The strike action by Zambia Postal Services Corporation workers has today entered the second month with no signs of them returning to work.
On 18th March, Postal Services workers countrywide downed tools demanding that they be paid their six months’ salary areas.
With most of them evicted from their houses due to failure to pay rentals and others struggling to pay school fees according to Union Leaders, the workers vowed never to resume work until they are paid their salaries.
A check at selected post offices in Lusaka found the Offices locked with a few customers mostly those that have had their goods stuck at the Post Offices hoping for the opposite.
Customers who use Postal Couriers talked to indicated that they have had their merchandise stuck at the Post Office due to the strike action taken by the workers.
And when contacted, a Union Leader who spoke on anonymity for fear of victimization vowed that the workers will not resume work until they are paid their now seven months’ salary arrears.
He said the workers feel insulted after management offered them K500 to go back to work when most of them are owed over K25, 000.
The Union Leader challenged Transport and Communications Minister Brian Mushimba to help them collect the K20 million the company is owed as most of it is owed by Government Ministries.
He said the refusal by government to bailout the company is surprising especially that they are partly the cause of the financial problems.
To the unpaid Postal workers, Just Dununa, Sontapo, & enjoy the P.F Government, & useless leaders you voted into office.
One of them is enjoying manone in his “Ferrari Jet” fitted with a Champagne bar, whilst your bellies groan with untold hunger.
Manje mwayamba kuthuulula, mwa believa Ka!??
And no comment from the head of state. Your people have stayed for half a year without pay and you have nothing to say to them? They can’t pay rent, send their kids to school or even but food and you have no words for them? Either you are heartless or clueless or possibly both. Whatever the case, it shows you are unfit to be president. Worst thing to have ever happened to Zambia!
Everyone in GRZ needs to sit down and pay these people right away. No need for excuses anymore or any of that nonsense.
Six months is too much for anyone to live without pay. Also, fire all the top people at Zambia Postal Services, they don’t deserve to be there if they can figure out ways to make this enterprise a success.
Ground all travel arrangements for all top GRZ officials too. All these funds have to focused towards making sure all workers from postal workers to university professors to council workers to everyone else are paid first and foremost.
And they all need to be paid next week, there’s always money somewhere for something, it all needs to be directed towards salaries first.
If you don’t do that, I can guarantee all of you elected officials will be out of work…
If you don’t do that, I can guarantee all of you elected officials will be out of work next election around.
Watch this space … we the smart people of the Zambian Enterprise run this country not you. You are now operating on borrowed time.
How can you pay a blind ear to SIX MONTHS of people not getting paid???!!!! Mark my words …
Epo mpelele,
Can someone take ownership and act quickly
Ati no, I will pay a blind eye to Zampost woes and plan for Zambian Airport, High speed train and push for 5g internet. All projects that pull for colossal resources.
It’s a waiting game. Zampost workers are crying and waiting on Government. Some how Government is also waiting for Zampost to recover their money. Leadership is lacking in this case on both sides.
A Union Leader should not speak on anonymity on the ground that he or she fears of victimization. Once you sign up for that job, you life is on the chopping board, thats leadership too.
When that Ministry receives budget allocation, all parastatals must be considered not just one known for embezzlement. Minister act. Treat this as a cyclone.
You mean to tell me that the President of the Republic Of Zambia doesn’t know that these people have not been paid for 6 (SIX MONTHS)?????
What’s going on here???? Come on, ECL … what’s going on, man???? These are critical mass matters and you don’t pay a blind eye to such!!!!
I am still in your corner but this I can’t tolerate … this is not leadership at all. You can’t be absent as the leader of this important enterprise when such unthinkable untold misery is being experienced by your electorate!!!
These people put you in office, man!!! Wake up and smell the coffee … it’s time to scratch their back, otherwise you are history.
If you don’t resolve this by next week, I will start decampaigning you and I know exactly who to succeed you … watch this space.
You have up…
You have up to next week Friday to solve this problem otherwise watch this space.
I run this country … I have been running it for 27 years and that’s before you even ever dreamt of being President of the smart people of the Zambian Enterprise.
Epo mpelele,
Yaba!! ma delusions of ba (B.R Smart Zambia enterprise Junior) ati, “I will de campaign you, I have been running this country for 27 years”.
JUNIOR is a sideshow Bob dont mind him…really laughable..he thinks like that boy Tayali…they think they are connected yet are just house flies in the kitchen.
Look at Gay Gay; off the rails again … kid yourself at your own peril.
Watch this space … next week Friday or heads will roll.
I run this country while you run your mouth … Let’s roll
Epo mpelele,
And people think NDC can change things…..same nonsense… NDC is ex PF……all are Bandits and they care less about Zambian people
Really laughable …Yes you run this country President…now sit down!!!!!
4 rules for making a protest work, according to experts
1) Make the message as salient (most noticeable) as possible
2) Unite overlapping protest concerns under one banner
3) Pivot from talk to action
4) Protests can’t just be reactive. They need to be proactive.
@Gay Gay … No, you sit down!!! We have serious issues affecting the smart people of the Zambian Enterprise that need more maturity than your baseless Mickey Mouse diatribe here.
It’s your constitutional right to be a low life, low libido, low IQ, low class guy all you want but when people’s lives and livelihoods are at stake, for Christ’s cease being the dimwit clown that you are.
Life Is A Serious Enterprise ~ B R Mumba, Sr.
Original Content, No Copyrights Reserved
Mr.ECL please sell off your jet to alleviate personal suffering these and other workers are enduring due to the government not meeting its financial obligation. You cant pretend Zambia is prospering when the mass has no basic necessities of life.
These Zamtel staff should change strategy..start utilizing social media and get invite people to come visit you write to diplomats, opposition ….surely how is govt operating without postal services.
Can the government fail to pay workers that have done a service? I am PF but feel betrayed by some of the actions my party is doing. If the post office is irrelevant, pay the workers and tell them never to report for work again, Zampost and Zamtel were one and was called POTECO..posts and telecommunications corperation so that they can bailout one another. Let us behave like human beings that God created in his image.Bwana ECL and mama INONGE use the money for DMMU on this people, this is another form of disaster looking beyond the employee. You are asking us to tell the people about development what can one tell the Zampost worker or UNZA and CBU lecturers who were told to resign and be easily replaced. I am ashamed as PF mwandini, cankalipa sana. Ubu tebuntu, bunkalwe ubwabipisha. Ba…
How can you claim to be PF when only a few minutes ago on the thread concerning Musenge’s refusal to recognise Kambwili as party president, you were boasting of being NDC chingola grassroots organiser? Nice try..
Just Dununa & Sontapo again, the money will fall from heaven like manna, as you have Godfridah, & are “a Christian Nation”
If Dununa does not work, call for day of National prayer, gnashing of teeth, & speaking in tongues, & voila money will appear in pockets of unpaid citizens.
The problem is that our Leaders (with due respect) are becoming increasingly arrogant and, in the end, behaving strangely. How on earth do you expect someone to continue working when they have not been paid for half a year? Even when such such workers return to work, do you think they will put in their best to push the company forward? The answer is an emphatic no! In fact, they will only start stealing and falling prey to corrupt activities, not that they are corrupt or thieves but merely to survive. After all, uubomba mwibala, alya mwibala. Am non partisan but am very disappointed with how we are being treated in this country. Fili uko tuleya
Yet dull Lazy Lungu wants to build thirteen pointless milling plants at unknown overpriced costs using the usual Chinese corrupt construction firms.
It happens when priorities are misplaced.All they know is to find money for bye elections and campaigns ,its disheartening “half a year” really ! and some f**k is busy crisscrossing the country in a pimped up jet bought at 68 million dollars commissioning toilets and bus shelters.All he knows is scheming political opponents constant arrests and addressing PF goons at departure points ,he actually does not realize that he is a president of the country across political affiliations.
Dear Mr president oh sorry Commissioner General those are issues you need to address or rather find solutions to, not doing local authorities functions,that is what desperation does ,one tries to take all the glory by way laying everyone.
And yet lusambo has free money to dish out in ROAN. Is Pf a serious gov’t. LUNGU-MUST-GO
No, they are not serious
Please Zampost
Pay us what we have worked for.
Six months arears are just to much
They wont get paid …they are just waiting for them to break the law then they will read them the riot act and sack them all without pay!!
Indeed, no other explanation than that.
The sata took over with chikwanda and started announcing districts. Hospitals, schools Roads and started borrowing, he had no idea what he was doing. Now you can all see
Everyone is now afraid to stand up with them as s/he will be arrested then 5 months down the line DPP will enter nolle prosequi…its happened to BUFFOON CK will those AVIC workers they drove him from Lusaka to Ndola inconvenienced him and his family only to have the case nolled.
These are wasted years and the labour unions are just another wing for PF on payroll.
Does the Zampost make money? If not how are they supposed to be paid?How does the British postal system operate? We need answers to these questions. The time the postal services were combined with the telecoms, nobody saw the need for these questions. This problem has been growing since 1992 and it has just reached its apex. We had a post office in my village from where my parents used to receive the money we sent them. In 1994 the post office was closed and people had to travel 80km to Mansa to collect money which sometimes was not readily available. They had to wait for days to get it. Now we don’t need the post office in Mansa because we have Airtel and MTN mobile money facilities. So how can these tuntemba succeed where the mighty Zampost is failing? Government should summon all the…
continued. ..summon our professionals and storm brain on the way forward. Defending and criticizing won’t solve the problem.
In Germany, the postal services are combined with DHL and also Post Bank. They are a full service enterprise that is very profitable.
Zambia can learn from the wise people of Deutshland and get the same expertise to change these fortunes on the ground overnight.
Thinking outside the box is what makes people successful all the time.
Epo mpelele,
That’s good. But don’t forget that the mentality of the workers also plays an important role. These people are used to receiving salaries without making money. Attitude and mindset must change. In the mines we have a culture of PRODUCE OR SINK. Each time we have a crisis like low metal prices all employees regardless of the position they hold are asked to contribute to SURVIVAL PLAN. Even our Councils are looking toGRZ for their salaries and yet the money is just sitting in front of them.
@Ndanje Khakis … axiomatic!!! Fire all the free loaders and and you will see how that culture will change.
DHL is a private company not owned by the government
Where does the money Zampost make go? Give us the info
Was Mushimba’s Ministry allocated budgetary resources? If so why are there no projects at Zampost? Why have you neglected your company? The Ministry I believe is now headed by a Doctor. Zampost has massive infrastructure dotted around the country. Are you telling me that the SOE has completely failed innovate and turn around? Mmmm? Does the Government as usual pick pocket Zampost? What is Zampost’s bottom line on a good day? What is their balance sheet? Where was it getting money to pay workers previously? Who does that? Is the campany in a genuine clinical state? Parastatals should be paying dividends not waiting for bailouts. It’s unacceptable.
They are used getting paid without asking where the money is coming from. Look at their money transfer. It’s full of unnecessary paper work. Your recipient will have trouble to get the money at their end. How are the others surviving? Even the Zamtel money transfer is pathetic. Most times they don’t have money to pay out.
Zamtel under its current management is a failed project. The signs and turbulent seasons look problematic. The problems at Zamtel dates years back and you needed a genius running it not a propagandist. Look, there is real money in Telecoms, if this wasn’t the case Airtel, MTN, Hai and what have you would have left the country already. For how long will these parastatals continue siphoning public funds in bailout terms?
Been asking why and how Hon. Mushimba and his friend Sydney have together liked the camera alot these days.
My problem though is why has Hon. Mushimba turned a blind eye to problems at Zampost? What is the so called IDC doing about this? Does the POTROZ ECL know exactly what is going down at Zampost or he is just being lied to? Real people with real feelings are…
… suffering. I can’t imagine a 6 month period without a monthly salary. A proper Audit on ops at Zampost is required.
What happened to “KASAKA KANDALAMA”??
Always when it’s campaign time, there’s full Kasaka, but come to paying docile citizens, & civil servants, Akuna Kasaka?
He goes to the Chinks to beg for a loan for building 13 Milling plants …the Chinks say yes because they know everything is coming from China built by their manufacturers, installed by their construction companies …all Zambians have to do is pay back with interest….yet he is there smiling through his gapped teeth like fooooool
Its 4 months arrears because the other two months haven’t been worked for.
However, this is two much. Getting to three much.
There is JUNIOR talking about Deutschland Postal services “combined” with DHL again here is another empty tin who has forgotten one simple word called alliance ….DHL will never join forces with Royal Mail as it is not efficient enough to meet its customer expectation and the DHL brand.
Please stop hallucinating about things you hardly know.
The fact that -(B.R Junior, Smart Enterprise Zambia) can with no shame whatsoever boast about running Zambia, currently a failed, non functioning corruption riddled cesspit, & Kleptocracy similar to Mobutu’s Zaire, speaks volumes about the man’s, faculties.
JUNIOR IS TRULY A LOST CITIZEN, & if he attempts to rub ba Jona the wrong way, he will be badly bruised, as Jona’s bootlickers are keeping a close eye on all critics.
Why they punish people like this, lucifers? Tell me, who can survive for 6 months without money in this cash based economy?
This is just one story. UNZA lecturers have not been paid and this is the longest no pay story at UNZA. Government says UNZA should invest and raise money through tuition and what they do best but at the same time the government is the biggest liability in unpaid students fees. 3/4 of the students at UNZA are sponsored by GRZ and the same GRZ does not pay fees for its students. This is the worst man can do to others! Just where do people find money to pay school fees for their children and even for their children’s meals at UNZA since Mr. Luo has removed meal allowance. This is heartless at its worst example. Ba President find money and pay twapapata!