Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Zambia Postal Services Workers in Lusaka Return to work


ZAMPOST Post Office Lusaka
ZAMPOST Post Office Lusaka

Zambia Postal Services Limited Workers in Lusaka have gone back to work following government’s commitment to recapitalise the company joining their colleagues in other provinces who resumed work recently.

Transport and Communications Minister Brian Mushimba recently said he is engaging the Ministry of Finance to release K50 million to recapitalise the company.

Mr. Mushimba also promised to help the company to collect the K20 million it is owed by some government Ministries to help clear salary arrears.

A check at selected post offices found the offices open with workers carrying out their normal duties.

And National Union of Communication Workers Lusaka Branch Chairman Martin Ngulube said the strike has been called off to allow management and the Union to engage each other on the matter.

Mr Ngulube however disclosed that the Union has declared a dispute with Zampost Management as a further step to resolve the matter.

The National Union for Communications Workers earlier this week urged Zampost Workers to go back to work following government’s commitment to help them collect the K20 million owed to them by partners which they can use to pay salaries.

Union General Secretary Richard Mulenga said government has also committed to help pay salaries at Zampost following a meeting held between the Union and Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Transport and Communications Engineer Misheck Lungu.


    • This workers need to find a new Union rep…this is the wrong way of protesting how do you go off a strike based on promises of one useless minister dull Brian instead of getting assurances from Finance Minister or State House…I mean you have gone 7 months without pay you might as well wait to go back till you are paid in full. This is a useless reckless govt living hand to mouth so long as you are back working you are not a high priority to him and you are off the media spotlight. I bet you if you check your union reps they have been sorted out by this govt using divide and conquer strategy….you will be back to the streets in no time

    • Replant lawn and flowerz outside Post Office.
      Employees used to sit there reading Times of Zambia at lunch time, from 12-2pm. Some even eating nshima. 2 long hours every thing was closed. And customers lineup waiting in hot sun.
      Those 2 hours breaks kill business in Zambia. Learn to rotate workers or you continue making losses.

    • Fire them all for disrespecting President Lungu, how?

      They are exercising their right to be paid salaries for the months they worked.

      It is criminal of the government to exploit them.

      Mushota, this is the height of bootlicking to get your daily crumbs from the failed government.

  1. Next time you hear the slogan
    “Money in your pockets in 90 days “ or being asked to dance during elections, be weary…..

    • Yeah, like we are already weary on not ushering in one dangerous individual for his acts.
      Got you, I hope you are not suggesting going for your option. He is a nonstarter, thanks.

    • They will never get paid as they are off the media spotlight…a broke entity will only pay those making the loudest noises and soon it will be month-end lecturers and civil servants will come knocking!!

  2. I still remember those blue curtains 30 years ago as I would walk past from seeing my friends in Roads park going to city centre to catch a bus. Though they used be paras there armed to the teeth who would lock you up for walking to near. Then you had to deal with UNIP Vigilantes at city market. The building has stalled in time.


    • That time this building was a high level security sensitive building after those letter bombs…I remember getting PostBus to boarding school from the back of the building a number of times, that was one efficient bus always left at 7:00 hrs never waited for no one even if its half full as no one delays the Postbus even the Police at checkpoint knew!!

    • I bet you that side of the company can be made profitable if incorporated the same efficiency and responsibly priced tickets!!

    • @catpower, and you remember some short Political rallies and protests there were so attractive. Again mostly at mid-day.
      Main Post Office was the heart of Lusaka.
      But these days with Brian wenu, awe mwandi.

    • @Cat Power … nostalgic indeed!!! With ba Para standing on each side of that building and one in the middle. Kalashnikovs (AK47)s pointing downwards on high alert.

      Please leave my UNIP Vigilantees alone, they made sure no street vending took place along Cairo Road as most Country Diplomats used to pass by the Post Office enroute to Independence Avenue towards Longacres where most embassies were.

      KK was in charge of the country with highly disciplined smart people of the Zambian Enterprise standing and singing of Zambia, proud and free.

      What A Sweet Life ~ Nostalgic Indeed!!

      Let’s roll

  3. I really hope there is a good plan and strategy to sustain the compay operations. We need inovations at the top there and not continue running it as usual.
    Pilferage must be managed vigilantly as well. Then the strikes will be a thing of the past.

    • When you appoint cadres those nepotism like Macpherson Chanda, a company can not move forward …I mean what can a useless cadre bring to the table apart from wanting to line his pockets…they had donors putting in £2,000,000 in their account every 6 months or four for cash-transfer the administration fee and interest alone on that was able to supplement their expenditure but they stole the money….they eat the cow that was giving them milk everyday.

  4. So what’s the plan after recapitalization? Where has that capital come from and how will it be accounted for? What about workers’ salary arrears? Neo nimafunso cabe kuti wa LT siwanakambe bwino-nso…

    • Money has been misappropriated from Toll gates …these fooooools are living hand to mouth waiting at the bank for anything to come into their account. No wonder there is no AG or reports being published.

    • Its outlived its usefulness…I would demolish and build a bigger one with more office and shopping space to let out.

  5. Zampost is not viable. Just oursource this with government supervising the postal services, FEDEX or DHL or enterprising Zambian outfit can do the job. The days of snail mail are long gone.


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