Friday, March 14, 2025

Katuba by-elections heat up as PF accuses UPND of attacking its cadres


UPND president Hakainde Hichilema in Cholokelo ward of Katuba constituency drumming up support for his parliamentary by-election candidate Bampi Aubrey Kapalasa

UPND president Hakainde Hichilema went into Cholokelo ward of Katuba constituency and Musopelo and Katete areas of Mungule ward to drum up support for the UPND parliamentary by-election candidate Bampi Aubrey Kapalasa ahead of the 30th July, 2019.

He said water, health, education and food security threats are the main challenges that people in Katuba are facing.

Mr.Hichilema assured residents that they must not lose hope because help is on the way.

His message to the people of Katuba was “together, we will fix these problems by ensuring that State resources being plundered by the PF through corruption are instead redirected to health, education and agriculture”

However the Patriotic Front in Central Province has condemned what it has termed as the unprovoked attack by UPND Cadres on a group of unarmed Patriotic Front members who were peacefully gathered at their camp at Musopelo in Mungule Ward of Katuba Constituency.

Mutale Chanda, the PF Central Province Chairperson alleged that the incident which happened in full view of UPND leaders including their party President Hakainde Hichilema took place yesterday around 12 hours.

Mr. Chanda said five Patriotic Front members were severely injured and two of them fainted in the violent invasion of their camp by UPND cadres and the assault was reported to the police.

He has however said that the manner in which the matter was handled by Commanding officer Chirwa of Katuba raised a lot of ethical and professional questions as the Zonal policing is not working.

Mr. Chanda said the suspects are known and the police wrote down their names but instead of taking up their mandated duty of pursuing the suspects, the police gave the list of the thugs to the UPND Youth Chairman and asked him to bring them in.

He has questioned why the police did not perform their core duty themselves to search for these criminals.

Mr. Chanda said PF were consequently compelled to effect a citizen’s arrest on UPND’s Alfred Kandindima, one of the assailants and he was duly handed to the Police.

And Mr. Chanda said Mr. Hichilema’s failure to condemn the violence being committed by his cadres not only on PF Members, but on other stake holders such as the official from Human Rights Commission who was severely beaten and robbed, is worrying and a threat to a violence free campaign in Katuba Constituency.

He said the Patriotic Front is committed to the Peace Accord signed by all three parties involved in the Katuba By Election.

Mr. Chanda however, the Peace Accord will remain useless if UPND cadres continue to attack peaceful Patriotic Front members and other law abiding citizens.

He said the PF will accordingly be compelled to take appropriate self-defence measures if Mr. Hichilema fails to keep his violent cadres in check.


    • Chiwamila galu to beat up others. PF has been beaten. Upnd has been beaten also somewhere. Ministers are being beaten. Everybody is being beaten. Nipa Zed, ni beat beat!!

  1. looking for REASONS TO CRY FOUL AFTER loss in JULY 30TH , IN THE PHOTO WHAT IS THAT IN THAT KA DISH LIKE THAT WOMEN ARE EATING , LOOKS LIKE LEFT OVER FOOD FOR PIGS?is that what zambians eat ? what is it called i google it? it looks whitish hard stuff, here where iam we feed that to PIGS

    • That is your mother’s thrush from her smelly pussey. Tell her to wash it and cone and tell me so I can scr.ew her up! Good boy

  2. What is Hacks telling that woman? He looks surprised that she speaks Nsenga…. kikikikikiki …. really laughable this boy!

  3. 1. Christian Democratic Party – Dan Pule
    2. New Congress Party – Peter Chanda
    3. Citizens Democratic Party – Robert Mwanza
    4. DNA – Spooky Mulemwa
    5. ZDDM – Edwin Sakala
    6. Zambia Republican Party – Wright Musoma


  4. Mwendanjangula these are sebana wikute parties. Where are their secretariats kanshi. Never heard of them field any candidate in any parliamentary, ward or councillor elections. But you hear of national events such heroes and unity,labour day independence, day if prayer and fasting maiwe they are in the high tables at the celebration feasts kkikikikiki

  5. PF and UPND trying to make a good week foul. Zambia has enjoyed good things this week. New Mnister of Finance, Mushimba Dr. now minister of higher education. Crooks at ministry of finance having 56 flats taken by ACC. Vipuba tf PF and UPND fighting as always. The police should ban these two parties from taking cadres with no sense to Katuba.

  6. did you see those pictures from malawi performed by mdf verses cadets . let that be a lesson to some of you . african politics is changing it happened in zimbabwe though not well done, its now on the other side malawi soon it will be here. kikikiki they have red lips and red noses.

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