Saturday, February 22, 2025

17 admitted, suspected cholera cases


Government has revealed that about 17 people are admitted to Mpulungu urban clinic for suspected cholera.

Mpulungu District Commissioner Dennis Sikazwe has confirmed the development to ZANIS in Mpulungu today.

Mr Sikazwe said the Ministry of Health has since recommended that schools be closed for the period of one week to ensure that the situation is contained.

He added that all operations of ferrying people from Mpulungu to Nsumbu in Nsama district, by boats has been suspended for the period of one week.

And Mr Sikazwe has revealed that the ministry has put up measures to sensitise people on the need to maintain high levels of hygiene during this period.

The District Commissioner has also urged people to work with the medical staff at the health facility, in order to control a further spread of the disease.

He has also urged people to report all suspected cholera cases to the nearest health centres.

And in Mbala, five people have been admitted at Tulemane clinic for suspected cholera.

Sources from Tulemane clinic who sought anonymity confirmed the development to ZANIS in Mbala yesterday.

And Mbala District Commissioner, Kedrick Sikombe who could not confirm the matter has promised to give a detailed report once he gets details from the Ministry of Health in the area.


  1. Very sad news.

    This is what happens when you sweep dirt under the carpet.

    The fight against bad hygiene, lack of clean water, and educating the public must be priority for the government.

  2. This is the development PFoools is known for, disease, debt and stupi!dty ….. kaponya`s have failed, this debarred lawyer wanne be is a useless moron

  3. They should extend the closure of Schools to throughout the country including private schools;
    for a period of 1 month; to ensure our kids are safe in these schools, this is unacceptable!!! we also need to raise school fees for the recently opened term

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