Friday, March 14, 2025

The construction of the Kafue Gorge Lower hydro power plant makes progress


The construction of the Kafue Gorge Lower hydro power plant
The construction of the Kafue Gorge Lower hydro power plant

Energy Minister Matthew Nkhuwa has expressed satisfaction with the progress on the construction of the Kafue Gorge Lower hydro power plant.

Mr. Nkhuwa says works which have now reached sixty percent completion has seen more than 3,000 Zambians employed.

He told ZNBC News in Lusaka that the project once complete will boost power generation and help the country become a net exporter of electricity.

Mr. Nkhuwa said government is eager to take advantage of Zambia’s central position and abundant water resources to position the country as a major exporter of energy to the sub region and beyond.

The Kafue Gorge Lower Hydro power plant is being built by Sino-Hydro Corporation, at a cost of over two billion United States Dollars and will have a generation capacity of 750 Megawatts.


  1. Sure just that ka small construction ati 3,000 Zambians have been employed. This is serious lying and should not be allowed. Do we have a sense of numbers or we are just not good at numbers.

  2. And that is how debt started! The country needed hydroelectric power. The country needed energy to power development. The country needed energy to power industrialization. The country needed energy to power social services, including schools, colleges, institutes and universities. The country needed energy to power social services, including clinics, health centers, hospitals and university teaching hospitals. Infrastructure development is expensive. What are the alternatives? Nothing.

    • @3 Dr.Makasa,yes there are alternatives, do NOT inflate the cost of projects!! This same project started earlier by MMD was valued at $1.1bn,came PF,they stopped it,delayed by over two years and resumed it with a higher cost of now over $2bn!! That is where huge debts are coming from,inflated infrastructure projects that hardly show the real value for money!!

  3. Sino hydro is on the wold bank black list for corruption but in zambia its cool to go ahead ad with them, feel free to check the wold Bank Black list.

  4. #Saviour! How many people have you employed sir? Do you have a maid or a garden boy? Let us shift this old third world mentality that only Govt must create jobs. We are all responsible as citizens to contribute to this unemployment tragedy. Govt alone can only create conducive environment for employment. We have so many sadistic and isgruntled people in our country largely because of misplaced mindsets. It is not all roses by the way but we must learn to appreciate things done by others and criticize where it is necessary.

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