Tuesday, February 11, 2025

K5 million released for Chongwe Water crisis


Government, through the treasury has released K5million for part completion of remaining works on the Chongwe Water Supply Improvement Project, in Chongwe District.

The Ministry of Water Development, Sanitation and Environmental Protection, through the Lusaka Water Supply and Sanitation Company is implementing the K28 Million project as a long term intervention to the water challenges in the district.

The Contractor, Zambezi Drilling Exploration Limited has since re-mobilised to complete the remaining 15 per cent of the works. This involves the construction of 8 kilometers pipeline from Margaret Mwachiyeya to Chongwe Town.

The project involves the development of a wellfield with 4 boreholes, construction of a 400 cubic meters ground reservoir, construction of a booster station and laying of a transmission pipeline. It is envisaged that the Chongwe Water Supply Improvement Project will, in the mid to long term period address the water supply challenges that have been experienced in the recent past.

This is contained in a statement issued by Amos Zulu Public Relations Officer Ministry of Water Development, Sanitation and Environmental Protection.


  1. They have no drinking water. Now they want a nuclear reactor. How are they going to cool the reactor?

  2. So they are not dealing with the actual problem…why has Chongwe River dried up? Do these people ever consult ZEMA? How is sinking boreholes elsewhere and pumping hole in the dam a solution? This is the same thing that is going to happen to people in Ibex hill, Kabulonga, Twin Palm, Avondale who have sunk boreholes because PF has sold land on aquifers to Chinks who will literally seal off all feeder streams and clear all forests.

  3. “The Contractor, Zambezi Drilling Exploration Limited has since re-mobilised to complete the remaining 15 per cent of the works. This involves the construction of 8 kilometers pipeline from Margaret Mwachiyeya to Chongwe Town.”

    How does any Finance Minister put a cap on expenditure when they are cancelling works just like that? For this contractor to come back on site involves money…they will have to move or rehire machinery from one project to bring on site again…who pays all that?

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