Sunday, September 8, 2024

Secretary to the Cabinet sworn in


Dr Simon Miti
Dr Simon Miti

President Edgar says if the current culture of misrepresentations and falsehoods continues, civil servants will find it difficult to execute their functions for fear of destroying their reputation.

The Head of State says in as much as he wants corruption to be defeated in Zambia, he would not like innocent people to be accused of corruption and left to suffer the shame for the rest of their lives.

Speaking during the swearing in ceremony of Simon Miti as Secretary to the Cabinet at State House today, President Lungu commended Members of Parliament (MP’s) present during the ratification of Dr. Miti’s appointed and said he was impressed by the spirit exhibited by the members.

He said their act revealed the confidence that the people of Zambia have in him.

President Lungu stated that he is confident that Dr. Miti will serve the nation well, taking into consideration his track record as an experienced civil servant who has served for many years in different capacities.

“Your qualifications are exemplary as a public administrator who has worked in three different political administrations in Zambia. You were a Medical Doctor at State House, ascended to Principal Private Secretary to the President, Permanent Secretary at Ministry of Health, Office of the Vice President-Parliamentary Business Division among others”, he said.

The Head of State further noted that he expects Dr. Miti to find ways of improving the civil service, as well as execute his mandate exceptionally.

He encouraged Dr Miti to change the mindset of civil servants who are renowned for inefficiency, incompetence and indiscipline.

“People who have served in the private sector and have excelled once brought into the civil service become inefficient and indiscipline, while those in the civil service taken to the private sector excel. What is wrong with the civil service that it has become the depository of inefficiency, indiscipline and inefficiency?” the President said.

“There is need to change the system and retire some Heads of Departments and not transfer incompetent and inefficient civil servants as they will contaminate and cross infecting the civil service,” The President added.

President Lungu further reminded civil servants not to be partisan but to carry out their duties in a professional and efficient manner.

He has since directed Dr. Miti to ensure that politics are uprooted from the civil service.

The Head of State added that he expects the new Secretary to the Cabinet to ensure that government programmes and projects are implemented by ensuring government performance management contracts of Permanent Secretaries are cascaded to the rest of the civil service.

Addressing journalists shortly after the swearing in ceremony, Dr. Miti promised to be a results-oriented Secretary to the Cabinet by ensuring effective implementation of government’s programs.

Dr. Miti added that he will work in an integrated multi-sectorial approach in implementing government projects and programs.


  1. “The Head of State says in as much as he wants corruption to be defeated in Zambia, he would not like innocent people to be accused of corruption and left to suffer the shame for the rest of their lives”

    this’ an indicator that he’s not serious about corruption, he’s just saying this to be seen as being tough.
    if someone is innocent after investigations, what suffering do they suffer for the rest of their lives? why is he concerned with the lives of those he’s stealing with and not the many lives that are already suffering because money and other resources that are meant for them have been stolen ( social cash transfer for instance).
    he is there to cover up and protect the lives of those in his party, those are the lives he cares about not the lives of ordinary Zambians…

  2. he is there to cover up and protect the lives of those in his party, those are the lives he cares about not the lives of ordinary Zambians suffering at the expense of his government because they inflate all their projects. this is the money that’s supposed to be used to improve schools and hospitals in the country. chitotela shouldn’t still be a minister. what shame does he have, thieves have no shame, if he has any of that he should have resigned as soon as his name came up. so stop protecting your fellow pfs and start protecting the lives of ordinary zambians

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