The Zambia National Educational Coalition (ZANEC) has welcomed the announcement made by newly appointed Minister of Higher Education Brian Mushimba to the reopen the Copperbelt University (CBU).
ZANEC Executive Director George Hamusunga has also appreciated the decision taken by the Minister to re-instate all union leaders that were expelled earlier.
Mr Hamusunga stated that the coalition is delighted that the Minister has responded to calls and concerns made by various stakeholders to re-open the higher learning facility.
“We would however like to inform the government that the reopening of CBU is the first step towards addressing the many problems that our higher learning institutions are facing,” he stated.
Mr Hamusunga added that the challenges currently obtaining in Higher Learning Institutions can only be resolved by using an open and honest dialogue system involving university management, students and the Minister of Higher Education.
He further advised the new Minister to establish a platform where issues at the Copperbelt University and the University of Zambia can be resolved.
“Additionally, as a coalition, we would like to advise management at both Universities to be flexible and open to divergent views,” he noted.
Mr Hamusunga further advised government to adequately fund the two institutions in order to avoid closing the facility and unnecessary confusion.
This is contained in a statement released to ZANIS in Lusaka today.
The Copperbelt University that was closed indefinitely in April this year, will reopen on August 19th , 2019.
what’s the long term solution to these closures and strikes?
the ministry needs to come out and clearly state what the students are entitled to and when and what the responsibility of the ministry is.
right now it’s like the two sides don’t communicate that in a way they both get it. the govt. walks around with a big stick (cops) whipping students when they complain. if they complain for something they know and agreed to then yes, but if you promised them kandolo every three months and you don’t provide them, I think they’ve the right to complain and voice their dissatisfaction
The public universities new need management and administrative restructuring if sanity has to prevail at these universities! It is shocking to hear people condemning madam Prof Luo!She has brought some sanity in universities! What we should know is decisions are made by government, not an individual! Hence Prof Luo was just implementing what the government approved.Where on earth do fellow employees command the employer to fire a fellow employer!