Friday, January 31, 2025

Eight PF cadres in Kabwe arrested over Power FM fracas


Central Province Police Chief Chola Katanga
Central Province Police Chief Chola Katanga

Eight PF members have been arrested in connection with last Tuesday’s incident where ruling party cadres stormed Power FM studios in Kabwe and disrupted a live program featuring NDC leader Chishimba Kambwili.

Central Province Police Chief Chola Katanga has confirmed the arrests Wednesday evening.

Mr. Katanga disclosed that police are holding in custody PF Kabwe District Chairman Richard Bango, District Youth Chairperson Luckson Mafoko and Kabwe Central Constituency Youth Chairperson Humphrey Mukuka.

Mr Mafoko is area councillor for Kawama ward while his fellow youth leader Mr. Mukuka is area councillor for Kaputula.

The Provincial Police Chief confirmed that the five cadres have been slapped with charges of criminal trespass and malicious damage to property.


  1. Foooolish Police waiting for orders from Kaizer ..anyway who can blame them when the humble foool is retiring them in national interest

    • Councilors are elected officials, no longer cadres.
      It sounds like 3 by-elections coming up in Kabwe.

    • It didn’t need a Presidential directive to get this done. I am so so so disappointed. Police and law enforcement has to be done without fear or favor.

      Lady Justice is blind!!! You guys need to be fired … all of you. The smart people of the Zambian Enterprise deserve better than this.

      Zambia Is Greater Than Any Single One Of Us ~ B R Mumba, Sr

      Epo mpelele,


      Original Content; No Copyrights Reserved

    • Ba B R Mumba, Sr
      Do you remember that officers who arrested PF cadres in mongu were fired under a direction from PF secretary general? Our police fear for their families. insala too much in Zambia and arresting lungus boys amounts to persecution.

    • For how long are we going to wait on directives for ministers to work in Zambia. Does it mean ministers have no authority? What’s a point of having ministers if they can only work with directives.

    • you are the one who is foolish, don’t you know that cadres have more “power” than the police? what happened to the police in Sesheke?

    • @Ba Charlie … we should have those good officers reinstated. They should do their jobs without fear or favor.

      Let’s roll …

    • And someone poses with no confidence as a professional as if there is anything extraordinary they have done. Ba kapokola, just do your job, you can defeat the demon that instills fear into your nerves.

  2. Do not release them before they appear in court as has recently happened in Chipata. Zambians are tired of this PF cadre nonsence. If a similar incidence happens in Kabwe you will see how the residents will deal with these PF cadre thugs.People are struggling with economic hardship and can hardly make ends meet and PF are busy beating them up.We can not wait for 2021.

  3. Kanganja was appointed because Stella Lebongani (Former IG Police) was sympathetic and soft with the opposition (can you remember this?). Today ECL is the police.

  4. Bapombo babulamano ababula initiative. Lungu has to tell them who to arrest. So what happens when Lungu steals? They will wait until he says Come and arrest me now. Iwe Lungu tell them to arrest you over the Inyatsi Construction deal The contract is to rehabilitate the Ndola-Mufulira done in 2017. Road getting worse and worse

    • Inyatsi also did the patching of the Mazabuka road last year. The road is now worse than the terrible way it was before they came. Almost 100 percent skimmed off and up to now Zambians are still ndwiiiiii!

  5. When lungu found out some kabwe citizens turned up at power FM and confronted the PF thugs, lungu and the PF realised that the Zambian citizens have had enough of this cader lawlessness and the tide was turning ,

    there is now a serious risk of Caders PF being confronted and chased from places where they are allowed to operate…

  6. we are back to UNIP days, where there was no challenge against the Frog. The party” UNIP” and it’s government were supreme.

  7. This is just PR at its best!!Nothing will happen to these innocent PF lads!!Kambwili should know that boma ni boma!!These guys wont even sleep in police cells because they are in the system.After one month or so,this case will die from a natural death-mark my words!!

  8. These chaps are so use–less.Maybe we need pipo with good education coz they fail to act on professional ground especially copperbelt commision ba Katanga.They are making PF unpopular these police chaps.So embarrasing

  9. Zambian police training is less than one year, so police officer graduate without adequate knowledge, skills and patriotism to our country and its citizens. What do you expect from such half-baked individuals? It is just bootleaking coupled with intimidation from politicians. They are cowed away by the unlawful threats from the so called minister of home affairs who doesn’t seem to know what ‘home affairs’ means. Law enforcement is a very complicated responsibility which needs proper training. Police training should not be less than 3years if we have to have properly skilled, patriotic and commited police officers to enforce the rule of law not these half-baked ones we have in uniforms.

  10. Lungu only ordered the arrests because he saw some kabwe citizens turn up spontenouly at power FM to confront the pf thugs , he fears citizens changing attitude to PF thuggery …….he would never have done this otherwise….

  11. Political reforms should be revised time to time.
    The bitter truth is that ,these modern crops of politicians,clergymen,NGOs,CSOs and other relevant organizations.Verbal violence breeds physical violence.
    The main infuriates of this verbal abuse that results in to physical violence are leaders across all organizations.The fact is political violence can’t come end come so easier.

  12. PF is politicking. This is just to woodwink the Zambian people again that the Police is working. Those arrested are being used as “sacrificial lambs”. Police work in Zambia is directed by PF. PF directs who to arrest and who not to. SIMPLE.

  13. You can fool some people sometimes but you can’t fool all the people all the times :bafikala finyo fya banyinenu these are just publist just next there elections.we need our country back

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