Friday, October 18, 2024

Zambian farmers tipped on preparing for climate change


The Syngenta National Field Day is an annual event held in Chongwe, with farmers given an insight into industry-leading technology. Picture courtesy of KPR Consulting

Zambia is part of the global community and will not be exempt from the impact of climate change. As a result, there will be need for stakeholders to ensure that farmers are equipped on how different agriculture systems can help support delivery of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals.

Global agri-business firm Syngenta Territory Head of Africa & Middle East (AME), Jerome Barbaron said the company continues to build stakeholder confidence in the farming and agricultural innovation sectors.

“Syngenta will continue to work with stakeholders to help farmers improve yields and increase their productivity under the changing climatic conditions in Zambia. And in an effort to build a shared vision for sustainable agriculture, we continue to engage stakeholders through listening and dialogue on technology and knowledge transfer to help farmers contribute to food security.”

And speaking at the recent Syngenta National Field Day in Chongwe, Country Head Tibor Czigany said, “We are working together with stakeholders to build viable, productive and resilient farms, using modern agricultural technologies to safely feed Zambia while taking care of the land and environment. We continue to provide farmers and rural communities with solutions to help them to thrive and deliver safe and nutritious food.”

The annual field day by Syngenta provides an all-round platform for farmers and the company to share knowledge on how to best harness the power of technology and knowledge in agriculture to ensure the best outcome for farmers’ produce in Zambia.

Meanwhile, Senior Chieftainess Nkomeshya Mukamambo II thanked Syngenta for doing business in her chiefdom and encouraged the company to feel free to invest more as it brings more benefit to the farmers in the area. She also recognized Syngenta’s technology in the farming industry and was appreciative of the FORTENZA Duo technology which is helping to collectively fight the army worm which has ravaged the farmers’ fields including hers.

She also requested Government through the representative build dams in her area to help small scale farmers to help irrigate their crops during difficult times like this season.

And speaking on behalf of the Minister of Agriculture, Michael Katambo, Director of Seed Control and Certification Institute Mable Simwanza said that Government will continue to put in place measures that are aimed at increasing agricultural production and productivity in order to achieve food and nutrition security at both national and household levels.

“We value these efforts which are aimed at supporting our farmers and we will continue to promote a private sector led agricultural transformational agenda by creating an enabling environment that will expand private sector opportunities,” she said.

Senior Chieftainess Nkomeshya Mukamambo II touring the fields at the Syngenta National Field Day. Picture courtesy of KPR Consulting


  1. Syngenta says they continue to provide farmers and rural communities with solutions to help them thrive and deliver safe and nutritious food.
    Which rural communities does syngenta assist? This is a lie. You guys just want to be given huge chunks of land at the expense of the ordinary citizens.

  2. Always quick to find fault – isn’t this company only a supplier of seeds and pesticides? Correct me if I’m wrong but if farmers increase yield, isn’t that helping them? Or you want this company to spoon feed you as usual?

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