Saturday, February 1, 2025

UPND Funds Mobilisation in Pictures


UPND party Secretary General Stephen Katuka addressing the Members
UPND party Secretary General Stephen Katuka addressing the Members
UPND National Chairperson for Stategy and Mobilization, Sylvia Masabo addressing UPND Members
UPND National Chairperson for Stategy and Mobilization, Sylvia Masabo addressing UPND Members
The UPND Delegates from three countries that met in Sandton to Fund raise for the party
The UPND Delegates from three countries that met in Sandton to Fund raise for the party
UPND National Chairperson for Stategy and Mobilization, Sylvia Masabo addressing UPND Members
UPND National Chairperson for Stategy and Mobilization, Sylvia Masabo addressing UPND Members
The UPND Delegates from three countries that met in Sandton to Fund raise for the party
The UPND Delegates from three countries that met in Sandton to Fund raise for the party
The UPND Delegates from three countries that met in Sandton to Fund raise for the party
The UPND Delegates from three countries that met in Sandton to Fund raise for the party
The UPND Delegates from three countries that met in Sandton to Fund raise for the party
The UPND Delegates from three countries that met in Sandton to Fund raise for the party
A UPND Cadre raises the PArty symbol to the delegates
A UPND Cadre raises the PArty symbol to the delegates
The UPND Delegates from three countries that met in Sandton to Fund raise for the party
The UPND Delegates from three countries that met in Sandton to Fund raise for the party
The UPND Delegates from three countries that met in Sandton to Fund raise for the party
The UPND Delegates from three countries that met in Sandton to Fund raise for the party
The UPND Delegates from three countries that met in Sandton to Fund raise for the party
The UPND Delegates from three countries that met in Sandton to Fund raise for the party
The UPND Delegates from three countries that met in Sandton to Fund raise for the party
The UPND Delegates from three countries that met in Sandton to Fund raise for the party
Sesheke Central lawmaker Honourable Romeo Kango'mbe addressing the delegates
Sesheke Central lawmaker Honourable Romeo Kango’mbe addressing the delegates


    • And this is why you lose elections. Everyone in that room is disenfranchised. Mobilization should be in Zambia. UPND equates being popular abroad to winning elections forgetting that all their social media cadres can’t vote.

    • PF was fundraising in USA before, when they had values.
      I even attended a fundraiser for PF’s National House of Prayers. I have them a $50, not knowing was a scam, money was stolen.

  1. Imwe ba LT even if pictures tell a story they need an explanation in the form of a caption to answer the questions where what when why

  2. Kikikikikikiki …….. the trib.als can raise all the funds in the world but what matters to us majority sensible Zambians is the genesis of the upnd since 2006 complete with a annointed unelected “leader” and aspirations. politics is the albatross around the neck of the upnd. Until the perception is addressed, upnd goes nowhere. Window dressing and appointing idoits and fellow trib.als like GBV and Chimbwili will not blind Zambians to who upnd really is. When they were overconfident during 2016 campaigns they dropped their guard and really exposed their principles, remember Munkombwe at a rally in Choma? He repeated Ackson Sekani and unguardedly Hacks even warmly embraced him!!!…

  3. …… When they were overconfident during 2016 campaigns they dropped their guard and really exposed their principles, remember Munkombwe at a rally in Choma? He repeated Ackson Sekani and unguardedly Hacks even warmly embraced him!!! Remember the voting pattern in Dundumwezi? We remember everything you trib.als said. While PF were dancing to useless but harmless Dununa reverse, upnd were exposing examples of how much harm they would do to Zambia if they got their wishes!!

    • Probably attendees were Zambians resident in three different countries but chose to converge in RSA for the fundraiser! My guess as it is not so mentioned. The article reporting does not help much in clarity as observed by many already and it makes one wonder whether the reporter is really a journalist or just some novice trying to share with the people that there was such a function. PF too holds such fundraisers outside Zambia as was in the UK and in USA where a ticket for sitting at a table in the vicinity of ECL was pegged at $1000!

  4. We all know thst they all slaves in South Africa and this is nothing but desperation at is highest level. PF will also hold its fund raising events in US China and we dont want id10ts to label us corrupt.

  5. I have never seen Katuka and Masebo so charismatic and so bright at any UPND meeting in Zambia. Kanshi these guys can work?

    • Because UPND is bankrupting pf and the whole GRZ in unrelenting campains , you think they are bankrolled by whom ??

  6. The PF are completely at loss how one man , HH behind UPND , can be pushing PF and GRZ close to bankruptcy ….

    Many a politician have gone broke challenging lungu , not HH , they have failed to break him…

  7. Instead of attending the NDF, to mix and mingle with retired older politicians from whom he can learn a lot of things, this young MP is already misguided and indoctrinated into politicking instead of working for the people that elected him.

  8. They barely filled the room! Not surprising with everyone jumping ship to join PF and other parties!

    Can the last member to leave UPND, please turn off the lights on leaving …..! Shut the door…..

  9. All the rubbish tribal nonsense comments air by the pf failures only exposes their ignorance.. it’s a shame to witness

  10. That’s how coup against hh starts. This may be be testing ground for one hh life president who may face revolt. For now will his followers pretending ONLY himself should rule upendi.

    He thought gbm waswas under his control and today he thinks upendi is under his his spell.

    You dont always have to be a prophet to foretell what lies ahead.

  11. Where is austerity measures. This would be the most wasteful govt.

    They have spent 500 times for than money raised and any wise person can tell this was a “upendi convention”.

    Hh must follow GBM. UPENDI needs fresh air not the same unsmiling 5 times looser


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