Sunday, September 8, 2024

ZESCO happy with 12 years Sentence for Vandals of Electrical Installations


ZESCO Muzuma substation being upgraded to KV 330 (from KV 220) in order to be connected to the national grid as soon as the Maamba coal plant station is commissioned
ZESCO Muzuma substation being upgraded to KV 330 (from KV 220) in order to be connected to the national grid as soon as the Maamba coal plant station is commissioned

Power utility company Zesco says it is elated by the conviction and sentencing of two vandals by the High Court of Zambia to 12 years imprisonment with hard labour for vandalizing ZESCO cables valued at K20,000.

The two namely, Wallence Munsaka aged 35 years and Most Hachinyama aged 29 years, both of Kafue Gorge, have been sentenced to 12 years imprisonment with hard labour by the High Court of Zambia for vandalizing ZESCO copper cables.

The incident happened last year in August in Mazabuka district at the Rockdale 33/11 KV substation along Chikankata Road.

The duo was found cutting ZESCO copper cables inside the substation and were apprehended by ZESCO police for the offence of vandalism and brought before the courts of law.

On 23rd July 2019, the case came for continued trial before the High Court of Zambia and the two accused were found guilty of the offence of vandalism contrary to section 341D subsection 1(2) and (a) (1) of the amended Act of No. 17 of 2017

“ZESCO is pleased with this development as it will act as a clear warning and deterrent to would be offenders. As a corporation, we have repeatedly warned perpetrators of this vice that we will not relent and allow unscrupulous people to vandalize our installations but will instead take drastic measures to ensure that the culprits are brought to book”.

Zesco Public Relations Manager Hazel Zulu said the power utility firm therefore welcome the conviction of the two culprits and are confident that this will serve as a clear warning to those who may want to engage in acts of sabotage and derail the development of the country through vandalism of ZESCO installations, which are very critical to the development of the country.

Mrs. Zulu has assured the public that Zesco will continue to step up line patrols, investigations, and intelligence gathering and sensitization programs at localities where rampant vandalism of cables and transformers have been recorded.

She said ZESCO will also enhance security controls for access to critical facilities.

Mrs. Zulu said Zesco remains committed to ensuring that they ‘make it easy for people to live a better life’ as they continue to work vigorously to bring these vile acts to a halt.


    • PF have hacked my PC. I cant post comments with certain words in ( i never post profanity or tribal ish). PC is giving thumbs up to all silly and tribal PF comments.

      Let me give it go one more time….

    • Strange, why judgement today and case with suspects of specific region? Was it to protect that the PF president had facts that indeed Tongas are surbotaging Zesco?
      Now Zesco has reason why Kariba dam is low in water, it’s Tonga surbotaging, their cows are overdrinking.

  1. I don’t condone any lawlessness in any shape or form
    but this’ such a speedy case, was there real due process?
    did the accused duo have access to legal representation? most likely they couldn’t afford, did the state offer them any legal aid as are entitled to?

    • Do you realise that this offence was committed one year ago? how is it speedy. I think they are lucky as in our time with Super Ken such vandalism was equated to treason. Go back to the 70s!

      Its all good

  2. Come on now this is worse than Jihad Law. 12 years is too much when government plunderers get off with less. The guys in Dundumwezi will get 24 years…lol

  3. These guys must have worked for ZESCO even as casual workers for them to have removed the copper cables for them to know that the cables were not live and here the motive could have been to sell the cables to survive unlike the case were the electric poles were cut. The motive here is likely to be political although both cases are in Southern Province because what did they intend to achieve by cutting the pole. It is surely not to sell the poles.

  4. @cat power thanks for the clarification
    I didn’t realize that this is old case. I thought it’s something that took place very recently….like a couple of months
    my bad

  5. The law of vandalism should be applicable to all cases of vandalism.
    Precedence has been set and now we expect similar action on CBU students who vandalised university property.

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