Local Government Minister Vincent Mwale has directed council police officers to immediately stop confiscating products from street vendors.
Mr. Mwale says those found harassing street vendors and grabbing their merchandise will be severely punished because it is illegal.
He says the council police can find better means of handling street vending than using brutality.
Mr. Mwale was speaking to ZNBC News in Lusaka.
He also urged the Lusaka City Council to up their game and deal with street vendors in the right manner.
The Minister said street vendors are also human beings and should be handled as such.
He said concerns have been raised from members of the public over the harassment of street vendors which might cause them to lose confidence in the council and its operations.
I like Vincent
Like I said and predicted when I said this on Lungu in 2007
I can now tell you this- Vincent will be the leader of PF and will succeed President Lungu.
remember who told you this first!
Who the fuuuck told Zambians to be eating from the fields they work? Those officers are only following directives of ubomba mwibala, hence stealing from poor women in streets, they even take some chikanda to their mayor.
Aba bafi color Fi puba Elo Ni ba car bo lala nensoni tabakwata the problem of putting inchushi to be leaders
You know what? This is an important topic being discussed here, courtesy of LT. Now you ci Mushota wants to trivialize it, panyo pako. You’re probably lacking in orgasm.
Markets haven’t been completed. Those that are, cannot hold all displaced vendors. Lost votes.
This minister’s statement indicates that street vending will soon return… but we know that will only be till the end of 2021 elections. The vendors and their families will vote for you, then you will chase them off like illegal foreigners with no rights!
@ Mushota that’s a nonsensical post. Pa nil all pako.
Bonehead statement!!!
It is time that the black government in Zambia hang a white man.This would be consolidation of power.Peter Carlos Hinds.
Please tell us how the construction of the new market is costing K90m …where did you take all the money people donated to? How come you never arrested the arsonists? Street Vending is illegal..council police are just carrying out their duties unlike you thieves!!
Yes , we know, elections in 2021…..
from now untill 2021 PF have given up all hope of providing meaningful employment and decent affordable trading spaces
First you create a law to ban street vending and then when councils want to implement the same law you want to stop them. I thought this was one of the sober ministers. I was wrong.
This minister is an imbecile. I’ve always thought so!
This is another chipantepante decision. You bring a law on stop
Street vending then you again say
Don’t implement it.which way?
Council Police were only carrying out instructions from the PF LCC under the same PF/MMD Minister of Local Government.Now because there is a backlash from the vendors and the loss of votes in 2021 Council Police have become the scape-goat. Government for political expediency and conveniency.
Flip flopping. I thought the same government said street vending is illegal. Now the impression we are getting is that street vending is not illegal after all.
Can you imagine, the mixed messages?!
This is a very stupid directive by this VINCENT MWALE! Very thoughtless indeed. Is is he giving a green light to street vending? Lusaka become filthy/ stinking because of crazy directives like this one. Will the street vendors be going to Vincent Mwale’s toilets at his home? Why should everything be politicized in this country?
A lot of effort and hard work from our ever dependable ‘men in uniform is what has led to our Lusaka town center being relatively clean. We can’t afford to go back to the filth that became Lusaka town center. And again why should we START PREPARING TO WELCOME CHOLERA like this? The Lusaka City Council have been doing a commendable job so far – and must be supported.
Just wait till 2021…you will shocked at things these thieves will turn a blind-eye to..those who enjoy praying alot now is this!!
Because we drawing close to elections now the language is changing
We need erecations every month then people can work for there pay.
Because we r drawing close to elections the language has started changing
This is a very stupid directive by this VINCENT MWALE! Very thoughtless indeed. Is is he giving a green light to street vending? Lusaka become filthy/ stinking because of crazy directives like this one. Will the street vendors be going to Vincent Mwale’s toilets at his home? Why should everything be politicized in this country?
A lot of effort and hard work from our ever dependable ‘men in uniform is what has led to our Lusaka town center being relatively clean. We can’t afford to go back to the filth that became Lusaka town center. And again why should we START PREPARING TO WELCOME CHOLERA like this? The Lusaka City Council have been doing a commendable job so far – and must be supported by the government and all well-meaning Zambians.
It is a directive from davis mwila…..
What an ***** of Local government ministers. Oxford dictionary will need a new word to replace ***** which is too limiting to describe this fool of a minister
This is one very dull minister. When councils were closing bars that were operating beyond time limits, and serving underage patrons. This very minister came out to say that doing so by the council and police was harming the economy. This is way before election time when he said this. Zambia has way too many dander heads in positions of power. Poor president Lungu has a shallow pool to pick from.
where is local government? It will be nice when GRZ executing the laws fairly.
My,my,my!!! Next month we have the Great Mukamba Ceremony and our streets will be besieged by vendors from Lusaka!!!
I don’t know how we will deal with them because they are protected!!! Let’s wait and see!!!
Know your leaders in government Northern Province and Easterners majority Minister’s only 2 Northwestern and 1 Central province.PF is a tribe party no wonder they have failed to deliver
There must be a directive, how else would a minister make that decision?
I like the “PF government”, they take responsibility. They caused the last 100+ cholera deaths and accepted responsibility. Now they have caused the 200 deaths in the next cholera season in December, and again they have taken responsibility.
Quite bold this PF, bold at causing death by cholera.
Street vending is not good to a city but we know people have no jobs bcz the government has failed to create jobs for the people even to build markets they have failed.
They are self-employed and its gratifying to hear that the Minister of Local Government has intervened on this subject. The council doesnt need to waste time on chasing and grabbing capital items from these innovative guys but rather concentrate on devising strategies of how to collect huge moneys from properties all around their control. Its a misty to even hear that councils have no money when infact they potentially the most rich agencies in the country. Just ask the street vendors to be responsible for cleaning their trading areas daily.
I thought to be local government minister you need to be a trained urban planner with at least some text book knowledge of urban space design? Why are ministers in Zambia all politrickans when majority of these characters are not technocrats? I can imagine a multinational company giving the CFO job to an engineer or giving an engineering job to an accountant. Very laughable these jokers. Even the brits who fill cabinet positions with politicians have seasoned technocrats in all cabinet positions. Simply put from his directive this minister is clueless about how a modern city should run including his ka useless ex banker mayor.
These vendors are dull, they are supposed to be questioning why the markets are not being completed in time instead of fighting to be on the streets where they are subject to harrasment. The police were workin within their mandate to restore and preserve order, the minister is buying time to complete the market, at the same time ordering police to harass the vendors.
That’s the signal that campaign time has started CK, HH, HK and M’membe flag off yours too