Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Disloyal UPND MPs unsettle HH


Lusaka Province Minister Bowman Lusambo enjoying a meal with UPND Solwezi Central MP Stanford Mulusa

UPND Leader Hakainde Hichilema is unsettled by a growing list of Members of Parliament that he suspects are too close to the ruling PF and could be undermining him.

A source from the party’s National Management Committee revealed that Mr Hichilema has raised the issue of his disloyal MPs in two of the most recent NMC meetings.

The source added that Mr Hichilema is growing uneasy with the closeness that some UPND MPs have been exhibiting with PF officials such as Lusaka Province Minister Bowman Lusambo.

The source disclosed that the first clear sign that Mr Hichilema was being undermined was when over 21 MPs decided to disobey his directive not to attend the recently held National Dialogue Forum.

“The President (HH) particularly identified Bowman Lusambo as the one who could be an agent of President Edgar Lungu to weaken the party by influencing some MPs, it’s really bothering HH.”

This week, NDC Leader Chishimba Kambwili disclosed that disloyal UPND MPs are likely to kill the opposition Alliance because they have become too selfish.

Speaking during a public forum in Lusaka, Dr. Kambwili implored Mr. Hichilema to immediately talk to his MP’s who are busy undermining the Alliance Partners.

He said some UPND MP’s who are working with the PF are busy fighting the Alliance Leaders.

Lusaka Province Minister Bowman Lusambo conferring with UPND Mazabuka Central MP Garry Nkombo at Parliament Buildings

And the source said Dr Kambwili’s misgivings are not from without because even Mr Hichilema has highlighted the same concerns.

“It is becoming clear that some MPs know that they will not be readopted in 2021 and they have now begun working with the PF and the link seems to be Bowman. He is the one President Lungu is using to get closer to these MPs to start influencing them to undermine the Alliance and scatter the UPND,” the source said.

The source added that Mr Hichilema fears that Mr Lusambo could be using money obtained from State to influence the MPs.

“He is really getting worried. He spoke about the Lusambo factor in two meetings. It appears HH is really scared of Lusambo because he described him in the meetings as a lethal politician who could scatter the MPs and cause confusion and now wants all of us to stay clear of Lusambo,” the source explained.

“The truth is that some UPND MPs frequent Lusambo’s office and we don’t know what is discussed there. Some of them appear very close to him such that they are found in social settings together and that is bothering President HH.”


  1. The flowing of this article is clear that it was drafted by PF to try and create a biased patten of thinking. It’s not true that Lusambo can manage to buy UPND MPs. If this can turn to be true, then these MPs are too cheap and a liability to Zambia’s political space.

    • MPs are now realizing that it’s about a certain tribe but about the country. Hh is a bully his MPs fear him more than they fear God. Politicians should be free to meet with their colleagues from other parties without the fear of hh of any member of the Upnd.

    • It doesn’t matter what those hungry MPs do time has come to change government and PF is finished. No sane person can vote PF anymore. Viva UPNDC

    • Bwana most educated Zambians don’t like venturing into politics it’s the likes of Bowman who join politics. Consequently end up running the affairs of the nation either as minister or president. Meanwhile we are busy castigating them and telling them that they are useless. Democracy is about numbers.

    • Bowman looks like a good and fun guy to hang out with and has more personality in his pinky than the entire Delusional Dictator HH. I would be jealous too if I were “Wamuyaya HH”.

    • HH and the UPND should just restrategise over the NDF resolutions and the proposed amendments to the constitution. They have already been betrayed by some weak MPs especially from N/Western and Western Provinces.The use of corruption by PF agents already proved to be effective against the UPND when some MPs attended the NDF against their party official position.The PF will spend any amount and will not spare any corrupt avenue to get these MPs in order to enact the constitutional amendments and their very survival depends on this.The UPND should ,with the Opposition Alliance, begin to earnestly and directly appeal to the people of Zambia so that the PF does not win in 2021,because if PF wins there will be no Zambia to talk about.

    • There are some govt workers according to an MP this week in Parliament being paid in Pamelas 12.5 kg bags each of maizemeal when they have not been paid for 5 months and the Veep is defending her govt yet you see these MPs enjoying lavish roast chicken and chips snacks.

    • kekekekeke, it is the other way round. It is Bowman who is making peace with UPND, because ACC are on his tail.
      HH should just help Kambwili make peace with Bowman.
      Common HH listen from us who are sharp politicians!!

    • Kikikikikikijukija kikikikikikijukija jajajaja
      Iwe double h wandepula musankwa.
      Ati, It appears HH is really scared of Lusambo because he described him in the meetings as a lethal politician who could scatter the MPs… yaba!

      One thing I know without reasonable doubt that CKinsultor really really really loathes Lusambo. I don’t know galyashi lya nkenche or shani.

      Good to note that double h also has joined his counterpart in dreading the “mighty Lusambo”

      But come on double h. Don’t be antisocial. Let your MPs free mingle with their rank n’ file. It is healthy. Amapolitics yamusankwa double h, yabungwele. Let people have light moments. They have waited for so long to get in power. Let’s be civil and social gents. Lethal yeah?

    • Due to lack of Morality, greedy, corruption and abuse of state institutions, it’s time all truly God fearing Christians, the educated technocrats and fair minded people took over the reins of power in this country in order to come up with systems of governance that would ensure accountability and respect for for voters. Our Governance system is weak by putting too much power in the presidency. But currently no politician is committed to change the status quo. We the people should demand true change, not of personalities but systems.

  2. Zambia is in need of a generation of leadership not these morons…..Hakiande is too insecure I doubt he too like Lazy can stomach a challenge from within, look at the Conservative party in the UK they started with more 10 candidates contesting for PM position now its down to 2 in Africa or Zambia this can happen at party level there would be prolonged infighting.

    • If it was just party infighting we can live with that, the worst is that any contenders are called names, accused of insulting the incumbent party leaders, excommunicated from the party, etc.
      In short, having a different view is viewed as disregard of the party leadership.
      No wonder, “Know it all” Chanda has time to talk about the opposition than talking about real issues. They have nothing else to offer.

  3. Life is indeed good for Zambian MPs ..all you have to do is sit in Parliament all day and shout heyi heyi…no one does KPI on you, you can just sit there for 5 years playing it safe getting allowances and not say a single word whilst enjoying a hefty salary and half roasted chicken like that as a snack whilst your people struggle to even have two meals a day.

    • Even for me to start making such comparisons is nonsensical when the UK supplements Zambia’s budget but the irony is Zambian MPs according to Antonia Mwanza’s publication three years ago can earn up to K100,000 in allowances a month especially if they are in these committees, on top of that they have an interest free loan for a 4WD Jeep of their choice and more than K5 million in gratuity after 3 years.

    • Even for me to start making such comparisons is nonsensical when the UK supplements Zambia’s budget but the irony is Zambian MPs according to An.to.nia Mwanza’s publication three years ago can earn up to K100,000 in allowances a month especially if they are in these committees, on top of that they have an interest free loan for a 4WD Jeep of their choice and more than K5 million in gratuity after 3 years.

  4. As a democrat Hichilema must call for elections in UPND, but as a dictator he should sideline the rogue MPs. I know that the Freemason will opt for the second option

    • You know that Hikiande is a dictator but why bother listing options…democracy should be promoted in every political party PF, UPND, FDD, MMD etc just look at what is happening in the UK I am currently watching a debate between Jeremy Hunt and Boris Johnson…its wonderful to watch reminds me of school days it even gives the Party electorate what to expect from them…do you seriously expect a leader like one Edgar Lungu surviving such a debate?

    • @Jay Jay, I don’t drink with Edgar so don’t include me in his troubles. As for Hichilema, when the people you lead begin to defy you it means your time is up. So Hichilema can choose what he wants to do with UPND but he shouldn’t come to us crying, he’s just getting what he deserves. To him, even by you greeting me it means you’ve been bought

  5. Ndc will have no candidate in southern province

    While hh will give all seats to mbwili on the cb


    • Its clear you dont know why these parties have formed an alliance and why they want to attack PF as a united front. You wonder why Sunday Fooking Chanda writes all those paragraphs about this alliance and get sleepless nights.

    • Comment: You’re right. Kambwili is using HH to benefit his NDC. In Roan Kambwili smiled after reaping from the UPND, when he offered nothing in return to the UPND in Bhahati where they were beaten hands down.

  6. LT photographs seems to suggest that Bowman Lusambo bought a meal for his UPND counterpart but I take it that Mulusa bought that meal for Bowman.
    Does this HH pettiness mean UPND cannot pursue and talk to their colleagues. I would definitely defile that directive if I were a UPND MP. CK and HH can be anti social but this disease can not be contagious. Let HH live a lonely life if he wishes. CK nao akapatulula uyu madumbo. Awe CK wapesha mwe. Life is so sweet with friends across the isle around us. We can not and should not afford a tightfaced life in the name of politics. God forbid. That is satanic in and around itself.

  7. HH doesn’t need to worry, do you remember the rebel PF MPs who were close to the MMD? They went against the anger of the people and when Sata won they were also thrown in the same bucket of history with MMD. So HH let the disloyal MPs eat with PF, they will suffer the consequences.

  8. When a story has no author, what does it tell you? Aside from that, whats wrong with MPs from PF & UPND chatting or eating together? Let’s be civilized for once people, its 2019 not 1902

  9. HH is now having sleepless nights and panicking when he heard that PF is scooping the 2021 general elections. Everyone will be an enemy to HH including his own children. To him talking to your fellow human beings is an abomination and a big sin, shame. I always say this man HH is not a Christian. Christianity encourages us to assemble together, Heb 10: 24,25.

  10. The fake alliance will not go anywhere and i can for see PF ruling beyond 2021. Their performance in infrastructure development is outstanding.

  11. For the past 15 years, HH and UPND have offered nothing on the table and clearly certainly nothing this time around if anything they are getting worse and wasted. Honestly if you critically analyse the stench on Kambwili and HH, you notice that they NOTHING in common and believe you me time gone are days where you hope to get votes based on character assassination. People want concrete and clear roadmap which unfortunately is openly lacking in HH and Kambwili. They think by singing imaginary corruption songs against PF will deceive voters, hell no!

  12. I see lots of nonsense from certain bloggers here and this is the biggest threat to our democracy where change is inevitable but again here we are shooting down HH, the only hope to make ZAMBIA GREAT AGAIN…..
    It takes one lunatic to change the positive narrative by calling HH names and to tarnish his image. Who in this world know that HH will never be President of Zambia….I guess the answer is, NOBODY KNOWS. What Mwila and Lusambo are doing now is to buy and divide voters by hallucinating such rubbish on UPND and HH to hoodwink the very stupid and inept Zambians who believe anything a politician says. Please Zambians OPEN YOUR EYES and begin to think wisely and not to follow the PF and its moronic politicians BLINDLY.

  13. I think we are being naive here. We actually don’t whether it is Lusambo cultivating his future very carefully here. Remember he is a master survivor….straight out of MMD and now into PF – don’t be surprised if you find him in a future UPND/NDC government. If UPND/NDC take power into 2021, it won’t be too difficult for Lusambo to convince HH and Imbwili that infact he started working with the opposition while PF was still in power. In addition, if things get hotter for PF as 2021 approaches and everybody in PF scampering for safety and survival, Lusambo can very easily cross-over. Be careful, somethings may not be what they seem…and don’t believe everything you read in the papers. I’m not saying this story is a lie, all I’m saying take it with caution.

  14. This is mere rumor-mongering trying to gauge the strength of unity in the UPND. Looking at Lusambo as an individual, who can he poach from UPND? Poaching from UPND by PF at the level of MP requires someone higher than Lusambo’s calibre or level. Remember they Poached Chinga Miyutu but the gallant UPND MP could not be fooled by crumbs he was offered!

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