Wednesday, March 12, 2025

FIC Director General Mary Chirwa Responds to the Critics


Financial Intelligence Centre Director General Mary Chirwa
Financial Intelligence Centre Director General Mary Chirwa

The Financial Intelligence Center is mandated to publish the trends report, its Director General Mary Chirwa has clarified.

In a statement, Ms. Chirwa said the product of strategic analysis includes risks, trends and methods in money laundering which the FIC communicates to the public and other stakeholders through its Trends Report.

She said the objective of the trends report is to inform the public and other stakeholders of measures to detect, prevent, deter money laundering and financing of terrorism or proliferation pursuant to section 5(2)(e).

Ms. Chirwa said the report may further influence policy formulation by government to address money laundering and terrorist financing.

Below is the full statement


The Financial Intelligence Centre (FIC) draws its mandate from the Financial Intelligence Centre Act No. 46 of 2010 (as amended by Act No. 4 of 2016) (the FIC Act). The law recognises the FIC as the sole designated national agency authorized to receive, request for, analyze and evaluate suspicious transaction reports and information from any other source authorized under any written law to make a suspicious transaction report including a designated foreign authority to determine whether there are reasonable ground to transmit reports for investigation by law enforcement agencies or foreign designated authorities.

The other functions of the FIC include but are not limited to:

Section 5 (2)(d) of the FIC Act- Provide information, advice and assistance to law enforcement agencies in furtherance of an investigation.

Section 5 (2)(e) of the FIC Act- Educate the public and reporting entities of their obligations and inform them of measures to detect, prevent and deter money Laundering and financing of terrorism or proliferation.

Section 5 (3)(c) of the FIC Act- Access, directly or indirectly, on a timely basis, financial, administrative and law enforcement information required for the better carrying out of its functions under the Act.

The provisions relating to the functions of the FIC were evaluated by the Eastern and Southern Africa Anti-Money Laundering Group (ESAAMLG) assessors during the 2018 Mutual Evaluation exercise and the provisions were found to be compliant with the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) standards (International standard setter on Anti-Money Laundering/Countering the Financing of Terrorism policies).

Financial Action Task Force (FATF) Standards

The Financial Action Task Force is the global standard setter on Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism and Proliferation of weapons of mass distraction. Specifically recommendation 29 (4b) requires the Financial Intelligence Units (FIUs) globally to conduct strategic analysis. Strategic analysis uses available and obtainable information including data that may be provided by other competent authorities to identify money laundering and terrorist financing related trends and patterns.

Yes. Both the FIC Act and the international standards require the FIC to conduct strategic analysis. The product of strategic analysis includes risks, trends and methods in money laundering which the FIC communicates to the public and other stakeholders through its Trends Report. The result of strategic analysis are used by the FIC to inform the public and other stakeholders of measures to detect, prevent, deter money laundering and financing of terrorism or proliferation pursuant to section 5(2)(e).

The objective of the trends report is to inform the public and other stakeholders of measures to detect, prevent, deter money laundering and financing of terrorism or proliferation pursuant to section 5(2)(e). Further, the report may influence policy formulation by government to address money laundering and terrorist financing.

An intelligence report is a product of operational analysis which uses available and obtainable information to identify specific targets, to follow the trail of particular activities or transactions and to determine links between those targets and possible proceeds of crime, money laundering, predicate offences and terrorist financing. In undertaking operational analysis the FIC has access to wide sources of information such as suspicious transaction reports (STRs), internal and external data bases, financial, administrative and law enforcement sources. This is as provided for under Section 5 (3)(c) of the FIC Act.

The intelligence report contains details such as suspected offences in specified laws, property suspected to be proceeds of crime and names of suspects. This report is disseminated to law enforcement agencies. As highlighted earlier, the Trends Report on the other hand is for public consumption and contains redacted case studies that demonstrate methods used to launder suspected proceeds of crime.

4. How does the FIC process raw data into an intelligence report?

The above image illustrates the process that is followed in producing intelligence reports which are disseminated to law enforcement agencies. The process makes use of suspicious transaction reports and other disclosures which are classified as “raw data”. The information disseminated to law enforcement is not raw data as it goes through a rigorous process of enrichment.

5. Does the FIC disseminate intelligence reports to the public?

No. The FIC disseminates intelligence reports to designated agencies as provided by the law.

No. The redacted case studies contained in the Trends Report would have already been disseminated in full detail during the preceding year and prior to the release of the Trends Report.

7. Is the FIC the only Financial Intelligence Unit (FIUs) that publishes redacted case studies?

No. There other FIUs that publish redacted case studies to illustrate money laundering and terrorist financing risks, trends and methods.

Refer to links below.

United Kingdom


South Africa


Issued by
Mary Chirwa (Ms)
Director General
Financial Intelligence Centre


  1. Not sure why she is even being questioned.

    Her and FIC have done a superb job and opened a lot of people’s minds.

    A lot of people including this writer puts a lot of credence in the report.

    No need to justify anything else.

    I have a PhD



    • As for me and my household we will say Dora is right.
      What is an Act of parliament kanshi?
      Mary, the Zambian FIC Act is subject to Zambia. It is the Zambian government that enabled it and they are saying you are messing up. Not on the job you’re doing but on the reporting part. If investigative wings of Government share their concerns to you about how messy your reporting is to their work, are you still going to be adamant? This is prosperous.
      This should not be a fight. Reading through your report and your article I remain convinced that intelligence data is publicised in your report. Who are you trying to lecture? I blame lawmakers for not taking their time not to have seen this predicament.

    • Learn about International Law before showing your inbreed 5tupdity. Republic has signed and ratified UN Convention against Money Laundering and MUST comply with MANDATORY PROVISIONS.
      As to Dora, what else you can expect from corrupt rapist lover?

    • Like I said last time that , If Ms Chirwa did not publish this report other sister agencies around the world would still have put that info in the public domain. And some PF id1ots would have been screaming incompetence against FIU Zambia.

      It’s good that Mrs Chirwa published that report. Otherwise the UK NCA would have done it. Imagine the damaging effects of that on PF s credibility.

      Lungu must just cone clean on this and return that money and apologise like he did for the stolen donor funds.

    • Madam Chirwa

      You have gone round and round in circles. After all is done with your work, you will have names of culprits.

      Why is that so?

      Because in modern (i) Financial Fraud (ii) Money Laundering, (iii) Capital Float; technologies in Data Analytics assist in pinpointing the culprits.

      So you have the names. Why are you not taking these names to authorities or publish them.

      In coordinating with other global agencies, and financial house, you used the following technologies.

      DESCRIPTIVE Analysis
      EXPLORATORY Analysis
      INFERENTIAL Analysis
      PREDICTIVE Analysis
      TREND Analysis.

      The above technologies have shown you (a) Insights and (b) A Complete Story (c) Audit Trials.

      Thats what these technologies do, to help your achieve your objectives…

    • Cont…

      Therefore, take this matter serious and dont speculate. The nation cannot afford to be short changed.

      Just name the Culprits, work with Investigative Wings, Locally and Internationally to expose this rot.

      This is not about the fight between PF and UPND. This is about putting the country first.

      So be the Angel** that shines the light. Failure to disclose the names. The story will just die. And your efforts will mean nothing.

    • 6. Are the redacted case studies illustrated in the Trends Report released to the public before dissemination to law enforcement agencies?

      No. The redacted case studies contained in the Trends Report would have already been disseminated in full detail during the preceding year and prior to the release of the Trends Report.

    • Explaining the same simple thing to dull cadres and deceitful lawyers….only a crook would disagree with the work of FIC.

    • That is true nothing more to add and glad it opens up for debate perhaps something that our leaders should learn to appreciate


      Bro, I get you. This is like the police saying we have found the evidence pointing to the murder, but we will not charge the person. This whole thing will achieve nothing if no one is held accountable. Just the other day LAZ ( Law Association of Zambia ) gave a statement that they will talk to FIC to get the names or something like that. If you clap and clap like f00ls to her report, without achieving its objectives, then her organization has wasted time.

    • The Times @ 1.11
      Independent Observer @ 1.6

      Just to add to you. The only thing she has done here is to: Describe her Job Specifications, Profile and Flow-chart to how her work is done. So What? Yet we have Id10ts praising her.

    • To simplify for dull PF cadres, the culprits are named in the intelligence report which is issued to law enforcement agencies the previous year. By the time FIC releases the trends report the law enforcement agencies have already been given the all the details including names and other specific information required to prosecute. Hope you can process this simplified version.

    • I don’t understand this fuzzy around this report. Mary has told you that, there are 2 types of reports produced
      1) Trend report for public education – which Mr. ECL officially receives as well
      2) Intelligence reports intended for the intelligence organization, such as ACC
      So for Dora to say the Trend Report is jeopardizing ongoing investigations, clearly shows her lack of understanding of how FIC operates. Mr. ECL should have informed the nation about this fact, other than him continuous saying that he can not act on a document that doesn’t show names. That was misleading, no wonder this unnecessary discussions, in which Dora got caught up.

    • If ECL was not totally corrupt he should have honored the work of FIC,the only institution showing professionalism in the fight against corruption in Zambia today, instead of bullying and intimidating her. I feel proud that at a time when most professionals and academics have been compromised by corruption in this country, there is still a woman and an institution somewhere serving the Zambian people with courage and great patriotism.She and FIC deserve all our support.

    • Zambia has an appalling reading culture …just look at @INDEPENDNT OBBSERVER and @Times there stating that “Ms Chriwa have gone round and round in circles. After all is done with your work, FIC will have names of culprits.”
      even after she has articulately explained the function of FIC…this blogger is not the only one the ministers and PF aligned lawyers are making political capital of this …you can not say that this blogger is ignorant when everything is clearly written in black and white yet they keep parroting the selfsame thing.Did FIC give out names from 2017 Report? Its still gathering dust at ACC and DEC. @Times do you know why LAZY LUNG was debarred by LAZ…those firms they were inquiring about are their members do you not see that they are putting their association in…

    • Mushota – nowadays you are very RIGHT. I dont know why you are now not in support of most GRZ issues. Strange.

    • The whole financial system is rotten.BOZ is headed by second in command Bwalya Ngandu and Pensions and Insurance Authority headed by second in command Titus Nkwale.Both have been involved in shoddy deals to protect money laundering institutions in the past and in present. Professional Insurance and its affiliate Finance Bank were protected by these two deputies for kickbacks. Both companies were involved in money laundering and facilitating transfer of profits out of Zambia, capital flight and evasion of tax. Same goes for Goldman Insurance, a known briefcase company that carries handsome Kwacha to Titus Nkwale, compromises the office of the Registrar and undermines insurance fraternity in its efforts to bring sanity to insurance industry, compliance with Minister of Finance directive to…

    • …Minister of Finance directive to retain risk within Zambia. Mr. Nkwale has been undermining the Registrar who out of frustration has decided to leave the office. This Nkwale is not only corrupt, clueless as to what insurance is all about, but he is a bully and show-off. He is destroying the insurance industry. Minister of Finance is requested to clean the pensions and insurance authority and BOZ of corrupt, inefficient, compromised and bully exploiters to bring integrity and credence to financial sector. Insurance industry has many professionals who can steer the industry to greater heights. Chabala Lumbwe of Madison Insurance is one such a professional who has steered Madison Insurance to the best insurance company in Zambia. He is highly respected in international insurance market…

    • market. He can turn around Pensions and Insurance Industry from the worst regulator in Zambia to a shining economic catalyst, the best regulated insurance and pensions regulator.

      FIC shall keep an eye on insurance industry, the insurance companies and international brokers who have been facilitating millions of dollars transfer out of Zambia disguised as reinsurance premium, disproportionate to the risk transfer.

    • @Instigator, here was my simple explanation to Ba Freedom Sikazwe who responded, since Amos was fired.
      I offered to explain the FIC saga. Is like a single woman like Dora get pregnant again. Then Mary writes to Ba village headman that “mumushi na muluba amasoo”.
      Then Ba Edgar answers that I don’t like imfwi mfwiti stories, just point which man impregnated her. But Mary says, some of your nephews and friends have been spotted with her. You need interrogate them.
      But Ba Edgar insist that he can’t take any action.
      Then villagers may start speculating that maybe Ba Mwine Mushi nabo balalako. Lets do DNA of all men.
      So the ACC and DEC need go and find amasso yalubile mu village.
      And that’s exactly Mary wrote in the above Press Release, amaso nayaluba….

  2. “Both the FIC Act and the international standards require the FIC to conduct strategic analysis.”
    Government please deal with the lacuna.
    You law makers are unbelievably. You have to be unequivocally clear. You are referring to the same document in the the name of an Act yet drawing different conclusions. It is either Dora or Mary is dull. She said, he said.
    How can the Government produce a confusing document? I believe Dora more than Mary because she is bringing in the international perspective. Again I believe mary because they have published the report before without drawing this level of critism. Where is LAZ? What do they have to say.

    • There is no “lacuna”.
      It is Government which, in its haste to “shoot the messenger” and attempt cover-up, conveniently disregarding SPECIFIC MANDATORY PROVISIONS of the United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC) which Republic has ratified and has entered in to force for the Republic in 2009.
      For more info, contact United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (

    • DEC and ACC are still relevant in the areas of money laundering and corruption. Viewing this with politically inclined lenses will only but put a snug in the operational duties and tasks of these relevant institutions. Again if you’re politically inclined, you will still disparage our awesome institutions. Some Government agencies or centers must not antagonize. If they do, one must be fine tuned or entirely scrapped. We the elite people of Zambia are sensitive to that. Government is right on this one.

    • DEC and ACC are useless in combating money laundering and corruption. Evidence is in the open. Since 2011, there has NO been a SINGLE successful prosecution of plunderers.
      By the way, when you say “we the elite people”, to whom you are referring?
      Politely said, f*ck you and your fellow “elite people”.

    • You can only l1ck my arse and suck honey from my rod.
      As to your case (LOL), as I said above, f*ck you and your fellow “elite people”.

  3. The noose is tightening. So I guess we need another NDF to change this law so that it conforms to hiding looters or an inkling of their looting, right? Imagine if we had access to the Intelligence report itself. The rats are bloated I tell you!


    • You seem to have misplaced faith in these so called investigative wings. These are compromised institutions with ill qualified people in positions. You think a political appointee can investigate minister. You must be very naive to believe these institutions. A good example was how the police were treated in sesheke for beating PFool cadres. That tells you a whole story about how these institutions work.

    • How naive not to know that the ACC, the DEC,and ZP are not only compromised by the PF but also as corrupt as the PF politicians.Corruption under PF has not spared any institution ,no not even the courts. FIC has become ” a lonely stranger” among corrupt institutions. That is why there is all this resistance to their work.

    • Where does it say that the FIC has passed judgment on the released FIC Trend report. You guys I just don’t know which schools or universities you attended. How can you not understand what Mary Chirwa is saying. It is clear and concise and no arguments whatsoever. It is better to get the truth and the truth ONLY. FIC has done a commendable job to highlight the corruption that is so rife under PF government. In law, and according to the rule of law of the land, there can never be sacred cows or anyone above the law. Those who have plundered the economy(and they know themselves) MUST be prepared to pay back what was stolen back to the Zambian people. Dora is always wrong…..a ‘political prostitute’ always shielding the shady PF govt. Mary Chirwa should now seek the protection of the USA…

  5. In short the lazy humble so called commander in chief and his tandem of thieves do not have a clue about the modus operandi of FIC.
    Ati and I quote ‘ they are causing a lot of confusion and suspicion by publishing without naming names…..They are making it difficult for investigators to prosecute the cases….blah blah blah. mfwiti mfwit mfwiti ,,,, ahh!
    What a lazy bum! Worst president ever

  6. DEC Chief should resign for being a stupidily ignorant and being used by politicians to criticize a person doing a good job. The response of DEC is a sign of a failed agency. Only THIEVES involved in suspicious transactions are scared

    • Name them.
      Don’t be cowards folks. Do citizens arrest if you have tough guts. Go to court.

    • Ba Pharoah, the culprits are named in the intelligence report which is issued to law enforcement agencies the previous year. By the time FIC releases the trends report the law enforcement agencies have already been given the all the details including names and other specific information required to prosecute. Are you so dull?

  7. Your arrogance will cost you one day. Institutions have advised you how you can handle the entire process but your ego and desire to embarrass government is what drives you. You are not politically correct. Self righteous is your portion.

    • I don’t reason with politically tribal 1d1ots and 1mbec1les bullshuting insults on this podium. Like other comments put it, Grow some nerve and do something meaningful.
      You don’t trust Police, DEC, ACC and the Courts yet your so called FIC report is not under the jurisdiction of international law but our laws, our Zambian laws. A country of the elites.

  8. I’m told her first marriage ended because she was sleeping with KBF such that her husband ended up committing suicide….. Again even the second marriage had similar path and she has divorced him. Uyu mayo has got issues. You shouldn’t expect her to do anything reasonable.. You are dealing with one whose mileage has reached the end.

    • Thorn, bro, the law mandates that a trend report is released to the public in it’s current form. IT IS THE LAW. This is to make the public aware of such happenings without jeopardizing any imminent investigations. The same LAW then tells FIC to compile a detailed dossier with the names of the actual people alluded to in the Trends report for further action. This dossier is also availed to Lungu. Is this clear for you now mune? It is Law. And considering that in 2017 the same dossier was availed to his dull president of yours and nothing has happened since then, what do you expect us to conclude about Lungu’s will to fight corruption?

    • Here is my take on your valid view. Trend report you say. A noun it is. Just a name of some document. Some one might be named Elijah or Joshua yet possess or present features or characteristics different from original Elijah or Joshua. Worse still not carrying the meaning in the name. That should not prevent us from calling out their faults because they are named as such.
      What should constitute a Trend Report? To what extent should that raw data go? Who determines what is to be reducted? Do Mary Chirwa and her team possess the necessary qualifications to handle sensitive or classified data? If that report should contain the data it has which other authorities are saying has a bearing on impending court cases and investigations then Parliamentary Committees should be privy to that report…

    • … not the fainthearted because Parliamentary Committees are multipartisan and can do something about it. They can take LEAs to task too.
      I am saying this cognizant of the fact that I am not trying to shield the thieving activies of anyone. Not even ECL. There is definitely a better and mature way to handling this issue.

    • No matter what you have to be seen to innocent until conviction in the courts of law on courts of public opinion. Those are tenets of the rule of law.

    • No matter what, you have to be seen to be innocent until conviction in the courts of law not the courts of public opinion.

    • Thorn, FIC chairman was on TV yesterday and he explained that the Trends report is for public consumption while the Dossier with all names published is given to law enforcement agencies and that utterly dull thing in state house. so there is no speculation. Lungu is just a m0r0n, like every PF supporter.

    • @Dude
      What’s the use of a trend report if falls short of meaningful information to me?
      If that document can produce results, now you are talking.
      But if the report will cause speculation then you’re not being informed properly. The role of information to an individual is so as to make informed decisions. And if that report will cause concern with LEAs we have a problem. Because then LEAs which you UPNDEAD folks have no trust in may not work because the environment is antagonistic. FIC, DEC, ACC, Zambia Police and the Courts work for Government. They all aim to achieve some goal that would eventually put corrupt individuals in check. If harmony is not achieved what’s the use of a FIC document? Put Zambia first basankwa.

    • Thorn, bro, the law mandates that a trend report is released to the public in it’s current form. IT IS THE LAW. This is to make the public aware of such happenings without jeopardizing any imminent investigations. The same LAW then tells FIC to compile a detailed dossier with the names of the actual people alluded to in the Trends report for further action. This dossier is also availed to Lungu. Is this clear for you now mune? It is Law. And considering that in 2017 the same dossier was availed to his dull president of yours and nothing has happened since then, what do you expect us to conclude about Lungu’s will to fight corruption?

    • The public are not law enforcement agencies and are free to speculate. The law enforcement agencies and Lungu have the dossier with the names so why should they speculate? Answer me that Mr. Thorn.

  9. All law enforcement agencies in Zambia only act when there’s a complaint, so according to PF as long no one has reported them then they’re not stealing? There’s something wrong with Edgar! Look at the lifestyle of those close to him. Not long ago Bowman earned a living by being hired by Nervers Mumba to humiliate Major Kachingwe but today he’s a donor of millions, Freedom Sikazwe was operating tattered Tekumwenzo buses at Oxford Station in Kitwe but look at his wealth now, Chitalu Chilufya was just a junior doctor at Mansa but look at the structures he’s put up today, Kennedy Kamba was just Chumbwe’s chola boi today he even keeps wild animals, Kampamba Mulenga was cooking nsima in a garage but look at her today. Where have they gotten all this wealth?

    • That is exactly the basis of justice. Ati no there, there until whistleblowers image. No witch hunt can be entertained.
      The FIC report is useless with Police, DEC and ACC fold their hands.
      FIC’s relevance will be put into jeopardy. There existence will be diminished.
      Trade carefully. We need FIC. At least reports remain as Governments change. Open your eyes.

    • @ Thorn, i still think you are the dumbest, but i love your stupidity and to say you are blind would put you among mammals but i think you are hollow.

    • Stop attacking me for disagreeing with you. Stick to the article my dear tribal cousin. Don’t draw me into insults. I can sometimes be multipartisan but if you pull the insulting card, two things are possible.
      1. Your are beyond reasonable touched by my comments.
      2. You want to shut me up because truth hates.
      That makes me defend one instead of the other.
      Now stop hating, put off the heavy hate and debate like a mature.
      What insolence!
      There is something wrong with this so called trend report. Trend report by name yes yet something sinister about it especially where you’re told your putting cases in he courts or under investigation in limbo.

    • Home Economy

      FIC Director General Mary Chirwa Responds to the Critics
      June 11, 2019 3,162 views 48
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      Financial Intelligence Centre Director General Mary Chirwa
      Financial Intelligence Centre Director General Mary Chirwa
      The Financial Intelligence Center is mandated to publish the trends report, its Director General Mary Chirwa has clarified.

      In a statement, Ms. Chirwa said the product of strategic analysis includes risks, trends and methods in money laundering which the FIC communicates to the public and other stakeholders through its Trends Report.

      She said the objective of the trends report is to inform the public and other stakeholders of measures to detect, prevent, deter money laundering and financing of terrorism or proliferation pursuant…

    • Stop attacking me for disagreeing with you. Stick to the article my dear tribal cousin. Don’t draw me into insults. I can sometimes be multipartisan but if you pull the insulting card, two things are possible.
      1. Your are beyond reasonable doubt touched by my comments.
      2. You want to shut me up because truth hurts.
      That makes me defend one instead of the other.
      Now stop hurting, put off the heavy heart and debate like a mature.
      What insolence!
      There is something wrong with this so called trend report. Trend report by name yes yet something sinister about it especially where you’re told you’re putting cases in he courts or under investigation in limbo. For now your @ss is forgiven kid.

  10. All the PF rats and lungu trying to find fault with the release of the report to the public…

    First they claimed FIC is acting extrajudicial , then we showed them as Mary is showing that the same format is released in all countries……they regrouped and now want to say the FIC report must be released to law Enforcement before the public, Mary is telling you that is what is done in pt 6.

    6. Are the redacted case studies illustrated in the Trends Report released to the public before dissemination to law enforcement agencies?

    No. The redacted case studies contained in the Trends Report would have already been disseminated in full detail during the preceding year and prior to the release of the Trends Report.

    • There you have it, law Enforcement were given the report before its release ….

      Now If you have useless corrupt law Enforcement corrupted by lungu to think their job is fighting political opponents of lungu, don’t blame FIC

    • Well articulated, @Spaka. I like your way of putting your points across because you are able to base them on the subject at hand. Just look at people resorting to go as low as getting personal on the Director of FIC in an effort to distract. Keep this up – I enjoy a good argument.

  11. Those arguing against her are missing a critical point in her response, FIC publishes a trends report to the public and not an intelligence report. She has also highlighted the differences between the 2.
    The problem we have as Zambians we make an issue even were there is none, which reminds me, Alita the director of DEC doesn’t understand and know her job because if she did, she would have kept quiet.
    Alita owes the public an apology for interfering in the works of another agency, and she should resign as she maybe compromised.

  12. Ba DG thank you yourself say the object of the FIC report and you cite the relevant clause is to ….provide the public with “measures to detect,deter….” I have read over your report what “measures” have you shared with the public…Further you put a diagram of how you process raw data before its disseminated that’s fine but who does the processing is it the recipients eg DEC,ACC,ZRA? because surely they are the specialists in their field while you are simply playing jack of all master of none. Indeed yours cannot be an easy job but if I were you I would not expend my energies trying to defend the organization….you can just redesign how you disseminate info to the public take it as constructive criticism

  13. Ths woman Chirwa is doing a great job unlike Dec and ACC who have no capacity to fight corruption.FIC employs qualified individuals unlike DEC and ACC who employ cadres to cover their bosses crimes.I hope everyone listened to Hot FM from the Acting board chairman Mr.Kasanga.These people are doing a good job and Zambians should support FIC.It’s the only institution which should be supported unlike ACC and DEC who are politically influenced.The DEC and ACC directors should resign for covering crimes reported in the FIC detail dossier report.Today i have concluded that DEC and ACC have no capacity.They have employed unqualified pipo to deal with sophisticated modern money crimes committed by politicians and others.You need qualified employees to deal with modern crimes.DEC and ACC are…

  14. CONT.They have employed unqualified pipo to deal with sophisticated modern money crimes committed by politicians and others.You need qualified employees to deal with modern crimes.DEC and ACC are there to pursue political opponents. If Zambians were serious DEC and ACC should have been banned and formed a new organisation full of qualified individual.It’s a waste of resources and time to support ACC and DEC .Those directors are incompetent and immoral to head those institutions period.FIC should be empowered to persecute these chaps.

  15. Stop attacking me for disagreeing with you. Stick to the article my dear tribal cousin. Don’t draw me into insults. I can sometimes be multipartisan but if you pull the insulting card, two things are possible.
    1. Your are beyond reasonable doubt touched by my comments.
    2. You want to shut me up because truth hurts.
    That makes me defend one instead of the other.
    Now stop hurting, put off the heavy heart and debate like a mature.
    What insolence!
    There is something wrong with this so called trend report. Trend report by name yes yet something sinister about it especially where you’re told you’re putting cases in he courts or under investigation in limbo. For now your @ss is forgiven kid.

  16. Sounds like a politician in parliament enacts some kind of a law, appoints some one to administer it, then the appoint turns to lecturer the appointing Authority.
    Between Dora and Mary, who is more credible?
    I believe the DEC too.

  17. What we all should all quickly do is turn our focus on DEC and ACC…. their mandate is to follow up and run with the dossiers given to them by FIC. FIC has done their work. @PRIME TV, the same manner in which you invited and interviewed Mr Kasanga of FIC to explain his organisation’, is the same way in which you should, kindly extend an invitation to the Board Chairpersons of ACC, DEC and ZRA. I believe the citizens would appreciate an update on what’s going on in their respective organisations in regards to Intelligence reports, if any, sent to them by FiC.

  18. @ flag Thorn in the Flesh
    DEC and ACC have details of the trend report with detail of names.The names were not published in public but these institution have names.They are just institution full corrupt of chaps and these ue—lesss directors should resign. Atase bane women who can’t protect their own countries awe this DEC woman is a cadre and unqualified who does not even understand this report due to her incompetent.

  19. @ flag Thorn in the Flesh
    DEC and ACC have details of the trend report with detail of names.The names were not published in public but these institution have names.They are just institution full corrupt of chaps and these ue—lesss directors should resign. Atase bane women who can’t protect their own countries awe this DEC woman is a cadre and unqualified who does not even understand this report due to her incompetence

    • If they have details doesn’t it shine some light to you that that’s why they aired their concerns, moscow?
      You don’t work for FIC, I don’t work for DEC or ACC yet I understand and respect their roles.
      Has the FIC report managed to sway public opinion on Government? Yes. Is that the intention of FIC? I don’t know.
      Is the said trends report really a trend report? Maybe, maybe not but my point is we have the Auditor General reports which are usually direct and clear, naming misappropriations and misapplications of funds and institutions concerned. Who does the followups? If action don’t take place, call for reforms. We need FIC but Government needs to revisit is reporting structure. That is coming and that is wildly important.

  20. There is serious paralysis in the trusted government agencies regardless of the sector. We have too many followers and relatives appointed in various sensitive government departments including the judiciary. Education and history are supposed to liberate us from past mistakes but for Zambia, it limits our capabilities and just creates animosity among ourselves. These people trusted to work for the Zambian people are on the public payroll and yet we hardly see any of them removed from public office for not performing. We all want the same things in the end but how do we get there when we can’t even agree to disagree? The crooks have become immune to fear and laugh in the background whists we argue amongst ourselves. What happened to the true patriots of Zambia? Your time is now.

  21. The reality of the PF plunder of our country may be glimpsed at the edge of our peripheral vision, but it disappears as soon as their mouth piece Dora Slut starts to explain their hallucinatory view of the due process of law. Witness, my friends, the effects of mass kleptomania. There is no amount of squirming with grade A hypocrisy that will conceal the PF stench of wanton theft of public funds. The likes of Lungu and Dora Slit will surely sooner than later see their day in court and pay dearly.

  22. I think the CEO should have further defined what money laundeting is and then make a clear distinction between laundered money and misapplication of resources. These are two different things and must not be confused; this is my problem with her report. She must be clear whether government money has been stolen or misapplied and then is being laundered to finance the illegal activities she has just described. This lack of clarity is what is causing people to lose faith in her statistics. For example she must clearly state
    that X misapplied money and gave it to Y who laundered it to finance S,Z and A activities.

  23. The article is so straightforward and only Heaven knows why people would even dare to counter argue. International conventions drive the standard under which the FIC operates under, only culprits with an interest to serve are frightened by this report. We need integrity in public institution and we need those earning millions to do so cleanly, what is wrong with that?

    “Your levels of Economic activity as a person must positively correlate with your personal riches”

    • That’s because liars begins with making falsehood appear like truth, and ends with making truth itself appear like falsehood.

  24. Please read the explanation properly ladies and gentlemen. The FIC produces the trends report and the intelligence report. The trends report is for the public – to note what is going on in general and the scale of the issues, e.g. the 6.1 billion involved in 2018. The intelligence report is more specific, with names and will already have been submitted to the investigative wings for action. ECL was being ridiculous by pretending that the only report available to all was the trend report. He knows the investigative wings already have the refined data with specific transactions and names behind them. They are sitting on this, just as they sat on the 2017 report. There is nothing to attack the director of the FIC for here – unless you are part of the cohort that has something to hide.

  25. The rebuttal by the FIC Director General on the release-timing of Trends Report starkly contradicts what the DEC Commissioner General informed the public.One of these two generals must be severely disciplined,provisions of the FIC(Amendment)Act.S.5(2)(e) not withstanding.It is grossly irresponsible to stand in public and issue lies on such vital law and order and national security matters

  26. After the PF is kicked out in 2021,Mary Chirwa should be made Acting Director of the ACC for 3 years.
    This will allow her to work on the intelligence reports the inept PF police and other docile agencies are just sitting on.
    After pushing all the outstanding matters through the courts.She can go back to being the FIC Director.

  27. Mary Chirwa, Director General of FIC, you are doing a superb job!! Only thieving politicians qill complain. E.g. what is the issue with Bowman Lusambo, is he named in the report? Or the guilty are afraid? Or he thinks that we should be kept ignorant while theh steal undetected?

    Mary, thank you for your work and keeping us the citizens informed, you are truly a darling, madam.

  28. Why is it that only politicians are complaining? Are they the only suspected thieves?

    Only the thieves in the category of politicians are complaining, the other categories are quiet, does that mean that some thieves are more honourable than others?

  29. I hope the unredacted report that was sent to investigative agencies will check the sudden wealth of Lusambo. I mean where does he suddenly get the huge amounts of money that he is constantly laundering around or “donating” as they call it? Is he saying that when one becomes a politician then suddenly he becomes a successful businessman? I have never understood the styupid reasoning of that cadre. And that is why I am always questioning what the appointing authority saw or sees in him.

  30. Nothing in the law says they can outline to public actual scenarios of suspected activity. AML reports are figurative and statistical. Because every transaction is classified with suspicion in levels, 1,2 and 3. What FIC does has the potential to alert those doing wrong and alarm the public.

    Zambia is mainly a cash transaction based society. Few access bank loans to buy cars, plots or import goods. Meaning by AML standards most of the transaction in Zambia are deemed suspicious, more especially Law firm transactions. Publishing this report in the manner that FIC has done is an attempt to make the country ungovernable by loss of credibility in its government and its officers and divide the nation.

  31. The queen has spoken. Let the professionals that are not satisfied present their concerns on the same platform. Being familiar with a politician is unprofessional. Th great leader General Charles de Gaulle would make a deliberate mistake in order for him to be corrected by professionals. As professionals, you must say the facts as they stand in order for the politicians to change the mindset. In a democracy, the elected officials must meet the expectations of the electorate. The opposite is not true. Given support, the queen will bring down dubious financial transactions, corruption, fraud, tax evasion, money-laundering, terrorism financing, etc.

  32. Corruption scandals: Social Security Cash Luxury Presidential Jet Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans Corruption scandals: Social Security Cash Luxury Presidential Jet Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans

    Very well articulated by the FIC boss lady. I also agree with Mushota on comment #1 above… the boss lady didn’t need to explain herself but I’m glad she did to shut up those trying to mislead uneducated citizenry.

    So what was that woman at DEC going on about the other day and that other woman at PF?

    “…Every lie we tell incurs a debt to the truth. Sooner or later, the debt is paid.”.

    Right now we should be discussing how many people have been sent to jail as a result of the FIC report not getting distracted by these PF crooks and corrupt numskulls.

  33. Thanks madam DG Mary Chirwa for explaining the data collection process and the reports issued to who and for what purposes. This will spare our ears from the noise of scared people who are in hurry to point accusing fingers at you and suggesting that FIC be reformed or scrapped or the DG be replaced by a boot licker from the Shrine of Incompetence. It is clear from the explanation that the reports do not abrogate any ‘Intelligence Report Standards’ as alleged by some members of the Cult of Incompetence.
    Zambia needs courageous people like Mary Chirwa if meaningful results are to be obtained in the fight against corruption, nepotism and regionalism.

  34. Only thieves will grow shivers over Mary’s report. She is not embarrassing government at all. This government has already embarrassed itself in many instances eg the infamous fire engines and the inflating of project cost. Bunch of shameless criminals who always defend and glorify theft.

  35. I couldn’t agree with you more.ECL had the dossier with names last year and he goes in public pretending and giving falsehood, as soon as he gives the soprano, the choir of thieves begin so singing ..did I ever think in my lifetime we would such a head of state and a government of plunderers, by plunderers for plunderers? That people would support such stupidity?

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