Outspoken Movement for Multiparty Democracy MMD Youth Prince Ndoyi says the country has only two political parties describing the rest as personal projects formed out of envy, ambition and frustrations by power hungry individuals.
Ndoyi observed that while UNIP and MMD were formed by the masses as political movements the other political parties today are personal projects disguised as political parties hence the reason the country is witnessing tribal and regional politics.
He said the PF are in power today because their founder president succeeded where others are failing, branding their personal projects as national projects.
“There are only two political parties in Zambia UNIP and MMD, the rest are personal projects borne out of envy, ambition and frustrations.
At least the late Michael Sata succeeded to brand his personal project PF as a people party.
“MMD was a revolutionary movement that came after men and women felt UNIP was going astray with its nonsense of a One-Party-State. Likewise UNIP was also born as a collective to attain our liberation from the shackles of colonial enslavement. No one during these movements had a personal claim on leadership or presidency.
“With regards to UPND it was born after a certain wealthy Bauleni Ward Chairman was blocked from standing against FTJ. PF,Heritage and these others on the other hand are actually products borne out of personal egos after they were overlooked in the line of succession,” he said.
Ndoyi added that even the newly formed National Democratic Congress and Democratic Party are family projects which Zambians should be weary of unless otherwise.
“NDC,DP and these other mushrooming parties are all as a result of ambitions not being met, no wonder you hear after some time some actually close their shops and head back to their mother party for instance Lusaka Mayor Miles Sampa had Democratic Front and Eric Chanda Had 4th Revolution Movement but where are they today? Back in the boat,” he said.
He has since advised young people to stop following their leaders blindly because the consequences of doing so are that they would be destitute once their leaders decide to go back to their political parties.
“The disastrous consequences of following such movements is that you are likely to be political destitutes once your leader is forgiven or given what he or she wanted in the first instance….for instance while Eric Chanda is today writing an application to the PF SG for readmission, what’s the fate of his supporters who genuinely believed in him and actually even voted for him? Look at GBM!
“It’s always politically smart to attach yourself to a cause than an individuals cause coz while it’s easier for these “Rebels” or “Prodigal Sons” to be forgiven and readmitted in the mainstream leadership it’s not always the case with the followers as you find your space occupied by someone else,” he said.
He further strongly warned the Zambian people to develop political foresight and to stop being easily excited with anything.
“Zambians must not be easily excited by people who want to take advantage of their misfortunes with the economy and the current leadership, so as to ascend to leadership when in fact they don’t care about the people but themselves and their ambitions. True revolutions and movements anywhere in the world are not created by political leaders but the people and a true revolution naturally finds its own leaders.
On the issue of the MMD, which many consider to be the mother of Democracy in the country, Ndoyi said the leadership of the party is working tirelessly to bring it to its former glory.
“And let every one know, including our former president Dr. Mumba that whether they wish us well or ill, that as a party we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe to assure the survival and the success of our once mighty movement that brought enormous development to this country second to none,” he said.
Which MMD that cartoon belong to? Is he in same MMD as Dora and Bowman?
Good points put forward as advice to the Zambians. However, when it comes to his point on MMD he is in denial that it’s dead. The infighting have just helped bury it to an extent were the very personal ambitions he advises against are looking better
The MMD didn’t bring us any success … they took us 40 years backwards. Everything we had achieved we lost during their tenure.
It was one of greatest mistakes ever made by the smart people of the Zambian Enterprise. But yes, a real party they were now in oblivion just like my UNIP is in it’s sunset position.
That said, I still have a lot of respect for all our fore-bearers, each one contributed something that has made our enterprise one of the most resilient enterprises on the continent.
Even though I have very serious misgivings with FTJ and didn’t agree with his politics, his name shall be forever be codified in our memories as one of the greatest orators in the 21st Century.
Epo mpelele,
Wishful thinking, MMD died a natural death a long time ago
@Br Mumba.
Brother Mumba,
Almost everything you want to talk about now was brought up by MMD. In UNIP we were closed to everything Wonder we’re you were and how old. But to everything, there’s collateral damage and so if you were personally affected negatively in the path, the nation benefitted wholesomely & so we’re most of us. FTJ was the best gift Zambian has had. Correct your historical facts. I can give you more if u wish.
This Ndoyi guy is a damn good analyst. It’s very true that Sata and HH just wanted or want to ascend to the presidency. Lungu too. That’s why none of them tackles our current problems. They never promise us things that will benefit us. They don’t say when and how they will repair our dilapidated roads. When they will give people the necessary electricity and end loadshedding forever How they will reduce unemployment how they will promote freedom of speech.
They focus on putting out fires that they have started most of these fires fanned tribally by them. Manifestos where are your manifestos you individual projects? Zambians should look for political parties not tinpot dictatorship s
I tend to agree. Sata formed PF after a fall out with FTJ while Mazoka formed Upnd after being frustrated by Sata. But don’t forget Unip was formed by individuals who were not happy with the ANC leadership.
And MMD comprised 70% of disenchanted Unopists.
You got that right … the peace loving KK pleaded with Kapwepwe saying they needed to focus on fighting one common enemy, the Colonist and not amongst themselves.
Kapwepwe didn’t yield, KK supported Kapwepwe seconding himself as his assistant, Kapwepwe didn’t want 2 Northerners at the top.
In November 1962, KK had no choice but to leave ANC to form UNIP and 23 months later he was our 1st Republican President.
Epo mpelele,
At one time the USA had some eight political parties most which came into become in similar circumstances. All of them disappeared for lack of foresight or were swallowed by the giant parties like Republicans and the Democrats. Don’t forget 2001 saw three parties formed by MMD members ie Heritage Party, Forum For Democratic Development and the Patriotic Front.
Ba B R Mumba mwilaconfuze fintu. Kaunda pleading with Kapwepwe over what? The split from ZANC? KK and Kapwepwe were in the same camp at the time.
Together with the Winas Kamanga A etc they split from Harry Mwaanga Nkumbula and formed UNIP. Later Kapwepwe split from UNIP and formed UPP.
Iwee mbuzi. The bad governance of the famous “welensky” prompted the formation of UNIP and KK’s prolonged frugality and Muyaya syndrome like wise prompted the formation of MMD. And the chain goes on. If you have no fairly tales to tell
Please take your sit sir
It’s you who needs to take your seat. Bad governance had nothing to do with it. You could even say Welensky was a better governor than his successors. It was a freedom struggle at the time so he had to go
That is so true and the the point, wake up zambians
This is one of the best postings I have read in a while
Well said, his point is unip and mmd have idealogy,collective believe of values and norms by a good % of the citizens.Apart from the socialist party,the rest are political prostitutes masquerading as wives.
what are the values of NDC and ideology
I have nothing to say. But that’s 100% true.
People of upnd, I need your help to make me understand very well, I have been watching all interviews for HH but upon all questions that he was asked no one it has been answered, so I need understanding from you upnd members, what makes you to believe that HH can be a Zambian president 2021? Cause I am looking a party that can bring change and is the party that I will join, so make me to understand what makes you to believe that HH can change things when he became a President in 2021?
@Aliking … the answer to your question is ” it’s time for a Tonga to rule ”
A political party is essentially an organized group of people, with broadly common views, The party agrees on and implements its policies and programmes, with a view to promoting the collective good. That is where MMD and UNIP. UPND also originally started like that before it promulgated came its famous tribal agenda in 2001.
Sata’s Pf, peter magandes party, Chishimba Kambwili ndc, peopls party etc etc are groups of voters organized to support certain individuals usually their founders or furthering egoistic interests. The aim of these political parties is to elect officials who will try to carry out the party owners vision. They have no plan agreed on.
MMD is a 2 headed serpent right now and no one knows whether they’re coming or going!!
Slippery Mutati doesn’t know where he stands; IS HE P.F or MMD? Nervy Nervous Mumba is off duty!!
My brothers and sisters, stop tearing your selfs apart,concentrate on what will bring success to you,mind you schools are opening next week…….are you going to bring out the ball from the net? ZERO.
only three political parties will be competing in 2021, which includes PF, UPND and NDC, the rest are time wasters
Hunter: Do you know that political parties have consitutions? No, otherwise you wouldn’t be typing your statement. MMD constitution like any other party, stipulates very clearly who holds presidential position. And when elections should be held if a vacancy arises. Non of those provisions were followed by mutati. Mutati held a convention and elected himself when there was already a serving president in MMD. 2ndly Mutati and his pf minions have never campaigned for MMD, have they? so how is he mmd? In 2012 he campaigned for upnd, 2015 he campaigned for pf???
This is on the whole a very good posting, one of the best.
The author just misdirects himself in last paragraph on current MMD leadership. He seems to put Nevers Mumba into the archives when he democratically succedded into MMD leaderships unlike Mutati, and probably the author, who seem to suggest otherwise! True MMD is mother party. Resolve it with collective wisdom as our forefathers did and don’t use personal egos as Mr Mutati’s direction seems to suggest.
MMD could be great.
MMD is Zambia’s elite political party. The only party that recorded a positive growth of the economy since independence. We shall reorganise when this pf clown called mutati is finally ejected by the courts of law. The courts have been taking their time to dispose of a simple case, which has kept mmd from participation in the dispensation. We wondrr whether this delay is a coincidence or it’s by design?
From the above it means there is only 1 political party in Zambia, MMD. UNIP ceased to exist some 15 years ago. After the 2021 elections MMD will no longer be around. UPND depending on the results of the 2021 elections might also be no more. According to the writer after 2021 there will be political parties in Zambia. May be the writer is using his grandmother’s definition of a political party from the Chachacha days
@Aliking, HH can turn round Zambia on account that he has the capacity to perform that task. He has never been in all previous regimes that brought learning experiences to preceding regimes but fell to the same trappings suffered by UNIP, Mmd and PF. The main reason is failure to grasp the ensnares of power and education. In HH there is a conviction to serve Zambia on a different political and economical discipline focusing on result oriented outcome. Not populist sloganeering and deception. All past and current regimes have Manifestos that usually have been distorted by cadreism created gods of their leaders. Lack of education seeking to win power beyond which the leader is clueless and begin to mimick previous past leaders. That is not seen in HH that makes him exceptional to perform…
Ba B R Mumba bena is very dull. UNIP wasn’t formed in 1962. Egat is trying to say about Kapwepwe? Fortunately, he rightly belongs to pf were such people form the support base, drawn by sata the father of dull people.
UNIP is a Kaunda breakaway from ANC which became ZANC. MMD is a breakaway from UNIP. It was formed by Akashambatwa Mbikusita Lewanika. There is always an individual behind the formation of every party
I like your skill of writing.but mind the critics cause alot of them are real .
Ba B R Mumba mwilaconfuze fintu. Kaunda pleading with Kapwepwe over what? The split from ZANC? KK and Kapwepwe were in the same camp at the time.
Together they split from Harry Mwaanga Nkumbula and formed UNIP. Later Kapwepwe split from UNIP and formed UPP.