Monday, January 20, 2025

Zambia records reduction in road traffic accidents and fatalities


RTSA officers at work

Zambia has continued to record a reduction in road traffic accidents and fatalities.

According to the 2019 Second Quarter Road Traffic Accident Report, the country recorded a reduction of 6% as compared to the same period last year.

In the same way, the country has continued to post a steady reduction in the numbers of road traffic crashes and deaths over the past five years.

Road Transport and Safety Agency Head of Public Relations Fredrick Mubanga said the reduction in fatalities recorded could be attributed to a consortium of targeted road safety interventions undertaken by the Agency, the Zambia Police and various stakeholders.

Mr. Mubanga said predominantly, human error related factors such as excessive speed, dangerous and careless driving among others, continue to be leading causes of road traffic crashes in Zambia.

He said the Agency will therefore not relent in implementing strategies that are anchored on advocacy for change in road user behaviour through road safety sensitisation, education and publicity.

Mr. Mubanga said the Agency will equally, enhance and intensify road traffic law enforcement in all parts of the country especially along the highways where road accidents are highly prominent.

He said on the other hand, RTSA will soon roll out the placement of speed cameras along the Great North road and selected highways heading towards the Copperbelt, Western, Eastern and North-western provinces.


  1. RATSA this is attributed to us leaving our cars because of austerity measures. We cant afford fuel in this lungu state. Save us those other reasons. Some of them their cars are with bailiffs for failiing to pay loans. its not things

  2. We need to create a regulator to give us such records not RTSA themselves as its biased and not credible!!

    • Jay Jay write to President Lungu. These two weeks that man has been listening. On a happy note, lady Musonda is now on the CAF committee. Your friend Kalu didn’t go through kikikiki.

  3. Who is putting up more speed cameras on great north road? Is it the same Lebanese company whose contract has now come into scrutiny following the arrest of zindaba solo.

  4. Statistics about Road traffic accidents and deaths

    Giving simply a percentage does not tell us anything.
    “a 6% reduction to the previous year…..”
    Instead of, e.g., 100 fatalities, we now have 94?

  5. Corruption scandals: Social Security Cash Luxury Presidential Jet Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans Corruption scandals: Social Security Cash Luxury Presidential Jet Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans

    Can someone tell me what the official speed limit on these highways is?

    I agree with Lombe that simply stating a % with mentioning the actual number it is based on is useless… is it 6% of 1000 or 6% of 20?

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