Friday, March 7, 2025

President Lungu expected to inspect developmental projects in Luanshya


President Lungu at a Rally in Kafue
President Lungu at a Rally in Kafue

President Edgar Lungu will tomorrow April 9, 2019 inspect some developmental projects in Luanshya on the Copperbelt Province. Copperbelt Province Permanent Secretary Bright Nundwe said the plane carrying the Head of State will land at Simon Mwansa Kapwepwe International Airport at 11:30 hours.

ZANIS reports that Mr. Nundwe said the President will then proceed to Luanshya to inspect works at Luanshya Youth Resource Centre and later check on progress made at Kawama clinic.

He said President Lungu wants to ensure all projects in the province at the entire country are completed according to specified time frames, hence frequent visits to the province.

Mr. Nundwe said the Head of State is expected to return to Lusaka on Wednesday after concluding his tour of other projects in the afternoon.

Meanwhile, Mr. Nundwe has directed all contractors to go back to their various sites and resume work especially that the rain season is coming to an end.

He said the provincial administration will not allow any delays in the completion of projects in region, also stating quality works should be executed.

Mr. Nundwe has since praised AVIC International Corporation and China National Engineering Complete for the speed progress registered at the Copperbelt International Airport and Kafulafuta Water System Project respectively.

The Permanent Secretary said the two contractors are not just moving at a faster rate but also executing quality works which will stand a test of time.


    • This is a boyi shouting that Ba Edgar is in bedroom with auntie Roan inspecting her boobs. He is not going to inspect, is going for campaign in a new jet.

    • Ba Lungu imano yabupuba. Are you also going to Roan by any chance? You will just be arrested to think that Zambians are daft. Kaunda used to do this, now you cannot, man!

    • There is your president ladies and gentlemen. He can’t just be honest and say he is going to campaign. Instead he gives us this rubbish about “inspecting developmental projects”. Integrity is clearly a VERY rare commodity in PF.
      The man has just been crisscrossing the country on useless trips wasting taxpayers money.

    • This lazy bum Lungu seems to be following HH where ever he goes. HH s rallies were cancelled in Bahati to give way to Lungu. HH left Bahati to Lungu and has moved to Luanshya.

      Upon hearing that HH is going to Luanshya Chakolwa corrupt chagwa stupid Lungu decides to cancel Bahati rallies and follows HH in Luanshya.Why ?

      HH should leave Luanshya and return to Bahati to see what Corrupt Chakolwa Lungu will do.

      Without rigging Lungu can not win an election because he no vision apart from stealing.

    • He is a waste of time and space in that seat of Presidency he could be doing more valuable things else where in smaller responsibilities that suit his limited and myopic capabilities ….the long term damage he has done to this country is inexcusable for any voter to wish him to stay on, if there was a way he should actually be leaving now.

  1. Mr Nundwe, please it’s not about the rains . The government has not been paying local contractors and you know that yourself, why do you always want to feed us with wrong information like we outsiders. Yes those Chinese contractors you praising have the backing of there China government. Just do the same to the locals and we will do better than your Chinese.

    • It seem AVIC has all these huge contracts…its no surprise they are building sports facilities as bribes in Tasila’s ward….you wonder why the govt is broke!!

  2. Zambians need to wake up …this Lazy Bum Edgar needs to stop this stupidity….this man will go down in history as the most useless President in the world …surely he was just in CB he is back again

    • Mumba would say that the Zambian enterprise should roll! However I think the Zambian enterprise might not roll long enough under the current ‘set up’. Another observation is that Lungu is in deep thought and seems to be a troubled man.

    • In 2019 I can not remember this lazy bum in the photo tabling national issues or the economy at large…he is running about as if he is the ward councillor…he is not even ashamed. Why is he hell bent on capturing seats in Parliament? Its gone nothing to do with bring development

  3. “Mr. Nundwe has directed all contractors to go back to their various sites and resume work especially that the rain season is coming to an end.”
    These foooools are now weather forecasters

  4. So it will take him two days to inspect a resource centre and a clinic? What’s so difficult about stating that the president will be in Luanshya for campaigns?

  5. Bwana Lungu expected in Luanshya for campaigning/politicking under the disguised phrase of “inspecting development projects” .Try a new one Lungu.

  6. Does this Nundwe think Zambians are foolish? What development projects are these when even old Inonge Wina has suddenly found extra love for God in Luanshya that she can attend two church services on the same Sunday ? Who does not know that ECL and the whole PF are restless and sleepless about the bye-elections in Bahati and Roan and that for them it is a matter of life and death ? When you commit crimes against the people the first thing you lose is peace of mind.Watch carefully, ECL and his PF have no peace of mind.Peaceful people do not exhibit these levels of desperation.

  7. #6.1 Gay Jay,, I agree with you but the real trou.ble is actually your upnd, they cannot offer us a credible alternative to the man you call lazy. Just look at Hacks, totally useless “politician” who just happens to be there because they think its their turn to rule and yet they don’t want to push that agenda through the Constitution. And also he is the only one who can finance the upnd. He has no other credentials at all, if you Gay Jay know of any leadership qualities in Hacks tell us now. For me I don’t even know what he stands for. So my friend we are stuck with your “lazy” till 2099.

  8. The plastics ban law is uconstitutional.And Barbadians should drive about with plastic in their cars.Leave the plastic coated wires and conduit in their homes.And generally ignore and disobey the plastic ban laws.Tell the dam fool go to hell.Our currency has.”pride and industry”marked on it.That jackass can not do you any thing.Peter Carlos Hinds.

  9. Yayayayaya… lets watch REAL MAMMOTH ECL RALLIES IN ROAN TOMORROW AND ON WEDNESDAY!!!Am sure your eyes shall fail to believe what you will watch live via facebook and on ZNBC TV!!Today NDC and UPND cadres celebrated after seeing a 1000 people which HH&Kambwili addressed in Roan.UPND cadres did the same last friday in Bahati before being shocked by ECL’S MAMMOTH RALLIES IN BAHATI UP TO TODAY!!!Today GBM is history politically after losing Kasama central to PF in 2016,the same will happen to Kambwili on Thursday should PF win in Roan!!
    The fact is PF will retain both Roan and Bahati seats 100%-Mark my words!!!WE CANT WAIT FOR THURSDAY AND PF’S CELEBRATIONS ON FRIDAY AFTER SHUTING UP KAMBWILI AND HH!!!

    • Njimbu, you dull cadre, all you are concerned about are rallies conducted by this lazy thing. you cant worry about the taxpayers money this lazy thing is wasting? You mean mere PS cannot inpsect this small projects and send a report to statehouse if need be?
      These are truly wasted years.
      Where is Br Mumba to come and pathetically say “Lets Roll” ?

  10. Why do hh supporters comment with insults. Someone got an answer please let me know. They make this site look bad.

  11. It is only a fool who would believe such headlines .Lungu has neglected Luanshya because he is not in good terms with kambwili .The same is true with Bahati which he is now condemning for not having a school . At least you do have a mansion in Swaziland .The people of Bahati can’t even afford to have a school and you call this as the fault of the MP .God have mercy on this clueless government .

  12. Guys guys guys! Let’s discuss issues. Insults are not the way to go. Let’s analyse the article and expose any merits or demerits of the contents. Visiting Luanshya to inspect projects? Yes but why now? Luanshya had good rains but choppers delivering relief food? Why now? CK was PF MP there, can he tell us what he did? And what is the main issue in Roan: is it food relief, or youth unemployment? Is it bad school results or no drugs in clinics? Is it lack of opportunities for the people to make their living? Or is it just politicking? Roan people have many social challenges that need to be addressed. So if candidates love the people show them what you can do about that. And do commit to that and not disappear once you taste the sweetness of Manda Hill perks! I hope the people in Roan know…

  13. So if candidates love the people show them what you can do about that. And do commit to that and not disappear once you taste the sweetness of Manda Hill perks! I hope the people in Roan know the candidates well to make an informed decision come voting day!

  14. Let’s just be working hard as individuals and develop our land. These politicians will just waste your time and leave you devastated. If you don’t have abukulyamo, it’s difficult


  16. There is nothing wrong with campaigning for your candidate but just say the truth. You don’t have to lie that you are going for inspections of projects. Those projects will still be there even after elections.

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