Friday, March 7, 2025

President Lungu and President Mnangagwa Receive their Honorary Doctorates from UNZA


President Edgar Chagwa Lungu with his Zimbabwean counterpart President Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa
President Edgar Chagwa Lungu with his Zimbabwean counterpart President Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa

President Edgar Chagwa Lungu and Zimbabwean President Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa were yesterday afternoon conferred with honorary doctorate degrees in law by the University of Zambia (UNZA) for, among other things, their exceptional leadership and upholding the rule of law.

The two leaders received their honorary degrees at a ceremony held by the University of Zambia in Lusaka.

Both President Lungu and Mnangagwa graduated from UNZA with LLB.

The awarding of the degrees to the two leaders has evoked sharp reactions from The Head of State will be conferred at a Ceremony to be held at UNZA.

Notably, civil rights activist Laura Miti said President Lungu must decline the good governance honorary doctorate if indeed the university is planning to confer him.

“If there is ever a time one hopes a rumour making the rounds is fake news, it this story that the University of Zambia plans to award President Lungu with an honorary doctorate in good governance. Good governance Even he would refuse it, kaleza. They should give him one for encouraging health and fitness pela, if they must. These things must ring true” Miti said.

However, Foreign Affairs Minister Joe Malanji said the decision by UNZA to confer Doctor of Laws degrees on the two Presidents who are former students of the institution will raise the profile of the University.

He told Reporters that Universities like Harvard boast of having produced many Presidents in the United States of America wondering why UNZA should not be proud to have produced three Presidents.

Mr. Malanji said UNZA has produced several leaders across Africa who are currently serving in high positions in their countries.

Meanwhile, President Mnangagwa has returned to Zimbabwe after concluding his one-day official working visit to Zambia.

President Mnangagwa was seen off by Foreign Affairs Minister Joe Malanji, Lusaka Province Minister Bowman Lusambo, Higher Education Minister Professor Nkandu Luo, Lusaka Mayor Miles Sampa and other senior government and party officials.

The plane carrying President Mnangagwa and his entourage left Kenneth Kaunda International Airport for Harare, Zimbabwe at 18:39 hours local time.

President Edgar Chagwa Lungu (left) receives the Honorary Doctor of Laws Degree Certificate from University of Zambia Chancellor Prof.Luke Mumba (right) at Mulungushi International Conference Centre during the University of Zambia's 48th Special Convocation Ceremony on Saturday,June 29,2019. PICTURE BY SALIM HENRY/STATE HOUSE ©2019
President Edgar Chagwa Lungu (left) receives the Honorary Doctor of Laws Degree Certificate from University of Zambia Chancellor Prof.Luke Mumba (right) at Mulungushi International Conference Centre during the University of Zambia’s 48th Special Convocation Ceremony on Saturday,June 29,2019. PICTURE BY SALIM HENRY/STATE HOUSE ©2019


    • Congrats your excellences!! They should pasa ulemu. Those delelalinging nikungena chabe so they can learn. They delelaboze must just continue ukuchema ing’ombe & tour farms they don’t own

    • That’s good governance, when there is disorder you create order. When parastatal criminal start driving ahead of the blue lights & the Eagle, you send them to mukobeko, just so they can sleep over their action. Have you seen them repeat that nonsense? They sobered up after a little rest pa mukobeko. That’s good governance.

    • “Did You Know?” In Zambia, a lawyer can be conferred with a PhD by first stealing from a client. Next it will be Dr Kampyongo from Shiwangandu University; Dr Davies Meila from Matero University; Dr Kanganja from Solwezi Police Academy; Dr Kaiser Zulu from Vubwi international college and so on!

      What a mess Zambia is in today.

      God bless Zambia.

      God bless Zambia.

    • Unza senate need to have their heads checked at Chainama.
      Only a mad person can honor doctorates for “good governance” to Lungu & Mnangagwa!!!

    • Congrats Dr. EDGAR Chagwa Lungu President of the Republic of Zambia and Commander in Chief of the Army Forces, State Counsel.

    • There was a time I thought the UNZA senate was composed of eminent and morally schooled persons not until last Saturday when I was corrected to have my newly acquired strong belief that Chimpanzees are what the senate is composed of. Even the ears are mere decoration to appear like humans. How much noise did the Country make against the idea? Such a deafening and loudest voice falling on damned deaf and dead ears?

  1. Seriously sometimes i think Lungu is just being deliberately ridiculed by people who surround him and he is non the wiser to smell the coffee.What an unnecessary embarrassment…

    • Zambia’s wonders shall never end!!!!!! UNZA, truly speaking you people what good governance and following the rule of law have you guys seen in ECL????? Were you just threatened or what?????

    • Ka strategy aka we call it pa street ati FWAIZO BATI KANIZO, he was pretending like never wanted the title kanshi deep down he was down for it, just like chilu during the third term debate olo gelo’s cunning NO, but the actions are saying YES.

    • He is a Komboni man even things like the Gulf Jet they just told him we are getting a jet with bigger fridge to excite him…this is why I liked old man Sata he would have to them to stick it not pretend about not being called a doctor.

  2. Students are languishing at home as we speak and some fool decides to honor the one responsible for it. Shouldn’t that person be speaking for those voiceless instead of pleasing these greedy killers. Crocodile has so much blood on him and we bringing a curse on ourselves honoring such

  3. Laura Miti,
    “Kaleza”? What happened to your relationship with Jesus who taught you and us never to swear, but to just say “yes or no”, and that anything else is from the evil one?

    Laura, you were likely first to come to Christ before some of us did. We have been looking to you for example, but now wonder if you have forsaken your first love of Jesus the Son of God our Saviour and Lord.

    If it is the case that you have forsaken your first love, please come back to your Lord and Saviour. As an activist, be the light of the world and the salt of the earth. Let Jesus our Lord be your guide as you do your work in the world.

    Nine mkwanu adade.

    • Very good advice, I have also wondered what exactly has happened to the God-loving Laura of Unza days. God still loves you Laura and has good reward for your works but please do not turn your back on your God.

  4. They have degraded the institution further….2 of the worst leaders with no clue of what governance means.

  5. What is the simple definition of corruption?
    “The simplest definition is: Corruption is the misuse of public power (by elected politician or appointed civil servant) for private gain. … Corruption is the misuse of entrusted power (by heritage, education, marriage, election, appointment or whatever else) for private gain”.

  6. Waste of paper and resources to honor useless dictators. UNZA must now be at the bottom of the pile in comparison to other universities in Africa and Zambia itself.

    • Imagine this foooooool is being honoured when CBU students have missed their graduation this year because he has refused to come the university because his govt is broke and wants to misuse moneys for other things.

  7. “Firstly, I am not a Doctor. I do not have a doctorate and I do not wish to be called Dr. Edgar Lungu”
    Honorary doctorate in good governance my foot. Maybe flawed elections,political violence and failed economies.

    • Dr. ECL POTROZ and CICOTAFS, SC period.
      Whether yes or no this has taken place. Don’t hate the player, hate the game.
      Let’s demystify the term by its definition,
      An honorary doctoral degree is often awarded in recognition of one’s life experiences. It is denoted by the letters “h.c.”, which is an abbreviation for “honoris causa” (Latin for “for the sake of honor”). This means that the degree is bestowed as an honor rather than through the completion of certain academic requirements. Those who are honored with this title often do not have any prior connection to the award-giving institution.

    • They are often given to those who have either made contributions to a certain field, or more commonly as a “thank you” to those who have made large donations to the institution.

  8. Debared lawyer, convicted on his own plea of guilty for embezzling his clients money, never refuted accusations of grand corruption, architect and chief instigator of total disregard for the rule of law, has been awarded doctorate in law and rule of law?
    Arse l!cking has become new national pastime in the Christian Zambia!!!

  9. I’ll still call him simply as ” Bwana Lungu” because he has never earned my respect as president, a strategist or as a leader.His doctorate is like putting lipstick on a pig.

  10. UNZA has just proved itself to be amongst the most useless academic institutions on earth. This foolishness has just degraded the credibility on the institution down the sewage. Honestly, are these the Dunderheads UNZA can recognise for good governance when they are running down their very own countries looting left right and centre

    • That is why the real Universities will demand a grade 12 degree from UNZA before admitting former UNZA secondary students into University.

  11. Congratulations Mr Presidents. And don’t worry about the jellies critics the Bible says Gods sets a table for his anointed to eat from in the presence of their enemies. So let those that surround you with unbridled envy drown in their own envy, makes this blessing from God sweeter. Some people will never amount to being more than just critics in life while their brethren enjoy Gods favor in the Land of the living.

  12. Congrats your Excellence Mr Lungu, we can’t have sober people in every political party and the world can’t balance that way. We also need to have people who think like chickens especially in animal political party the UPND, (United Party for National Disaster). Their thinking is like that of mosquitoes, always look at the narrow picture because they belong to a cult not a political party.

  13. Congratulations Mr President!
    You deserve this honour because of your honesty and sincererity. You told the nation you had no vision but we refused to believe you! You have therefore proved beyond doubt that you are a man of your word! Congratulations once again!

  14. No one is obliged to address a honorary doctor by title. So no point crying, you can simply call him Mr Lungu. As for me, I will address him as Dr Lungu, no problem at all. You just dont need to fight about it. Chill.

  15. What UNZA is saying is ECL’s rule is a standard that even the next president should follow in short they are saying they like not being paid on time , they like a government that can’t plan for the future what UNZA has just done is doomed any chance of eradicating corruption they would have honoured him with something else maybe for promoting fitness &health or maybe his fight against early marraiges lets be honest what has ECL done in the part of good governance what has he done that is so extraordinary in the department of good governance that he deserves an award I have a million reasons for UNZA not to honour this man in good governance

  16. For anyone who has read the autobiography – An Extraordinary Life by VJ Mwaanga – you have a remarkable individual who was an achiever but who, by his own admission, also led an adulterous life and was even involved in and convicted of drug – dealing by the courts of law. To date, VJ, faces immediate arrest were he to step on German soil. Yet, when VJ was given an honorary doctorate by CBU,all the bloggers making so much of a fuss over the award of a honorary doctorate to ECL were eerily quiet! Just what is wrong with this country?

  17. For anyone who has read the autobiography – An Extraordinary Life by VJ Mwaanga – you have a remarkable individual who was an achiever but who, by his own admission, also led an adulterous life and was even involved in and convicted of drug – dealing by the courts of law. To date, VJ, faces immediate arrest were he to step on German soil. Yet, when VJ was given an honorary doctorate by CBU,all the bloggers making so much of a fuss over the award of a honorary doctorate to ECL were eerily quiet! Just what is wrong with this country?

    • What the difference between VJ and Lazy Lungu? When you answer that question you will answer your silly question

  18. Used to be a time when you could get into any reputable university in the west with your primary UNZA degree
    Not any more

  19. UNZA Senate? I rest my case and I just hope this is a nightmare and when I wake up, it will be over.

  20. UNZA senate was hoping by doing so Oxford will raise the University standing from College Status.
    As you might be aware Degrees from there are now equivalent to a Diploma based on the Oxford standard

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