Sunday, February 2, 2025

UPND and PF Resolve to End Violence


PF National Youth Chairman Stephen Kampyongo embraces UPND Spokesman Charles Kakoma delivering during the joint UPND-PF press briefing.
FILE: PF National Youth Chairman Stephen Kampyongo embraces UPND Spokesman Charles Kakoma delivering during the joint UPND-PF press briefing.

The Electoral Commission of Zambia has conferred with the United Party for National Development, the Patriotic Front and the Zambia Police in regards to the violent, unbecoming and unacceptable behaviour exhibited during by-elections. The Commission has further expressed concern over the fatigue that the Zambian people are experiencing as a result of acts of perpetuated violence; and in turn, call for lasting actions.

It is in this vein that the Commission has convened a meeting to openly discuss with the Secretary Generals, Chairpersons’ Elections, Chairpersons’ Youth and Chairpersons’ Women from the Patriotic Front (PF) and the United Party for National Development (UPND) in terms of conduct of political parties during upcoming by-elections.

The political parties present have unanimously resolved as follows:

  1. That we the PF and UPND have resolved to uphold violent-free elections;
  2. That it will be an offence to be found with any offensive weapons in an election area;
  3. That the two political parties have agreed to provide a conducive environment for the Police to work professionally;
  4. That we the parties agree not to ferry youths from outside of an area where by-elections are being held;
  5. That we the UPND and PF agree that the youth during campaigns should be demilitarised and should not be dressed in military (combat) attire, masks, etc;
  6. That campaign schedules should be strictly adhered to and any changes should be mutually agreed upon with the exemption of the Republican President of the Government of Zambia;
  7. That no hate speech, tribal remarks or distribution of money will be accepted going forward;
  8. That we the PF and UPND will feature on joint media programmes to denounce violence and propagate violence-free elections.


  1. This is no a lasting solutions I know…just change campaigning strategy in Zambia no cadre should be moving around in the area holding elections but allow the standing candidate hold debates be it on the media or direct with people… unlike this issue of no don’t go this area the president is holding a rally or this and that…this leads to violence coz the cadres at this point have more power which is vested in them by their bosses…I REST MY CASE

    • If two people hug and kiss it doesnt mean everyone is down for that, lungu is upto something he dosent buy your clap, he wants to be in power even if it means k……….

    • They keep resolving to end this violence each time there is an incident.

      But the very next day, they order more machetes.

      These two parties are truly from the dark ages.

  2. I doubt if these two parties UPND and PF can change and adhere to what they have signed,i mean how many times have they signed their so called peace treaties,this is just a show for the cameras,am sure even as they were signing the so called pact,they have already started ferrying their violent cadres to Bahati and Roan to carry out their violent campaigns,we are tired of the.

  3. This is just cosmetic!!!When campaigns reach the peak hour and parties sense defeat,i really doubt if they will be following the above rules.All politicians are selfish.They change goal posts when it suits them!!THERE IS TOO MUCH DESPERATION FOR POWER BY POLITICIANS IN ZAMBIA BECAUSE THEY HAVE ALL REALISED THAT POLITICAL POWER IS THE ONLY SHORTCUT TO ESCAPE POVERTY!!However,it is everyone’s prayer in Zambia that our peace is maintained.Political parties come and go,hence peace should be maintained!!!Telesphore Mpundu must be ashamed for wishing for violence in Zambia after 2021 general elections!!Why should we harm or kill each other for the sake of HH,Kambwili,ECL or Milupi?THAT IS PURE MADNESS!!!Zambia can only develop once our peace is maintained and what we need from all these…

    • Point number 7 will be the hardest for njimbu and ndanje khaki to adhere to, what else will their brains
      churn out apart from their characteristic run off the mill hateful speech.

    • @njimbu

      What you have said is true to most PF leaders including Lungu himself. However that’s not true for HH and most UPND leaders.

      HH made it long before doing politics The same can be said of the majority of UPND leaders.

      But for most PF supporters without PF in power they would still be kaponyas. No disrepect to Kaponyas.

  4. That doesn’t hold in hh held territory. It only applies in eastern. Cb.lsk.luapula.Northern.muchinga.

  5. This will only be applicable in PF strongholds NOT in UPND’s.
    Staunch UPND supporters have a pandemic of BITTERNESS and HATRED.
    I mean LET BY- ELECTIONS OCCURS IN SOUTHERN PROVINCE if that truce can honored.!

  6. Where do we report the ferrying of cadres from one town to another? We see this very often, and with the signed treaty we are empowered. These guys act different a few hours after signing these treaties. Good move though. God bless Zambia

  7. Lets all support this initiative , it could well the beginning of peace elections. That said , both the Republican President and HH should make public pronouncements in support of peace initiative . ONE ZAMBIA ONE NATION , WE DECLARE PEACE FUL ELECTIONS GOING FORWARD.

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