Thursday, January 30, 2025

IBA condemns threats of violence against Power FM radio in Kabwe and Radio Maria in Chipata


The Independent Broadcasting Authority (IBA) has condemned the harassment, violence and damage to property that occurred at Power FM Radio in Kabwe, during the ‘Power to the people’ programme that featured Dr. Chishimba Kambwili on Tuesday 30th April, 2019 and also the reported attacks and harassment of Journalists at Radio Maria of Chipata on Wednesday 1st May, 2019 after a political programme.The Authority has urged all political party sympathisers to follow the laid down procedures of registering their grievances about any broadcast material they find aggrieving as opposed to engaging in violence.

Below is the Full Press release

The Independent Broadcasting Authority (IBA) wishes to condemn the harassment, violence and damage to property that occurred at Power FM Radio in Kabwe, during the ‘Power to the people’ programme that featured Dr. Chishimba Kambwili on Tuesday 30th April, 2019. In the same way the Authority condemns the reported attacks and harassment of Journalists at Radio Maria of Chipata on Wednesday 1st May, 2019 after a political programme.

Broadcasting Stations have a crucial role to play in providing information to the public, and any disturbance to a station is an infringement on media freedom and the public’s right to information. The Authority is particularly dismayed that the people’s right to information is disrupted when the media is threatened. We are further saddened that these threats have occurred in the week when we are supposed to celebrate journalists on World Press Freedom Day, which falls on 3rd May, each year

In this regard, we wish to urge all political party sympathisers to follow the laid down procedures of registering their grievances about any broadcast material they find aggrieving as opposed to engaging in violence.

Complaints or any misgivings about media coverage must be made to the concerned station within three months of the broadcast. Should the station fail to make good or correct the complaint raised within fourteen days, then the complaint can be addressed to the IBA.

We also wish to advise that when an unfortunate incidence of violence occurs against a person and or a broadcast station, the incident must be reported to the Police, as the police are duly mandated to maintain law and order.

Josephine Mapoma


    • In whose name are these thugs doing this?
      Who do they claim kambwili is insulting?
      You guessed it PF and Edgar.
      So lungu being the head of PF and president of Zambia must stand up and condemn violence and make it clear that you cannot harm intimidate or insult people in his name!
      That is what leaders with integrity do they stand up for what is right and not sit and condone what is very wrong.

    • That Josephine answers like Sunday Chanda. Mocking.
      Why is she not demanding that Police get clearance from PF to arrest the thugs whom they know very well?

    • “The Authority has urged all political party sympathisers to follow the laid down procedures of registering their grievances about any broadcast material they find aggrieving as opposed to engaging in violence” is a statement half made. If you add that media houses should be responsible enough to moderate on highly rhetorical politians on all sides, the better for Zambia. Don’t misfire here direct the message to party leaders not sympathizers.
      You can’t say media houses don’t have the responsibility to stop insults, falsehood and uncensored language from people who aspire to lead us.
      CK positions himself not to be interrupted or for lack of a better term controlled on a interview panel.
      Moderation is key here.
      Definition: moderation means,
      the avoidance of excess or extremes,…

    • …especially in one’s behaviour or political opinions.
      E.g. “I urged the CK to show moderation”
      synonyms: self-restraint, restraint, self-control, self-discipline; moderateness, temperateness, temperance, abstemiousness, non-indulgence, leniency, fairness.
      IBA you are by and large on the right track meaning, I have always applauded your actions. The huge task for you is the lack of ethics by these new media houses. The interest here is Zambia. Hold sensitization meetings, seminars and refresher courses for media houses. You can’t afford to have brick and mortar media institutions behave like social media which operates in cyberspace. Don’t fail us. Failure in this case can come right at the issuance of licenses. Do proper audit. Political party leaders do also have a job to do…

    • …especially in one’s behaviour or political opinions.
      E.g. “I urged the CK to show moderation”
      synonyms: self-restraint, restraint, self-control, self-discipline; moderateness, temperateness, temperance, abstemiousness, non-indulgence, leniency, fairness.
      IBA you are by and large on the right track meaning, I have always applauded your Engage your cadres. My interest here is my Zambia. I won’t forgive you if or when Zambia bleeds.
      I don’t see this ending unless the political podium is infiltrated by sanitized policy packed messages opposed to sensational rhetoric packed with insults especially from NDC. Insults and character bruising characterize the birtherism of the NDC as a party.

  1. Remarkable for IBA to condemn those barbaric acts! I hope someone does not lose their job at IBA

    • Expresses sadness, condemns, urges, warns.

      All words of no action.

      It’s just talk to quell the docile and gullible people whilst they sit and do nothing.

  2. Thats PFoools for you, thugs, theives dander heads drunks and Kaponya`s, nothing good about these morons or id!ots…. the best they do is destroy the country and steal. Their tu ma leaders are visionless drunks

  3. IBA it’s another pf rubber stamp toothless organization always told what to do and what to say by pf.

  4. This is a harbinger of things to come, violence begets violence. Civil wars and political atrocities don’t start at once, they are a cumulation of small unchecked acts of discourse. When PF thugs threatened the life Chishimba Kambwili, PF released empty statements of condemnation. A month later, the thugs go a step further and commit an actual act of violence. What has PF done released more empty statements? Either someone is egging these thugs on, or they don’t respect the PF authority.

  5. In as much as there is freedom of expression either on radio ststions, social media or news papers, but should we allow a situation where people should be insulting or using vurgal language on the radio stations. I am sure if media houses have such interviews are first programmed, or recorded and played so that content is edited in the presence of the one who would be airing.

    • If we did this then all we’d have left is PF mouth pieces just like ZNBC.

      Best we can do is warn the interviewee that a few more curse words and we’ll have to stop the broadcast.

      Let people air their grievances but without cursing.

    • I am lost for reason ……

      how is condeming stealing and demanding accountability insulting to lungu ???

  6. Ck and others are calling lungu a corrupt theif……..let lungu deny this and sue them for defermation if he is not a corrupt theif


    What is he afraid of ?

  7. IBA, should be the least to talk about Media Freedoms.
    This is one agency the PF government is using to fix independent media houses

    Please just get your salary and allowances.

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