, March 7, 2025

Government to upgrade all network towers across Zambia to 4G


Transport and Communications Minister Dr Brian Mushimba speaking during the launch of the Zamtel 4G network on mobile in Lusaka Province
Transport and Communications Minister Dr Brian Mushimba speaking during the launch of the Zamtel 4G network on mobile in Lusaka Province

Transport and Communications Minister Brian Mushimba says government will upgrade all network towers across the country to 4G.

And ZAMTEL has launched its 4G on mobile network in Lusaka Province that will enhance internet speed.

Speaking when he officiated at the launch at the PHI Zamtel 4G site, Dr. Mushimba says every citizen regardless of which part of the country is entitled to 4G network, voice calls and internet.

He has assured government’s commitment to ensuring that there is universal access to mobile connectivity.

Dr. Mushimba has applauded ZAMTEL for providing the reliable 4G network, further encouraging the telecomm company to quickly rollout the 4G network to all parts of the country as internet speed is now a necessity.

He has also disclosed that currently, a total of 650 mobile network towers have been erected out of the 1,009 towers of which 350 are already providing mobile services to the citizens across the country.

Dr. Mushimba commended the Zamtel Board and management for following through their strategic plan of rolling out 4G mobile network in Lusaka.
He said the move was a welcome development as it will greatly improve the customers experience and allow for more access to electronic services over the ZAMTEL platform.

“The Government of his Excellency, President Edgar Chagwa Lungu, through the 7th National Development Plan has prioritized the development of policy, legal and ICT infrastructure in an effort to provide equitable access to these facilities and services for all”, Dr Mushimba said.

“As we may be aware Information and communication technologies (ICTs) have been identified as catalysts for the socio-economic development by promoting competitiveness as well as being an enabler of good governance in our country”, he continued.

“I am confident that once fully operationalized these interventions will result in a more enlightened citizenry and faster growth economy”, the minister said.
Dr Mushimba further urged Lusaka residents and those living in nearby areas to take advantage of the roll-out and experience the high internet speeds that come with the 4G technology.

And Zamtel Chief Executive Officer Sydney Mupeta announced that the 4G network will cover, Lusaka City, Chilanga, Kafue, Chongwe, and Rufunsa among others.

Mr Mupeta said the roll-out of the 4G network comes against a backdrop of customer complaints over the slow internet speeds being experienced on their current 3G network.

The roll-out of the 4G network has already been commissioned in more than 8 towns on the Copperbelt, including Kitwe, Kalulushi, Mufulira, Chililabombwe and Chingola.

The Zamtel CEO added that customers with high-end 4G mobile phones are able to experience 4G speeds in all major towns, including Kabwe, Kapiri, Manda, Solwezi and Chipata.

“Internet connectivity has become more of a necessity than a luxury. We are now in an era where mobile device users are constantly using their gadgets to connect to the internet and stay online for very long periods of time navigating different Apps,” Mr Mupeta said.

He said, “the high demand for data also calls for high speed internet. The 4G network we are commissioning today will address some of these demands because of the amazing speed that this technology provides”, he continued.

Mr Mupeta stressed that the 4G network provides Zamtel customers with improved browsing and online experiences; better performance of Multimedia apps and Enhanced HD Video quality.

He however explained that with the introduction of 4G on mobile, customers will experience fast depletion of data as a result of the high internet speeds.
Mr Mupeta further urged Lusaka and Copperbelt customers to invest in 4G enabled devices as this is the only way they will be able to access 4G services on mobile.

Zamtel Chief Executive Officer Sydney speaking during the launch of the Zamtel 4G on mobile in Lusaka
Zamtel Chief Executive Officer Sydney speaking during the launch of the Zamtel 4G on mobile in Lusaka
Transport and Communications Minister Dr Brian Mushimba chats with Zamtel officials during the launch of the Zamtel 4G network on mobile in Lusaka Province
Transport and Communications Minister Dr Brian Mushimba chats with Zamtel officials during the launch of the Zamtel 4G network on mobile in Lusaka Province


    • I have said it countless times that there is no such thing as 4.5G, it was just a marketing gimmick. Airtel got away with the 3.75G gimmick.

    • Terrible country is Zambia, 4GE and there is excitement in the AIr.

      How ignorant, I will NEVER be back. I am in Europe having breakfast like this morning, had Coffee white, with milk and sugar, 2 sausages, bacon, a harsh brown and some mushrooms.
      In Zambia they will be eating chimbala. Unbelievable. Backwards!

      This is life. Jealous down.



    • “Dr.” Mushimba my foot. This boy has no shame using his fake title.

      It makes me question his credentials.

      This PF party has devalued education in Zambia so much. It now makes it harder for UNZA graduates to compete at the international stage because no one will know how that degree on their CV was obtained.

      I sincerely hope we as a country can remove these kabovas from office.

    • These reckless morons keep talking about these towers as if its something new but its an ongoing loan project from the Chinks which was started a long time ago…how can you upgrade something that you have not even finished installing its either they are already have the 4 G capacity or you have got an additional loan to upgrade on top of another overpriced loan.
      This an example of PF publicity regurgitating the same thing making it look like they budgeted for something and its value for money yet its overpriced and the products are substandard compared to major competitors.

    • So what these two geniuses are saying is that we obtained a $250million loan from China Exim Bank for Chinese ZTE to install over a thousand 3G towers …this goes to the initial debate about these towers being overpriced and substandard in the first place as its 2019 and we are seriously talking about 4G. How can Sydney the Engineer sit there with a straight face and spew such lies?

    • I smell a rotten big fat rat.
      I don’t get to hear other CEOs making headlines day in day out. Install a tower, on Government funding, then get on top of it and make some noise. Can Mundende also start going on top of each transformer he installs and yap? Rather weird yeah? Auditor General don’t be swayed by this artificial noise. It’s cosmetic. Indeed, lets roll.

  1. Are they upgrading the metal structure (the tower), or the electronic system mounted on it?

    I am lost. Kindly educate me.

    • Dont mind them they think we are fooooools; the article clearly states a total of 650 mobile network towers have been erected out of the 1,009 towers of which 350 which means this is an ongoing project from that $250 million loan from China EXIM Bank but these morons are just trying to milk publicity.

  2. It will only work if the law said they must upgrade. Zamtel in some areas has still 2G radios working alongside 3G radios.

    • Just look at the Chinese lady sat on that table and you know who has been funding this overpriced project via a loan.

  3. UNZA surely you gave this chap dull Brian a doctorate certificate and he here talking abut upgrading a metal structure…

  4. Some of these things are better left in the hands of the private sector while GRZ concentrates on making rules and regulations of the game players.

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