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Friday, March 14, 2025

The Situation at KCM is now under control-Mines Minister


Mines Minister Richard Musukwa at the meeting with the Japanese Officials
Mines Minister Richard Musukwa at the meeting with the Japanese Officials

Mines minister Richard Musukwa has said that following the reports of sabotage at Konkola Copper Mines (KCM) which we received yesterday, a comprehensive assessment has been undertaken and that the situation is at KCM is now under control.

In a statement released to the media, the Mines Minister said that the culprits have been arrested and investigations were underway, and that Government has stepped up security especially on strategic installations.

” The smelter is intact and was not damaged in anyway. What was removed are keys to the license software. KCM has duplicate copies of the keys to the licence software which will be used in the anticipated startup of the smelter, ” the Minister said.

The Minister appealed to all the workers to be vigilant and avoid being caught up in the evil vice of stripping our own assets.

Early in the week Government said that it had unearthed a scam in which Vedanta is stripping Konkola Copper Mines (KCM) of its assets. Mines minister Richard Musukwa said Vedanta had deliberately damaged the operating system thereby crippling the KCM concentrator.

Mr. Musukwa said Vedanta was working with some Zambians and foreign contractors to ensure that the mine was flooded while the smelter remained unproductive.

He said the investor was conniving with some employees to switch off key components of the smelter.

“There was a problem purposefully created on the smelter using a computer software which is used to run and operate the smelter, it was removed by people who wanted to ground the facility.

“There was a collusion among security and laboratory personnel as well as smelter staff to steal diesel and in the recess supplied a water solvent in the form which if it went to the smelter, would have generated a problem,” Mr. Musukwa said.

Meanwhile, police on the Copperbelt are investigating the theft of a flash disc at the mine which has left operations at the smelter paralysed.

Copperbelt Police Commissioner Charity Katanga yesterday said police had identified a Zambian and his Indian counterpart who were prime suspects in the theft of flash discs which contained the software.

Ms. Katanga said investigations into the matter have been launched and that the Indian was helping police with investigations.

She also said police discovered contaminated fuel at the KCM premises.


  1. Mr. Musukwa said Vedanta was working with some Zambians and foreign contractors to ensure that the mine was flooded while the smelter remained unproductive.
    He said the investor was conniving with some employees to switch off key components of the smelter.

    • PF have nothing under control, except theft, corruption and inconpetence.
      Lets remind everyone what you have under control:
      1. 42 scanias for 42 million USD.
      2. Ambulances for 300 thousand.
      3. 316km road for 1.2billion USD
      4. 10billion missappropriated as reported in FIC report
      5. All contracts overpriced and given nto chinese
      6. A PF guy with 49 properties
      7. A PF Minister foubd and with 6 million USD and 17million ZMW in his account that cannot be explained.

      Thats all you have under control my friend.

  2. Mr. Musukwa said Vedanta was working with some Zambians and foreign contractors to ensure that the mine was flooded while the smelter remained unproductive. He said the investor was conniving with some employees to switch off key components of the smelter.

    • Very well cooked story by Govt officials. No one is sabotaging except you govt officials who has taken a decision to arm twist without knowing repercussions . Fact of the matter is , your mines and smelter will die a natural death in absence of fund and skill to manage the asset . You have no idea on what to do now as we say KCM is a hungry Tiger and you should ride it only if you can keep it running well or else you will be thrashed , dropped and eaten . Think well of your capabilities before taking decisions .

  3. But PF are so d.ull , how do you leave a strategic assent still in the hands of possible sabotage suspects ???

    They leave vital components in the hands of possible saboteurs ???

    That just goes to show they have no clue how things work.

    During the takeover , GRZ should have indentified key Zambians at the mine and sought their advice about vital components that need guarding ….

    Ati “ high powered delegation including KZ “ camped at the mine overseeing the takeover ??

    The buggers were just celebrating the so called take over…….Dush bags.

  4. During the takeover , GRZ should have indentified key Zambians at the mine and sought their advice about vital components that need guarding ….

  5. Mr. Musukwa is inconsistency what he said. He said an electronic equipment was removed. I do not trust him, he is saying lies. A key to get access to such equipment is not left in a key way, but is kept in a safe place. If this case, our Honourable minister has Shawn us his fullness. If Vendata wanted to paralyze the smelter the spare key would not be available. It is not Vendata that is not in control. Such dullness is what is causing the miners not to work. it is like Mr. Musukwa and Group do not know what to do and keep the mine running.

  6. The non Zambians are the ones posting against the nation above. KCM is Zambian, and this time please let normal people run it.

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