Saturday, February 22, 2025

National Dialogue Forum concludes and publishes the resolution


Delegates at the National Dialogue Forum

The National Dialogue Forum constituted to come up with resolutions that will facilitate the amendment of the constitution has come to an end.

Delegates deliberated on the amendment of the Constitution of Zambia Act number 2 of 2016 as well as reform the law on the Electoral process, the public order and the regulation of the political parties’ bill based on submissions from various stakeholders.

Below is the full statement released to the media on the outcome of the dialogue


LUSAKA 15TH MAY, 2019. I wish to take this opportunity to thank everyone that sacrificed their time to come and participate at this important national undertaking, the National Dialogue Forum.

The Forum has sat for a total number of 16 days from the initial ten days that were provided for in the National Dialogue Act of 2019. The Minister of Justice had to extend the sittings of the Forum in order to effectively attend to all the Bills that were before the Forum.

As you may be aware members of the Press, the mandate of the Forum was to Facilitate the implementation of resolutions that were made on 12th June, 2018, in Siavonga by Secretaries-General of political parties relating to Constitutional and institutional reforms.

The Forum was further to facilitate the Constitution refinement process and regulation of political parties, public order and electoral process reforms.

Ladies and Gentlemen, I am pleased to inform you that the Forum has adopted the following proposed laws for possible enactment by Parliament:

  1. The draft Constitution of Zambia (Amendment) Bill, 2019
  2. The draft Electoral Process (Amendment) Bill, 2019
  3. The draft Public Order Bill, 2019

The Forum has made the following amendments to the Constitution Bill 2019

  • Revised the preamble to confirm that indeed Zambia remains a Christian nation by removing the words multi religious.
  • Adopted the principle for formation of coalition government where the candidates fail to reach the 50% plus one threshold provided the parties to a coalition government manage to galvanize the total of 50 percent plus one
  • Confirm that the National Assembly shall only dissolve at the date of the general election to allow Members of Parliament complete their full 5 year term
  • Provide for entry of women and marginalized groups in Parliament and Councils through the mixed member electoral system
  • Affirm our people’s right to freedom of conscience by removing Section 9 clause 1 of the Public Order Bill which penalized people who refuse to sing the national anthem. This means that it is not mandatory for any group to sing the national anthem except at public functions
  • Revise the period for hearing of a presidential petition to 30 calendar days from the 14 days
  • Provide for the appointment of deputy Ministers
  • Further, civil servants intending to seek political office must resign from their jobs two years before elections.

On the draft Electoral Process Bill, 2019, the following amendments have been proposed

  • Reduced the campaign period from three months to sixty days
  • Provided for the independent candidates to select their symbols from the list made available by the Commission
  • Provide for the Commission to publish the election time table in a national wide circulation in addition to the gazette
  • And the provision of a coalition government.

On the Public Oder Bill, 2019, the following proposed amendments have been made:

  • Provide for the enjoyment of the right of freedom of assemble and association
  • Regulate the conduct of public gatherings for the preservation of public order.

We wish to assure you that in the process of validating and refining the Bills, has been very open and transparent as you may be aware that all the proceedings were live on Parliament radio and TV.

The process has just started as I indicated earlier on that this is work in progress, the Bills will then go to parliament where they will be enacted into law.

As a Forum Am happy to inform you that we have completed our task and the resolutions have since been adopted as you have witnessed.

I thank you all and God bless you.

Issued by Forum Secretary,

Mr. Patrick Chisanga.


  1. Does this mean the reintroduction of Deputy Ministers has been dropped, or its still operation donchi kubeba in action? Why not publish the details of the resolutions under all the bills? The briefs under public order and electoral reforms are incredibly too silent and therefore too loud to ignore. “Our father in heaven, what did we do to deserve this?”

    • Well done compatriots, comrades and genuine sons and daughters of this beloved country.

      Team Work is the essence of good governance. It is necessary to form a team within the party and also within the administrative system, Narendra Modi.
      Every man, every woman who has to take up the service of government, must ask themselves two questions: ‘Do I love my people in order to serve them better? Am I humble and do I listen to everybody, to diverse opinions in order to choose the best path.’ If you don’t ask those questions, your governance will not be good, Pop Francis.

    • This is all crap by the useless dander heads who have failed to run the country, the stup!dity in PFoools is on another level, good for drinking and raping the country…..

    • Fellaz! Before you post anything out’a imprisoned heavy heart.
      “Let age, not envy, draw wrinkles on thy cheeks”, Thomas Browne.

    • In 2016, Zambians rejected wastefulness of deputy ministers & also ministers staying in office during campaigns to abuse govt vehicles for campaigns. 80 ministers each with 2 VX land cruisers, salaries, allowances, air tickets, petrol allowances entertainment allowances etc is pure madness especially when PF hv destroyed the economy.

      PF00LS need to be prosecuted for rapin.g the constitution for their selfish desire to hold on to power.

    • It is important to not that these are proposals, reading from some of you, it is as if these proposals have been enacted. Parliament have a final say, not that your parliament have any ounce of credibility.

      I am a PhD holder



    • A National Referendum is the best way to test whether the Resolutions of the NDF are acceptable to the people of Zambia or not.

    • Take a good look at those foooools remember their faces….I wonder how much ZCID scumbags have been paid to pay these morons

    • “Confirm that the National Assembly shall only dissolve at the date of the general election to allow Members of Parliament complete their full 5 year term”
      They never paid back monies now they want more…they think they will rule forever do they know what confusion this will cause when an incumbent loses the election. PF are so shortsighted and very greedy people…I mean why do you want to complete your full term…when NA dissolves there is no need to use GRZ vehicles no working visits. This has LAZY LUNGU written all over it as only a lazy man can think of such reckless ideas.
      These foooooools will cry the loudest when they are in opposition as all these will backfire on them!!

    • ZCID paid my cousin K10,000. Or is K10 million MMD money, to attend the thing, he still in Mansa harvesting groundnuts.
      He told me so in case they go after him, I can help him pay back.

    • This PF madness will come back to haunt them.

      This is the first in the world where a constitution is amended without the involvement of all stake holders. For this reason its destined to fail.
      Already gov is failing to pay salaries and adds the posts of deputy ministers. This whole exercise is meant at enticing opposition MP to take up deputy ministerial jobs without losing their seats even after being expelled from the party. So that the blame of economic mismanagement can then be blamed on them.

      Any UPND MP who will accept a post will be deselected and will have to stand on PF ticket if 2021 elections will be held at all. These guys want to sneak in presidential term quietly to be 10 years and move towards China style one party system which has failed us before.
      Now that…

    • “Further, civil servants intending to seek political office must resign from their jobs two years before elections.”
      This is another of PF tactics they want to discourage civil servants joining politics or opposition….what a bunch of evil people these morons are in the picture.

    • @JayJay you are annoying, stop quoting, you students need learn to be real. Your quotes look like Bible verses.
      Quoting is sign that you can’t have original ideas.

    • That’s why I am quoting….you are not a lecturer you can cheat your dull friend Ndobo not us, you are a Teaching Assistant at Pre-school.

    • @Jay mwaiche, have some respect, am here to teach you.
      Just comment. stop, repeating what everyone has read or is on PowerPoint slide on screen. Just assume everyone read it.
      I am a good teacher.

  2. Reduced the campaign period from three months to sixty days- what a very bad idea. You have a president who campaigns for five years and then you want to limit others to 60 days. F.U.C.K.I.N.G

    • Do not overrate what you have received, nor envy others. He who envies others does not obtain peace of mind.

    • Political competition in a democracy should not be perceived as envy. This is just like sports. Do not label the opposite with blackmail terms like anti-Christ or being envious. It is just democracy please, that is if our IQs are up to standard. So don’t think you sound smart when you say others are envious!

  3. Instead of improving governance,they have in SOME WAYS,WEAKENED IT!! Direct election of mayors was better than have a bunch of councilors choose amongst themselves someone to oversee the interests of the entire population of the city.Why should a person resign from civil service 2 years ahead of contesting a political position?Why should we have the nonsense of Deputy Ministers back,after it has dead,hurried with no one complaining about it?? Coalition Govt,may be good but what happens if coalition partners pull out- another election of finding new coalition partners? 3 months campaigning was ok to allow all contestants time to be heard,this same PF should remember how hard it was for them to get organised in 2015 so they let others who may struggle to raise resources have time to sell…

  4. “The government’s job is good governance for everybody. My government will make policies; if you fit into it, come on board, or stay where you are. My job is not to spoon-feed anyone”,
    Narendra Modi.

  5. Gelatinous traitors! A pox on all your households! Look at them even laughing as if they’ve accomplished something worthwhile.

  6. so pipo spent 16 days to do zero work wat you v done is wat the pipo of zambia said no to who are you to start introducing things that the zambians hv said no to you wer supposed to refine not proposing new things
    coalition govt cant work in zambia period.

    • i dont get it countrymen; was this a dialogue forum or constitution amendment forum. if it was dialogue forum, who dialogued with who?

  7. You have a government and economy which is broke to its knees, you cant pay civil servants on time as a consequence. Furthermore, you have projects country wide that cant be completed as a result of lack of funding (The recent contractor Avic suspending road works in Kitwe for lack of funds). You have all these financial problems and all you do is propose more ways of draining the same government which is broke of its meager resources!
    Its really puzzling to say the least, Deputy ministers are a drain on the nation, that FACT has already been established! Keeping MPs in parliament means more funds in their pockets! Unbelievable that grown men and women sat to come up with all this!!

    • These are loafers what would they know about saving money…just look at them in that photo..shameless fooooools

  8. Coalition governments are practical in Parliamentary Democracies like UK and South Africa than than the Presidential Democracy we have in Zambia. The NDF has actually been used to achieve PF goals. Let me elaborate further; PF knows that it will be impossible for them to garner the 50% plus in the next election hence he proposal of both coalition government and deputy Minister. They will fund smaller parties using government coffers which will stand and split the opposition vote ( In this case, they will use MMD, hence Nyakachinda being appointed MP). In order to ensure that the parties share the spoils, enter Deputy Minister! There will be more positions to share amongst the Parties in the coalition government for the PF and the surrogate Party. To ensure they have enough foot soldiers,…

  9. , they have proposed the continuation of Parliament and Ministers in office to continue using government funds for campaigns. PF is the most devious, selfish and arrogant party who will do anything to remain in power. God help our country.


    • This is a lot of nonsense! We have had 5 Constitutional Review commissions which have expended a lot of money to come up with our present constitution. Up comes these stooges and within 16 days reverse all of that, and without any legitimacy overturn the work of 5 constitutional review commissions! The deputy ministers are back, meaning more drain on national coffers and the ministers will not pay back the stolen money, but rather be rewarded with more!
      PF at work!
      Now we know that those who boycotted were the ones thinking.

  11. My fellow countrymen and women the NDF was brought for us Zambians to amend the constitution through our MP’s but they never went there, they should have said no to some amendments, the introduction of deputy ministerers is to manage the financial budgets of the ministry. Have seen on the public accounts comitee where our permanent secretary can’t even tell how much funds where alocated to the ministry mwanawasa managed with deputy minsters so we can Viva lungu viva

  12. since ministers are civil servants, they too must retire when new elections are declared, in fact it must be 2 years before the seek to apply for office, why should it be that only civil servants must do that, when that is where Zambian fine brains are, are we looking to make a government of co-boys as long as they completed grade 12

  13. Ifipuba nafyafula nabamano basanguka abatumpa . all the delegates went to push the agenda for PF. But what we should know is, God lord The Almighty has his own way of rescuing his people. The Devil is at work but God is always above all this nonsense . Inda kumbali, ilailya . Inshimba ishilanyela mupeto , ikonke nshila. Kolwe ashilabengwa, enda, luuno. Ukulya, kwalafishe ulukufu. Ichisongo chilye ilanda , chitumpe. Mupemba bwalwa , apembele inkonto. Ichalo, chiliba. Ubwikalo bwansaka , kusengushanya , Ichalo Mukunku, tachisalilwa umo. Shilungafye, lelo shilabwela. Inshiku mutanda, shalingenye umwana nanyina . Inshiku, shanwiwine mukamukali ubwalwa .

  14. Thank you.
    However, amend the following, grammatically incorrect:

    1. ‘Provide for the enjoyment of the right of freedom of assemble and association.’ The word “assemble” should be “assembly”.

    2. ‘We wish to assure you that in the process of validating and refining the Bills, has been very open and transparent as you may be aware that all the proceedings were live on Parliament radio and TV.’

    Please delete the word “in” between the words “that” and “the”. It is word number 7 in the sentence.

    Apart from that, the outcomes sound good, and our MPs have their job cutout to put flesh on these.
    The one concern I still have is the appointment of Deputy Ministers. Their appointment will drive us further into debt, unless their appointment will increase our GDP, even if…

  15. The case of UPND is a case of lack of self confidence they where stuck between a rock & a hard place that’s attend the NDF and try to fight but possibility is get out numbered by the PF in the process making every decision made yours too or stay away and hope the people back you up when time to revolte comes but i still feel the should have gone down fighting including after the resolutions where passed who knows maybe they would have managed to block some of these unproductive decisions if the could get the support of some patriotic independent participant’s anyway it was a long short i just hope they have a plan to counter the repressive ideas because the will hurt them more than us the citizens.

    • Okay you have mentioned UPND foools….How about the church? Did you hear why they refused to take part in this sham? Did you sit down and think about what they said.

  16. Call them assistant ministers and NOT deputy ministers. If their position is the same as previously, then I do not support the reintroduction. The English word ‘deputy’ simply means a person who takes charge of the office of the senior officer in the absence of the latter. In the past, our deputy ministers did not deputize because whenever the substantive minister was out of the country, another substantive minister from a different ministry was appointed to act. In the past, the deputy minister did not have any specif responsibility, but was just a job creation of sorts. This was an unnecessary cost to the Treasury. I want to emphasise my point of view that if it is business as usual, then cut the crap.

  17. In general amendments require a two-thirds majority of the National Assembly.
    Will see how many UPND and independent MPs will cross over and support
    – Provide for the appointment of deputy Ministers etc
    – Removing the words multi religious.
    – Allow Members of Parliament complete their full 5 year term
    – Formation of coalition government where the candidates fail to reach the 50% plus one threshold

  18. 1. “Revise the period for hearing of a presidential petition to 30 calendar days from the 14 days”
    This should read Revise the period for hearing of a presidential petition to 30 days (including Saturdays, Sundays and Public holidays) from the current 14 days. We don’t want people to start running to the courts asking the courts for interpretation of the word “Calendar”
    2. “Reduced the campaign period from three months to sixty days” The same here. It should ready sixty(60) days including Saturdays, Sundays and Public Holidays.

  19. the Public Oder Bill, 2019, the following proposed amendments have been made:

    Provide for the enjoyment of the right of freedom of assemble and association

    Regulate the conduct of public gatherings for the preservation of public order.

    In other words, you can have a musical concert but not political rally…..

  20. From recent pronouncements from lungu about a GRZ of national unity , a coalition, and the order from statehouse for this to be Passed by the NDF …..our analysis is lungu is angling to prolong his stay even if he loses by being part of a coalition GRZ ……this will only delay his prosecution for grand looting and corruption by 5 years

  21. Now i realise in Zambia, people just criticise for the sake of criticising. Honestly, is there anything wrong with these resolutions. In my own observations the only miss here is the re-introduction of Deputy Ministers and the rest are ok.
    People, lets be serious with our lives.

  22. Coalitions cannot work on the basis of votes garnered by Presidential Candidates. We need to think this through. Coalitions that have operated well are those based on number of seats in parliament. Imagine a candidate standing for a major Party having 45% and someone on a smaller part having 6%; if the motivation is to cross the line, then 50+1% will be achieved. But that smaller part may not have MPs in parliament. Surely, what is this? Another scenario is that coalition partners form government where major candidate becomes the head of government and the other deputy, in most cases. But we have constitution saying presidential candidate should have a running mate. So, in the event of coalition government, what happens to the head of the smaller part? He becomes a mere minister? We…

  23. The amendments have already failed, we elect a president and his running mate so which position will the second best loser take? It can only be a coalition if the President and his vice were elected by Parliament.

  24. This was not a representation of people’s wishes. What did one expect to come out of this gathering which had the likes of former MP & deputy ministers who is currently unemployed? do you think such people can resist the opportunity of being a deputy minister? I look forward to a day when Zambians can truly put the interest of the country first like UNIP ministers did.

  25. By the way, this was a constitutional review commission “The Mwanalushi Commission”. My question is, when are we going to have the national dialogue? Funny as this may sound, it is something worth undertaking if we mean well for this country

  26. Dr. Mushota, Finally you have a PhD, congrats, I had followed your posting two years ago, I was not on this blog for some time.
    How is Nick? are you married to him now? I recall the last time he was still you boyfriend.
    I got my PhD two years ago,…It is a good feeling I can imagine…
    I am contemplating to be trekking to Swaziland, you must have heard that there was a big bonanza, for virgin Eswatin ladies…Llo. nearly most Zambian men are contemplating heading to Swaziland. Stay blessed

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